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Everything posted by Nugfish

  1. Interesting stuff. I've never heard of the Kane card. The kid was pumped
  2. This is the most recent background to spike up a price
  3. Snake. There are many games I don't like but I still like the characters: Kirby, Megaman, Pokemon, etc. Those characters still have cool powers or do cool things...Snake, though, is so vanilla...Duke Nukem or the Master Chief, go in gun blazing; snake just a little guy that waits until the guard takes a nap to steal a map...meh
  4. Grading CIB sounds like a much larger task than just sealed, which would make me a bit skeptical with fears of VGA-like grading. Does the plate list all the contents with their individual grades? i.e. manual, sleeve, insert a, insert b, warranty card, map, plastic bag, etc...
  5. My only full set is N64 - completed early 2017. I knocked all the then-$80+ games out early. My last 50 carts were sports carts and maybe 10 mid-range carts I thought were overpriced. I ran across a game shop on vacation and bought all the commons I needed for $1-3. The last game was Tony Hawk 3 which was ironically the last title to be made for the N64.
  6. I dont have a problem with someone building their own brand... The problem is if this Deniz is actually an investor in WATA, the ethics were slightly iffy on the initial purchase of the SMB to start with and it is definitively unethical to do this scripted plug...
  7. I see the merit in flashback and Mana but putting OOT in this list is crazy talk! It seemed like every time I walked into Electronic Boutique people would be going on about how good OOT was and I'd think it sounded lame. Fast Forward 20 years - I popped it in for the first time this summer and I was both blown away and incredibly frustrated with my childhood-self for never even renting it.
  8. Little Mermaid was one of my favorite games on the NES as a kid. I never owned it but I can remember renting it often when nothing new came in. When I bought the cart as an adult, I could not believe this was the game that I put 30+ hours in as a child. It is probably still a good game and I would have to fire it up again to remember what was so disappointing, but it was miles away from what I remember. On the flip side M.C. Kids is far better than I gave it credit for...
  9. Piecing together CIBs is usually far more expensive that buying the complete copy. You can get a CIB copy for the same price as box-only on most commons. Manuals are always available and sometimes for a tolerable price. Forget about finding maps/posters for an okay price.
  10. When they announced the NES Mini is when I sold my 350ish carts and went to cib-only nes. I also sold all my SNES games when I bought an SNES Mini. All of the carts I owned that were titles on the SNES Mini dropped 30-50% in value almost immediately which I would consider evidence to validate your point.
  11. If the seller has much feedback, I would see nothing nefarious.
  12. I figured it had to be 'sage' because VGS rolled off the tongue so well. Everyone knows that's how most acronyms are formed: D.A.R.E., TNT, NBA, NASA, ASPCA, NFLPA, etc... who wouldn't know this!?
  13. I know I heard that term in and English accent in a movie...maybe Michael Caine?...I can't remember what movie though...
  14. I have been surprised that CIB NES as a whole has only jumped as little as it has so far in the WATA era. I do think it shows how small and niche the market is on these graded games.
  15. This is craziness! I can't remember my last video game purchase from a thrift shop. Congrats!
  16. I grabbed kids meals for both my children: my 4 y.o. son got a power ranger and was thrilled...then my 7 y.o. daughter got a Grimace and ironically grimaced saying 'what is this?'. My son then wrestled the two through the rest of lunch. Good stuff, they took me back...
  17. I got distracted by the smurfs on Wii U and forgot to post my last beaten game: The wife and kids were gone for the evening so I decided to play through a season of Tecmo Bowl on the switch. I loved the controls with the analog stick, but it did lack a little of it's charm without the licensing. It seemed like it was less difficult than the NES while also lowering Bo Jackson's stats.
  18. I had no idea there was a smurfs title on the Wii U. Is it heralded like Ducktales was?
  19. I am not an Animal Crossing fan, but it is very relaxing...Also the only reason I would play Echo the Dolphin...love both of those environments.
  20. This is a tradition I was really hoping would carry over. I'll have to ponder up a list...
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