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Everything posted by Daniel_Doyce

  1. Go to the NES or (SNES) thread and see what games are still unbeaten for this year. You can either pick 15 of the most difficult games and report them all as played within a day or so in a contextless post, or let us know that you're working on a longer game, then report back when you've beat it, with or without video evidence.
  2. @tigerwolf Username checks out Glad you liked it! BTW, the Beat all NES games Contest in the Site Events and Contests subforum has a few Koei games left for this year...
  3. I found it easiest to sneak up on El Chapo's (or whatever his name is) mansion, stay low, and jizz on it with the machine gun in the helicopter. That's actually the best way to handle a lot of the later missions
  4. Oh please, British people shouldn't lecture Americans about fast food or obesity. Chip shops and Indian joints serving chicken tikka masala (their national dish) all over the place, and they have their own fast food chains along with the American imports
  5. Making progress on Wizardry. I'm concerned about the whole age thing, it seems like you start declining once you hit age 50. I'm not near there yet, but it's a looming concern
  6. I was an expat in Hong Kong and Shanghai for about 4 years total and visited most countries in the region during that time
  7. Damnit, now you're making me crave dim sum feng zhao
  8. Hells yeah. I've read through it a few times and translated a portion back in college, but translating the entire work is on my to-do list. I also recommend the Landmark Herodotus as it provides excellent annotation and maps to go along with the text. There are versions for Thucycides and Xenophon.
  9. Pretty much. In addition, the real challenge of NES Monopoly is taking advantage of the quirks of the AI to win quickly. Lowest $ is a decent and more verifiable proxy for quickest victory.
  10. So when does this start going and who decides the games? I think my suggestions went over like a wet fart, but I'll still put a plug in for Blue Marlin and lowest $ win in Monopoly.
  11. Using Select or Start for any sort of function other than loading a menu or saving/pausing a game is one of the worst sins of NES game design. Hope you are enjoying kicking back in your LUXURY GOLDEN WARPSHIP!
  12. Damn, Wizardry I is slow going. Going to take a lot of time to level up before I can really start exploring the maze.
  13. Still 3 Koei games left, and Shingen the Ruler
  14. AD&D Dragonstrike is done. I would have never picked this game if I knew what it was, since I'm not very good at shooter type games. Worse, it's not even fun or very exciting. Will do Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord next
  15. I am pretty bad at this game. Here are my notes from when I beat it back in 2017. This assumes you qualify for the next stage each time (i.e. beat in 4 rounds). If I screw it up at some point, it's reset time. Break Time is actually easier to beat with no skills, IMO. Only the last two opponents are hard and if you try enough times the opponent will leave you a way to combo the 9 ball in on two games out of 3 (or win through skill in one game and get a lucky combo in the other) Anyway, here's my Side Pocket notes: ______ In case anyone cares, here's the basic outline of how to win for lazy people (max speed unless otherwise noted): City: max follow, straight to break.. Green should go in and then get the other 5 colors in order State: max follow, 1 tick down from straight to break. Slight right and two follow, medium-low speed to get the 1 in and well placed for the 2. Then scramble to get the rest in. Challenge shot: Straight, no follow. USA: No follow, straight to break. Then hit the 1 ball low-medium power so that it banks and moves the 3 ball over towards the right of the table (but not so hard that it goes in). If all goes well, you can get the 1 in on a bank shot and then 1-6 in succession. Use a few shots to "nudge" the desired ball closer to a pocket if need be. Getting 1-6 in a row gets you to > 5100 Challenge shot: The trickiest one. Max draw, aim for the 2, one tick above where it goes into the pocket without the aiming line showing a bank. So find where the line goes straight into the bottom left pocket and then tick up until it shows a slight bank. Hit at max speed or you're fscked. World: Aim right for the middle diamond on the rail between the bottom center and bottom left pocket. Max speed, center. The 1 should go in in an impressive manner. Then do a bank shot with no follow aiming for the middle of the 5 ball, with power right below the M in the max. If you give 'er the old reach-around just right, you'll hit the 2 ball in and sometimes the 3 ball also. Do another multiple bank shot to get the 3 in the bottom center pocket. If you get those 3 consecutively, you only need to pair 2 of the 3 remaining balls to break 7100 (obviously you need to get 1-6 in order). Final trick shot: Two ways to do it. Either no follow and a tick down from the bottom of the 1 ball or (cooler way) max follow, aim straight, then 1 tick up, and blast away. Non-level trick shots: First one with the glasses when you're shooting to the right: Just aim straight, no follow, max speed. Second one: Again, need a reacharound aiming towards the center of the right rail, no follow, max speed. Third: 1 tick of follow, aim straight. Fourth: ? If there is one, I never encountered it.
  16. I've started AD&D: Dragonstrike, but it's not what I expected at all. It seems to have unlimited continues, so I guess I can power through it with enough time.
  17. Surfing: Did you read the manual? "To end your ride cleanly, go over the top of the wave just before time runs out." Flying Disk: I didn't state that well. You get a lot of points for distance thrown. That's why the overhead catch doesn't work. So you have to do a diving left catch since that allows the disk to travel the furthest. You're not catching it behind your back, just turning back to do a diving left catch. It's pretty hard to do and it came down to chance for me. Keep trying it and eventually you'll get lucky, that's the only advice I have.
  18. Damn, you must have been grinding through that one on the downlow for a couple of days now. I did that for the contest a few years ago and it's mind-numbing
  19. I think I started with a 360, then you need to stay as close to the breaker as you can while cranking out 90s and 45s, and then try to land cleanly at the end. It's tough for sure. The flying disk is real tough, since I think you need to do a backwards catch (i.e. towards the left) to get a WR. Catching it straight up in the air like a nudnik gets you an average score.
  20. The D-pad really is an issue only twice in the game, once when you have to hit the cat with a shoe and you only get one chance, and also throwing peas at the blue Dink thing at Mordack's mansion. Of course you can restore your game pretty quickly if you mess up. The port itself is a total atrocity. I didn't have an NES growing up, so I only played the CD-ROM version of KQ5 on the computer. The NES port sucks all the vitality and joy out of the game.
  21. I'm going to try to beat one more game before the end of the month. I remember someone claimed California Games already, so I'll run through KQ5
  22. Pool of Radiance is definitely a good RPG. I guess they saw what a turd Hillsfar ended up as and upped their game on this one.
  23. AD&D: Hillsfar Ok now I'll start on AD&D: Dragonstrike
  24. Well, we blew past 500 already, but I'll go ahead and finish up Hillsfar tonight.
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