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Everything posted by Link

  1. I have issues 1-67. Almost all of them have the posters, and inserts if there were any. Lmk if you want me to contribute anything, and how.
  2. And I usually have a problem with including all the Megaman games on a conditional list. Sure, they’re all good games. But does one series really deserve twice as many spots as any other? I’d give 3 spots to Super Mario because those games are drastically differentiated from each other, technology-wise, but the Megamans really don’t have that. Neither do the Ninja Gaidens, imo. I would go with Megaman 2 or 3, and one later game. And eliminate the rest.
  3. Not sure I would put them on a definitive list, but I quite like Kabuki Quantum Fighter, Jackie Chan’s Action Kung Fu, Monster Party, and Shadowgate. Solely for variety’s sake, I would give Shadowgate top priority out of those four. I don’t think The Little Mermaid is anything special. I’d remove that for sure unless it’s a nostalgia classic for somebody.
  4. 2. Kung Fu - I just love this game. I need to check out other versions (especially arcade) more than cursorily, as well as Vigilante. 3. Baseball - many people find it too primitive but I don’t 4. Gyromite - another weird one, but it’s fun to play with somebody who’s not a gamer. And it’s interesting by yourself, using both controllers at once. 5. Tough to narrow down to only one more. Donkey Kong, Mario Bros., or Popeye. Today I will go with DK, because I can run the table way more reliably than Popeye (can’t at all on Mario Bros.)
  5. I think this is just because it’s hard to come by. If it were a common cart, maybe it would be more known. I know I have only seen it in emulation and didn’t give it a lot of time. But now that you mention it there are some pretty good copycats on PC. I’ve put many an hour into Icy Tower. So it’s a good model.
  6. I’m referring to Greta Thunberg. Who you said ought to be ignored by anyone except her parents because she is a child, in the thread about her. For you to also wave away characterization of The Donald as a psychopath because it is like being a teenager, when he is the president, sounds somewhat inconsistent to me. Was not saying you’ve cast aspersions here. I hope that you don’t think I have cast any either, as my intention is just to pin down your statements. Yes, I do feel that my opinions on politics are reasonably structured and clear. And I believe I have good grasp on those of other people I know. In many cases I don’t find that very difficult, even when we disagree. You have been another story. Which is fine, but you can’t blame me for trying; it’s very much like the bias check you perform. Or attempt, anyway.
  7. Looks like he has now removed the sticker. Why would he do that? That seems strange. He still hasn’t left feedback for me. Of course, I haven’t asked. I try to be patient and display respect. I was about to finally ask him to when I saw the updated pictures.
  8. I only saw Hogan’s Alley in the arcade. Everybody had Duck Hunt, because it came with SMB /Action Set. Could have been the other way around, but I think Nintendo decided, imo wisely at the time, that Duck Hunt was more family friendly. My mom was upset enough over Mario and Link DYING, and KILLING goombahs and moblins, I’m pretty sure encountering and shooting human criminals (and accidentally—or intentionally, as kids try to learn subversion—old ladies and police officers) would not go over well with her in the living room where our only TV was and she observed all. Point being, I didn’t really get to play Hogan’s Alley. Duck Hunt was always there. Most people with my experience are gonna go for Duck Hunt, even though Hogan’s Alley has a little more to it.
  9. Really depends on your own taste. If you really want “only the best” by a quick look I would blow away at least half of the NES list and probably more on the other systems. But if you want to really explore the library there are many other interesting things besides. Best way to handle this without spending months or years reading new and old reviews, watching gameplay videos, and playing every ROM is just google, and read a few of top 10-20-50-100 lists on good websites. You can get a more solid impression than asking on a forum. I might put Klax, Rush n Attack, Shadowgate, and Rolling Thunder in my top40 but few others would. If you are trying to get every person’s top picks with double or triple digit numbers, you will never narrow it down.
  10. Voted 9. Love ‘em. Reed I think we talked about Gojira /SYL /Devin Townsend back on NA. Ensiferum is way up there for me. I just saw them on Nov 19 and it was excellent. But very close to this style so I agree it’s gotta get mixed up. My suggestions are AC/DC and Aerosmith. Most people I know don’t like them. But I really do, and so do some people I respect a lot. I’ve got musicians on both sides of that. So I think they could be interesting polls with divergent opinions.
  11. But a teenager exhibits opposite symptoms and you say she should be ignored as a child. Cute. You say you don’t like the guy, but you continue to rationalize away any critique of him. This is why I tried to get at the roots of your belief system yesterday. Oh, well. I’ll be over here, mixing drinks as usual.
  12. Well he’s a psychopath* and, y’know, birds of a feather. He also pardoned Sheriff Joe, and Rod Blagojevich**, and Scooter Libby. * per the DSM, psychopathy symptoms include: Exudes a sense of superiority or arrogance. Impulsive and prone to taking risks or engaging in dangerous behavior with little regard to how it may affect others. Lack of empathy or feelings towards others or a situation. May display hostile, aggressive behavior, or become violent. Being dishonest or lying to people. No regard or care for what is right or wrong. Being irresponsible. Inability to maintain healthy relationships. Lack of regard for rules or societal norms. I hope I don’t have to claim psychic abilities to say that he exhibits such behavior. ** oh, a Democrat, he’s so fair and non-partisan, lol. Check what Blago was jailed for. Also, the hair.
