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Everything posted by Link

  1. I think he’s saying if you leave your tapes in the car, somebody will break in and steal them. I know I’ve had two car stereos stolen. Even one with the removable face, I took it off but just kept it under the seat for convenience, still got broke in and stolen.
  2. Excite Truck and Excite Bots. They''re really good. When I first heard about Excite Truck, I expected to be jumping ramps with a tractor trailer, which is sadly not included. It's SUVs and pickup trucks.
  3. Thank you for setting me straight. I couldn’t remember. It looks and sounds and moves a lot like a Mega Man game.
  4. Was Battle Kid based on Mega Man code? I always assumed it was. If so, would that really be more respectable than a game made by using a tool such as NES Maker as intended? Or is it just “a hack”? An extensive one, but a hack nonetheless? Not a wholly original homebrew? Yet it seems to be universally respected. Correct me if I’m wrong, in which case it’s either an amazing coincidence, or what we used to call a “rip-off”.
  5. I remembers ya. I was gunpei there. I miss the established stuff there but they destroyed and killed it all. Thanks to Gloves and B.A., et al, for making VGS for us to continue.
  6. What were you banned from NA for, anyway? And when? It was before I got there, but I’m not sure how long before, because when I did get there (early 2016 I think) I saw your posts in a lot of threads, and then less and less as time went on. They always seemed to be thoughtful and reasonable, so I could never figure that out.
  7. Weird. Works on both my laptop in Firefox, and phone in Safari.
  8. You can put your cursor below the quote and backspace twice. First time highlights it, second time deletes same as other content.
  9. There's not one answer. But looking at what makes things collectible, I think comics tick more boxes in common with games than other things do. You play a game, and you read a comic. Both give a time-based experience that the author designed. Games and comics both have scenes that are continuing to thrive. If you asked me on the street, I would guess action figures and cards don't. Marvel makes a movie and people run for the related books, new and old. Does this happen with, say, Transformers and GI Joe? Correct me if I'm wrong. Toys don't really line up neatly for compact display on a shelf like games and comics.
  10. Here is Spooky, sleepin’ hard with her tail over her head. Here she is, loving a back rub. She’s 19 years old.
  11. This is my opinion. In its original, Greek mythological meaning, the phrase is the first generation. In pop culture, it’s the first period of popularity in the mainstream culture. It doesn’t have to be the best era ever in one’s personal view. It’s more like the first period of quality and the medium gaining a foothold to permanent installation in the collective consciousness.
  12. I finished the book and I’m ready to join the dogpile, lol. Ryan contradicts himself and reads too much into things. He miscontrues obvious details, glosses over bits that need more, and seems to make up others completely. There are no citations or quotations despite including a bibliography (wait... there is one quote. Page 163.) In the acknowledgment section, he mentions his editor, but more prominently describes the editing efforts of his family members. None of them caught some fairly glaring mistakes, or stopped him from slipping into bizarre Japanese caricature a couple of times. And somebody needs to take away his damn thesaurus. My sole issue with David Sheff’s book is that Sheff doesn’t seem to really understand video games himself. Which is fine, because he still adequately explained things without confusing the timeline, unlike this book which does so many times. Ryan, a “lifelong gamer” who “has covered four console launches” seems to share Sheff’s fundamental misunderstanding of the particulars of what he writes about, despite being “the video games editor for Katrillion, a popular Web site.” Has anybody here ever heard of Katrillion, because I have not. I could provide specific examples of my criticisms, but I think this review is long enough without them. I noted each issue numerous times and used that to formulate the above. Overall a strange book that doesn’t seem right for people who already know much of this info, nor people who don’t.
  13. Black Friday you can begin visible preparations. I will also accept when Santa appears in the Thanksgiving Day parade but certainly nothing before that.
  14. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/basic-bitch
  15. Oh, and here I come with my drawing that I just finished could be said a little reaper-ish. Whatever, I'm a metalhead. I'm really waiting for @BouncekDeLemos to get in here because otherwise, if he's got nothing, I feel like this should have been done given to @CasualCart's awesome little guy forever ago.
  16. notepad, notepad2, notepad++, LaTeK, MS Word, DreamWeaver... all and many more can be used to make a website, to say nothing of languages and css... The end result matters. Yes, a msword.exe website is probably gonna suck. But if it somehow doesn’t, would you denigrate it just because “MSWord, lol”? Or on the other hand is writing purely in Assembly like Paint, and NESmaker is like Photoshop (or Premiere)? And Paint takes more effort so its pictures are guaranteed to be better? Advanced tools let people do more and collective human knowledge benefits all of us. I know carpenters who make custom furniture, they can use power tools or buy dimensional material without losing personality in their projects. I don’t think anybody is purely using axes and planes and sandpaper right now. Some will mill a log or trunk down customwise and that’s super cool, but doesn’t mean other approaches aren’t. If your shit is more impressive on its own merits, then it will be, regardless. So do good, instead of talking bad. I have nothing but respect for solegoose, sivak, and other homebrewers and people early to the scene. But like music, the scene is going to advance. Critique has to happen on merits of the product.
  17. Welcome. Zelda 2 is my favorite game. The LoZ merch from the NES period was the best! Post what you have in the Show Off section. Or just message me if you have any to sell!
  18. I use https://images.google.com/ , perhaps you’ve heard of it?
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