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Everything posted by Daniel_Doyce

  1. Still a few games left this year! No one''s claimed Solomon's Key AFAIK.
  2. Can someone explain what's so special about these? Are sports cards hot again?
  3. Super Hornio Brothers Super Hornio Brothers 2 Super Barrio Brothers Princess of Persia Cara Loft: Womb Raider Biocock: Infinite Call of Booty: Modern Whorefare This Ain't L'Empereur XXX ok, I made the last one up but I'd totally watch that
  4. I didn't expect so much love for Holst here. I think I've listened to the St Paul's Suite and maybe something from the Perfect Fool, but unfairly labeled him as a one-hit wonder. I do remember my clarinet-playing girlfriend in college performed some of his band suites, but I thought they were a slog to listen to even in supportive boyfriend mode. @The Strangest any other recommendation of his works? I've definitely listened to much more Delius and some Grainger, who are both of a similar vein.
  5. Well, I was thinking more of a 15-20 minute 3-movement Mozart piano sonata as a "longer work" rather than the 18 hour or so Ring cycle, just for context for people who don't know classical that well and are scared off by the sheer heft of Wagner.
  6. I don't see why you'd try to compare it to classical music. These are just generic tunes that have a 80-90's action adventure movie filler music vibe. Classical music allows for complexity, subtlety, and depth of harmony, counterpoint, and instrumentation. Longer works have variety and extended development of themes that are nonexistent in the clips above. Compare, say, Tchaikovsky's Symphonie Pathetique (his musical suicide note), Beethoven's late piano sonatas (30-32), Mozart's Clarinet concerto, and Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, and listen how themes arise and are developed in different ways over time inside of an overall musical structure. Rimsky-Korsakov was a master of instrumentation, so I'd throw something like Cappricio Espagnol in there too as a good way to learn from a genius. Bach and Cesar Franck are great for counterpoint lessons.
  7. Nintendo Quest was the Commodus of retro game documentaries
  8. It's probably fine, but haven't we reached peak retro game documentary by now? Is there anything new to talk about?
  9. I think I beat Athena? Is this really it? Sorry about the bad pic, I thought I snapped a good one but I had my iphone in one of its weird live modes. This is in the "never play again" pile. I spent between 30-40 hours on this with zero enjoyment. All right, that's it for me this year. I'm going to work on beating all the NES and SNES RPGS now.
  10. USENET never disappeared. Some of us geezers are quietly hanging out on it, hoping no one else notices. I don't have the time to relive my late 80s, early 90s BBSing days, but those guys are out there too.
  11. Putting in some hours on Athena.. Maybe I'll finish this weekend.
  12. Does Athena have unlimited continues? My first impression is that it's not terrible, but I only got to the second world after a couple of attempts.
  13. I think every remaining game is either semi-claimed or not something I have any chance with, except Athena. I'll work on that as my last contribution to the contest this year.
  14. Stealth ATF is done; at least, I think it is, since I beat mission 8. I never figured out what purpose the stealth mode has. It doesn't seem to help me at all. What I ended up doing was flying in a loop over and over, slowly picking off planes with my cannon, until I could take some easy shots with the missiles when most of the planes were gone. Not too bad once you figure out how to freaking land the plane.
  15. Well, i guess high end Japanese whiskey was a thing about 5 years ago, but that's no shit liquor
  16. Never heard anyone say whisky was a hipster drink before.
  17. Roy Rogers is the best American fast food chicken Korean fried chicken is awesome. No Bonchon or equivalent in mid-Ohio, though. The Chinese have yan su ji, which is close to popcorn chicken. McDonalds fried chicken (with the bones) in Asia is surprisingly good.
  18. I'm still getting around to Stealth ATF, and will work on it this weekend. Is Athena really so awful that no one will claim it or touch it with a 10 foot pole?
  19. The Franco-Prussian War started 150 years ago today (July 19) when France declared war on Prussia. It's a fascinating war since it's the last "gentlemanly" war in Europe before modern artillery and machine guns really started to be used in force. Napoleon III, who was one of the most interesting, incompetent, and pathetic figures of 19th century Europe, had several opportunities to win the war, but (spoiler) ended up getting captured and deposed at the battle of Sedan in late 1870. Still, the war dragged on into 1871 with the Siege of Paris and ended with a whimper with Bourbaki limping into Switzerland. Anyway, I have read a few books on the war, but I think I'll start on Geoffrey Wayro's The Franco-Prussian War: The German Conquest of France in 1870-1871 today. I also have a reference specifically on the French army in a box of books somewhere.
  20. Only proof Ikes ever had any silver, but, up until about 1990, I definitely could get a few rolls of Kennedys from my bank once every few weeks and get a few silver coins out of them and then spend the rest in change. Most were '65-'69 halves since a lot of people didn't know they were 40% silver. I even got a few Franklins. Around 1990 the banks only had new rolls, but I ended up with a decent haul of silver for very little effort.
  21. 50th anniversary, 51st if you don't consider mint set coins to truly be circulated.
  22. Night of the Hunter is a Charles Laughton directed classic (well, the Charles Laughton directed classic) and the story mostly focuses on two children. Even if you haven't seen it, you will recognize some tropes from it, like the LOVE/HATE knuckles on Robert Mitchum.
  23. Assuming it's ok to turn this more into a general pickling / canning / fermentation thread, here's some kimchi i made recently:
  24. I used to do homebrew back when I had a house. It was an awful lot of trouble just to make something you can buy for not much more money. I guess it was a bigger deal 20 years ago when retail beer selection was pretty awful. If someone makes a general fermentation thread, I have a few cool things to share
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