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Everything posted by Daniel_Doyce

  1. Aww man.. F/X, Tommy Boy, Rambo. He also had a great role in one of my favorite Chevy Chase movies (Foul Play)
  2. @nerdynebraskan "You also knocked off two in one day! Wild stuff considering we're into our last hundred games... Can you beat Othello legitimately, or do you rely on online strategy generators like scary does? I've wanted to try the game legitimately someday, but I'm really bad at Othello. It sounds like L'Empereur is next for you, but I wonder if you'd be interested in Wall Street Kid? I checked your recent activity a few days ago wondering how you were doing, and you seem to be active on some stock market thread here. Wall Street Kid might be right up your alley." Othello's algorithm appears to be deterministic, so once you beat it, you can always beat it with the same set of moves. I've beaten Wall Street Kid before. It's not like you need any actual stock knowledge to win. I remember it being pretty tedious, but I will think about doing it again
  3. Othello Surprised this is always a late finish since there's a deterministic way to beat it every time Ok back to L'Empereur
  4. Side Pocket. Going to do Othello in a bit here, it doesn't take long
  5. Here's a really cheap way to do it with only two statements in an array structure starting at count 0: deeznuts[15] = {"Fizz Buzz", "", "", "Fizz", "", "Buzz", "Fizz", "", "", "Fizz", "Buzz", "", "Fizz", "", "" }; print( deeznuts [ num mod 15 ] );
  6. But you need the space in the second case (div by 15) and shouldn't have it in the first (div by 3 and not 5), which requires a check for mod 3 and mod 5 in some manner to distinguish between the two. Also, string operators like trim() are relatively computationally intensive.
  7. I'm assuming you will get dinged for outputting "Fizz " instead of "Fizz" or "FizzBuzz" instead of "Fizz Buzz" since they are two different strings. If not, then the solution is much easier.
  8. I thought about incorporating 15 directly like you did, but I thought was would be considered inelegant. That's what sucks about these problems - too subjective. What are you trying to accomplish? Code clarity? minimum opcodes? memory space? I would have ventured something like (pardon my pseudocode) x = (num mod 3) y = (num mod 5) z = x + y if z < 2 then { if !(z) then "Fizz Buzz" else if (y) then "Fizz" else "Buzz" } My argument would be that the mod operator is time consuming, so limiting to 2 mods saves time overall. I believe string addition is costly too, so this avoids that.
  9. Ok, i powered through today and finished Bandit Kings of Ancient China. L'Empereur is next.
  10. Yeah I had to put it aside for a bit for work, but will pick it up again this weekend. Bandit Kings is such a long slog.
  11. Man, I am missing a nice bowl of pho or bun bo hue. Seems like all the Viet joints in Columbus weren't getting enough takeout orders and shut down. I made 2 gallons of kimchi right before SHTF and I'm still working through that, though.
  12. Wow, that's impressive. Just on TV or do you have a DVD box set?
  13. The sheer amount of seasons is daunting. I mean, Star Trek only had 79 episodes in its first run and every Star Trek spinoff combined is still fewer than all the Doctor Who episodes. Has anyone here actually watched a majority of them? I've watched a few episodes over the years on PBS and I can recognize its tropes when other media reference it but never really got into it.
  14. What is your goal in putting money into the market? Right now you're basically speculating. If you're looking to start putting money away for retirement, then maybe buy and hold is a better strategy. Have you read any basic books on investing or evaluating stocks on a more analytical basis to get a grasp on the fundamentals? E.g., different methods to determine a stock's price, or that a debt to equity ratio is not the same as debt to asset ratio, etc. Are you aware that short term realized capital gains are taxed as regular income, as opposed to the long term capital gain tax rate?
  15. 1.71 is their debt to equity ratio. That is very different from dividing liabilities by assets. 1.71 is reasonable for a capital intensive company. There are some good things and bad about PFGC, so I guess it comes down to what one thinks of the systemic pricing irrationality in the market right now and how you view their overall fundamentals.
  16. Gotta thank for you this too. Nabbed a bunch around 13 and will will see where it ends up as the market rebounds throughout 2020. I'll be aggressively saving for now and putting it into the market every 2 weeks, 1/2 in an SPDR type S&P index, and 1/2 in individual stocks. My company's stock is a turd, but at least I get a 15% discount, so it's worth maxing out my ESPP just for that reason.
  17. I don't see that as a bad thing necessarily, and can be a prudent move when internal investment takes precedence over distributions. It's not like money just disappears from the company's balance sheet if the dividend is cut. Most large companies will never completely cut the dividend since a lot of pension and mutual funds won't hold stock without a dividend. Hence GE and its current $0.01 / share.
  18. Seekingalpha has decent analysis by many different analysts, all with their own biases, of course. Before you buy into a stock, read at least a couple of their last financial statements too. Informally, it doesn't seem like something you're going to get too burnt on and has a decent dividend.Assuming people will forgo repairs during the crisis, there may be a nice spike in late 2020 or 2021. But you can pretty much say that about any retailer that survives.
  19. You'd be surprised how long it can take some of these huge retail chains to go under. Radio Shlock had even worse customer service and an even more obsolete business model than Gamestop and limped along for many years. However, "The Shack" (yes, they gave themselves their own nickname in 2009, received with much public mockery) didn't have its internal dirty laundry so easily aired and amplified on social media as is possible nowadays, so maybe the slow death won't be as slow after all.
  20. SGOL had a 10 for 1 stock split in 2019. Stock splits have no practical effect on the stock, except maybe some increased liquidity in some cases and a lower share price.
  21. Platinum is at the lowest it's been in more than 10 years if you're going to go that route. I wouldn't personally buy since I don't understand the reasons why and because there are so many massive opportunities in the stock market right now.
  22. I did see that. Took some chutzpah to make that declaration. I think they should stay open since the employees will be safely quarantined against the general public while working in the stores.
  23. Still working on Bandit Kings. Hope to finish it up this weekend
  24. Interesting. You work in the food service biz, right? Good instincts to research the industry you work in. PFGC got hammered today. The market is definitely pricing in some really bearish scenarios at this point. I'll read through their financials and maybe pick some up too.
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