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Everything posted by Link

  1. Is that just a general characterization of the internet re: people’s feelings, or is it sarcasm in reference to the content of his meltdown? Because honestly, it works either way
  2. Never had a crash, but I had a strange glitch on 1-2 in one run. At the staircase (see 2:08 in the video), i forget exactly what happened, but there was something strange about the goombahs. They were in the blocks or something. Then when I reached the end of the stage, the bottom door wouldn’t activate.
  3. Final bump, 8 hours to go. Good luck to anyone here who is trying to get this.
  4. Great video man, thanks for sharing. You definitely hit some things I didn’t know about. I should have checked the player’s guide and seen some of it (more hidden blocks and power-ups), but I was lazy and never got around to it. I don’t understand the superball trick. As seen on the second bug at 1:16, you can run into enemies for full points. (I don’t think you fired a shot, maybe you did, but I get 400 for those guys just by running into them.) Here are some things I caught that I didn’t see you do~ In 1-2, at 2:05, you can chain the flies and get extra 200 points for the second one. At 2:12, you can jump from the 1st lift straight to the 3rd to save a few seconds. At 2:19, if you hit a block while the heart is on top of it, extra 100 points. You can get this either up top or below. 1-3: 4:24: I find it quicker to break all the bottom bricks first, then hit the top ones. 2-1: 5:46: I think it’s faster to grab those two coins by jumping on top of the pipe just before leaving the room.
  5. Dammit. I really thought I would be able to break 150000. I couldn’t. Just kept making mistakes. I didn’t even bother continuing on. Abused my reset switch for an hour and a half.
  6. 1 day left bump. Ending soon, check it out!
  7. I want to. It’s stupid expensive though so I’m gonna wait til I get a 64 flash cart.
  8. That can be a good choice. A flood of unfunny edgelord transphobic garbage is why I stopped looking at the other group. See you there.
  9. There’s a lot of talk in Shitposting about Compuglobalhypermeganet. It’s probably better. I should check it out. Shitposting seems jealous but they won’t admit it.
  10. Best imo is Mario 3. The worlds are really distinct from each other and they each have different music. Just the right amount of secrets. Perfectly sized stages. You can beat it quick or pull an epic all-nighter. The inventory system is more fun than in later games where you can only hold one in reserve (but you do get to activate it mid-level in those later games). 2-player mode is awesome, you can switch turns if you want, whether for help, or to screw the other person. And the control is tight tight tight. This must be a personal failing, but I could never get the hang of maintaining flight path in SMW. It’s spot on in 3. So is jumping and landing, that’s my biggest problem in the 3D games. SMB3 is the best of the series in every aspect.
  11. Check out TTYD. I like it a lot. I haven’t played Paper Mario 1, but everything I’ve seen says TTYD took everything in PM and made it more and better. Don’t bother with Sunshine, IMO. But Mario just doesn’t work in 3D for me, so ymmv.
  12. If you mean the shitposting group, I’m in it too. Although I unfollowed it when Dean started taking over.
  13. No way, they’re great. idk. I love this game. But I played it when it came out.
  14. That was a joke regarding Dr. Morbis, DoctorEncore, and dr(?)xandy.
  15. Maybe these? @ThePhleo @acidjaguar @austin532 @Dr. Morbis @DoctorEncore @fcgamer @NintendoTwizer @drxandy (boy, we sure have a lot of doctors here ) @dewisp02 @Lago @Reed Rothchild @MasonSushi @RH @JVOSS @RoyalT @supergamboy @final fight cd @DefaultGen @billybob884 @captmorgandrinker @Hybrid @0xDEAFC0DE @Makar
  16. And a lot of people in communities (online and IRL) consider it rude to come in asking a lot of questions without “lurking” first. I see both sides of it and am offended by neither, but there seems to be inherently a push and pull in this type of discussion.
  17. I’m selling a lot of common NES carts in varying condition. Some have stickers or marker or damaged labels; some look pretty good. If that’s the sort of thing that interests you, you can check out the auction here: http://ebay.us/uEiJNT?cmpnId=5338273189 There’s a list of titles in the description. No reserve. Ends Monday, Dec 9, at 7:00 PM EST.
  18. For some reason I don’t think Chumlee knew what a sticker steal was the day before this was taped.
  19. I also think a place for lists to live is a good idea.
  20. Thanks for answering regarding the timeline. I was curious just what the dispute was about, but, fair enough to forget about it. Glad to have you here and we will all go forward together.
  21. Navi sucks, but Fi is even worse. Everything that made Navi annoying as hell, they amped it up x5 for Fi. I have no idea why. It’s really stupid. I came into this thread to say Tingle. I don’t think I really have to explain that, like Nickelback. Even people who like him, and there must be somebody, should understand that he fucking sucks. I am so with you on all of this. Charles Martinet Mario is so lame compared to Lou Albano Mario. I hate it! And when you try too hard to be cool, that is also crap, the 90s ads/ Sonic syndrome.
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