  13. Dig Dug 1, Dragon Buster, Goonies 1, King Kong 2, Knightmare 2, Spartan X 2, Wagyan Land series...
  14. I guess I like to know what I’m contending with when we’re in contention, as it were. It helps to know through what lens a person views things. I seek to understand a person I’m talking with, and I had some trouble doing that with you. I would guess you had a similar reason for asking where people get their news from, which, tangentially, I don’t recall you answering yourself. Therefore the audience at large may hardly be blamed for finding similarities in your statements and those put forth by Fox News or Breitbart, a point which might stand even if you don’t come to them by that path, which I did not mean to imply. I agree that just about everything can be touched by politics, and that opinions are affected by input from others. Or at least, they should be. The Donald seems to lack that latter capacity. I’m not reading his mind. I simply can see that when questioned, he doubles down or denies or resorts to verbal attack, or fires the person if he can.
  15. We stayed up til 4 prepping for the party on NY Day. Baking and such.
  16. I suppose I refer to, what I perceive as the majority of rhetoric written and spoken by politicians and citizens alike. Maybe they are a vocal minority, but this is driving things that happen in our political sphere. One might say I was Would you say that is a backlash? Perhaps he is here to help cancel the left? Is it not possible Birther Trump was created by the Tea Party’s reaction to the Jeremiah Wright “scandal”? Anyway thank you for your reply. I will continue to disagree that we shouldn’t <strikethrough> judge </strikethrough> have opinions about actions and public statements because we don’t know private thoughts. Things don’t exist in a vacuum.
  17. No. But a lot of stuff could have actually got cocked up if there wasn’t a scramble to get things fixed before it was too late. After 20+ years of ignoring what was known to be a coming problem, of course. https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/security/a30338692/y2k-panic/
  18. Thanks for this. Between work and prepping for tomorrow I haven't been able to sit down at a computer. So I made it happen just now. Lol, turns out you have to do this through their app. Well I made an account and put in $20. Claimed the first stock and waiting on my transfer to process for the second one. I've opened accounts recently on a few other investment apps, just to see where it goes. If they gain I might add more funds and get serious, if now I'm not out much. Acorn is one where I closed the account and withdrew. That was the first one, which I started in spring. My funds went down and down, never went up. Meanwhile I kept getting emails "soandso company wants to invest in you, buy their stock now" what bullshit that was. I let my $20 sit there for five or six months and lost something under $2. Not a big deal at all but not worthwhile, either. I also have Betterment and Robinhood. Neither one have I had time to dig into and do anything besides make the deposit. Robinhood hasn't done anything, you have to buy stocks which I haven't yet. I looked at history on some, and all of the sub $20 stocks I saw have a long pattern of overall decline. I'm not going to buy big name stocks like Apple or Disney, they may go up but already being high they could lose as well. I don't think they will with the way consumerism is going now, but you just don't know with the political turbulence everywhere lately. My Betterment account on the other hand, has gained 18 cents in the week or two since I opened it and I haven't done shit, so hey. Gotta say, I feel a little skeevy entering my bank credentials on another app. Like, I would never do that with my facebook account. But my bank? Sure here you go, also my address, date of birth, employer info, social security number, and driver's license all of which I already had to provide just to open an account in the first place. I'm sure this will be JUST FINE lol.
  19. I don’t like some of the ways Californication engages in discussion as you point out, even though I basically agree with him in regards to the best way to move our whole society forward for most people. And I do appreciate your steadfastness to be respectful in conversation. But. I think Californication and I both find some cognitive dissonance in your stances, because you multiple times don’t approve or like what The Donald does, yet keep defending, or saying that it should not be criticized on grounds that we don’t know what he really personally thinks. Which is, to follow your lead of being polite, (aka at best) not valid. We do know, firstly, that the majority of his followers are rude (or straight the fuck up physically violent) to those different from them. I think Californication therefore sees no necessity of politeness in response. We do know, also what The Donald thinks according to his statements and actions, as well as the statements and actions of those he surrounds himself with, including his vice president and other appointees: • We know he is against abortion, therefore thinks the government should control decisions contrary to those of women and their doctors. • We know, by his tax breaks and other legislation and speeches, he is against wind and solar power, and for coal power, even if private industry and the free market is seeing benefits of those renewable resources (citations available upon request). • We know, by his directly involved lawsuits, that he is cool with sexual harassment, even if he’s not a rapist, contrary to several explicit narratives given by several women including his first wife and multiple contestants in his various competitions and other professional relationships (see the “list” that I “kindly provided” earlier). • We know, that he has removed protections for the environment, for workers’ rights, and for immigrants. • We know that he has acted in favor of so-called job creators with tax breaks and other advantages, but doesn’t hold them accountable. lmk if you need any citations or explanations for the above. So. Since we are simply having a conversation and not a debate with rules and terms m308gunner. What do you really believe? I got into this a bit ago and you said something about ideologies so where are YOU at? Not Scott Adams, not politicians that you claim to not like any, not breitbart bloggers and not vloggers who don’t know how to get to the goddamn point. What’s really your deal with The zdrumpf?
  20. I’m pretty sure it did...? Haven’t seen it in a while. Amen to that
  21. Are you classified as human? Negative. I am a meat popsicle. Corben Dallas, The Fifth Element, 1997
  22. I know California gets a lot of static for being “liberal”, but they’ve had quite a few republican governors, including throughout almost all of the 80s, 90s, and 00s.
  23. I’m sorry. I know you have been harping on persuasion and Scott Adams videos for this whole thread, but I can’t. I have never watched or listened to a podcast, or a vlog as they used to be called. I don’t even like AVGN or Pat or Game Grumps or any of the other 5 million video game related youtubers. It’s not a format that interests me. I do love reading professional interviews, biographies, and memoirs of people I admire (some of my favorite books ever), and even people I don’t like if the interviewer is skilled enough to tease out interesting perspective from the subject, but videos of random blithering are just not something I can get with. I honestly gave this video a full 5 minutes, got nothing from it, and could not stand any more. For me, write well or be ignored. And goddamn, get to the fucking point already. That’s why youtube blogs suck. They need lots of filler to pad their time. I’m not down with that.
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