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  1. I've dealt with @wyansas numerous times in transactions. Always stand-up business guy. I would be surprised if this was anything he did. That's my 2c's
  2. I haven't had it happen, but I do mostly purchase from auction. The few times I've made offers on stuff, I get decent response (like the classic back and forth: $60... $40... $55... $52... sold)
  3. Trying to get into the heads of these idiots is nearly impossible, but my guess: They are afraid to sell for anything less than the highest value of the item. They think that if you're willing to accept $$ (their BIN or a little cheaper) they are probably undervaluing their own item because "why would someone want it otherwise!?" Hence the price hike, then wait for more attention from potential buyers. This seems excruciatingly tedious, but they are most likely so egotistical, they can't fathom someone else "getting a deal" off them. Even if it's like, $3.50.
  4. The little blurb says it came directly from a contest winner (at least, that's how it's intended to come across). Name appeared in NP #18. I think that kicks the value back up. It hasn't passed through a bunch of hands, despite the missing label.
  5. You can post the links in the "buy, sell, trade" section under "online auction limelight"
  6. I don't have a necessarily crazy valuable score to share, but I do have a nostalgic one. Back in 2015, I lived in Pittsburgh. I got a call from a buddy back in Indiana @Ghostofsparta about a local NES/SNES lot he found on Craigslist. I wanna say it was upwards around 50-60 games, some CIB, some loose. The price was about half the value of the lot, but he wanted to let me in on it, so we split it 50/50. Then, the best part. We decided to split the cost equally and do a draft for the games. So, we flipped a coin for first pick, then did a snake draft, back and forth, all the way down to the last game. It was one of the most fun times I've ever had doling out an awesome Nintendo lot, and I'll never forget it. Now, it's hard to do. Can't get a game lot that big without dropping over a grand. Not to mention, all the titles except for the bottom ten or so were legit. I still have my Zelda, Metroid, and others from that lot.
  7. I could be wrong, but even if the chips match a five screw, it could still mean nothing. I mean, considering the minute amount of 5 screw Punch Outs, they would've probably produced 3 screws with the same date ranges. Just a thought.
  8. I started picking up random sealed Xbox 360 about 2 years back. Are you in sealed market at all? They are super fun to collect just because of price, and I've basically just been homing in on cool cover art and big titles.
  9. I have all the cords running from the TVs, behind the shelves, and underneath the desktop. I labeled them all, so all I have to do is grab the console and plug it in without the hassle of messing with the TVs, inputs, etc. So I can have 3 consoles going simultaneously (which I've had to do before when my nephews visited ) without getting tangled up. I still want to get some of those clear plastic holders for the controllers so they stand upright as well.
  10. Thanks! Just gotta stain the barrel but I've been lazy about it now that it's in there. I'm looking to add more DKC stuff to my collection as well. Just narrowing my focus to games I love.
  11. I bought an XBox 360 off Facebook marketplace for 50 bucks a year back. It is falling apart in every way imaginable, and I had to jump through hoops to get rid of the stupid parent lock on it. It works. But it takes great, great patience.
  12. Good idea. That may be our best bet. There's just so much of it, and he doesn't mind just going lump sale for everything to clear out the house. And it will hopefully save us a lot of time wrapping up glass in paper and bubble wrap for shipping.
  13. My wife's grandma passed away and had hundreds of glass and porcelain figurines. Does anyone know anything about valuations on these kinds of things? Or, best way to sell them for a decently fair price? I have no idea where to start, and her grandpa wants me to help him sell them off. There's a lot more than pictured, but that's an idea of what I'm working with. Thanks in advance.
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