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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. That would be sort of ideal, not sure Ukraine would want to lose another chunk of land to those assholes though. I mean when is enough too much? The losses to them aside, it is amusing to see how much the russians are just getting wrecked given their so called superiority. Superpower of the last century they most definitely are not anymore if Ukraine can make them look ridiculous.
  2. Not bad, it's the newest version of the everdrive gb they've ripped off and put the better firmware on it, solid price at $30. And phart's right, got to get a little creative with the naming but you can find things. Sometimes an occasional multicart is fun, but usually it's the more period stuff from like 20 years plus ago that's more amusing. That one item I tried out on shipped fairly quick, and given I have a nomad I decided to try one more seller to see if they react any differently on a solid genesis cart.
  3. I got Kirby in the mail today too, last birthday gift from my mom, belated but known since a couple weeks back. I intend to crack into it tomorrow, just too tired to bother tonight.
  4. I've heard of that, it's a bit on the high side of price. I had a friend hook me up with an old NA/racketboy member who oddly can't remember their old user name but he's in TN and said he could fix it. He has LCD composite on hand, a glass lens replacement, perform a recap, can mod it to handle SMS games (I have a mega everdrive) too. I'm looking to try this method and see how it works out since it should only be 80 out of pocket plus shipping both ways too. Can't believe the stupid panel just collapsed like that so fast. It had been doing a random flicker but it just utterly choked while I was trying out Ys III. You saw my what's new posts I don't make as frequent as I did in past years, a good nice selection of genesis gems and I get shut out.
  5. Last year I ended up getting a Nomad as a trade for some Disney stuff, anyway...little did I know it wasn't stock. There was a decade plus old mod in there, a chop shop job of sorts with a few ribbon cables, at least 4 wires or so, and a transplanted car DVD player panel in there with a mix of a few double face tape thin strips and a lot of hot glue. It has been flickering a bit lately, it went out. Then when I opened it to finally take a peek to see if the cable went, the speaker was so poorly resoldered it pulled up the damned pad! The unit works, as a TV based genesis...if I wanted that, I'd have bought that. So does anyone here do work or know someone reliable and quicker who can clean out this crap job, put a proper new LCD in there and clean up the mess? OR...am I were it's more economical to bite the bullet and just get another pre-modded online? If so, anyone want a blind and mute Nomad that works as a TV based genesis?
  6. I've never had luck without getting specific, at least when looking for screwball famicom etc type stuff. There are so many vendors with the same item and they vary the title just enough it throws the entire thing into a mess.
  7. I recently got comments in email from them about closing dates for shipping that have come and gone for 2 backlogged items of mine, one being that NGPC kit, but nothing further still about shipping. The other was Strife back in late Feb but now the page shows they won't even ship until Q2 so that did a whole lot of good.
  8. @Dr. Morbis Probably so. When I said that I was thinking of then, not now, as that's how I felt 25 years ago too. I just hated the removal of what felt like an obvious move needed for a 3D space. Mario 64 with a sword wouldn't have been a bad thing, but a bit hard to draw that conclusion since it was a progressively large world, not some bit sized floating squares with mini objectives on the terrain. But at the same time, the media trolls and post-16bit fanboy console wars warriors would have had a field day making ignorant statements too.
  9. Andro Dunos is under the radar, it is an older earlier Neo Geo MVS/AES release -- a shooter that has a blend of Gradius/R-Type mechanics. It's very fun... Ill end up picking up the sequel, just not sure which format yet and given all the delays not in a hurry. My suggestion would be to just look at a few dedicated neo geo sites that do reviews and descriptions of the game like neo geo kult or something to get a feel for it.... and a youtube playthrough.
  10. I half do, as if I hadn't called it Majora's Mistake enough times over the last 20 years -- screw that terrible game at so many levels. I still think one of the biggest foul ups on both, no jumping. I mean I kind of get why at face value, but I wonder if they just weren't also smart enough to make a good jump+camera mechanic so they locked it. It felt like a bad bionic commando nightmare at points where link couldn't walk over a rock like Super Joe, but could grab arm/hook shot though which at moments was utterly maddening.
  11. I most definitely enjoyed this game last I had it, wish I could find it again...prices... One thing for sure I had both for a time decade ago and it always surprised me that while the SNES had the better audio/visuals, it like Ninja Gaiden Trilogy wasn't by much, and beyond that, unlike NGT it was inferior. The NES game just had better gameplay, better stage design, as was pointed out had more sfx and bits that oddly the SNES (rushed port?) had cut out. I dunked the SNES game back into the wild and retained the NES one and never regretted that choice, and honestly I do prefer it over the original battle toads. I could beat both years ago, but BT is more just aggravating, largely the tunnels more than any other part.
  12. I think avatar may have you covered, but it's one of the cheaper ones which surprised me. I've got like 10 game soundtracks at the moment, looking to add a few more and recover one. Can you fire me that list off too, cash ready if you have one on my list I'm looking for (or one to recover.)
  13. Well I don't have a straight list of things that I can track that they've bothered to add. I believe when I used it, there was a manual entry setup but it was clunky to say the least, made worse by their app fetching data from the net making it a hot mess. I have quite a few import games they lack, then you get into also famiclones, multicarts, merchandising piece (my SMW SNES hanger from 1991), when I had it the pinball machine(s), and arcade(s) too. I also track my gaming guides, nintendo powers (and fun club), mini consoles, mini arcades(NG, Astro City), off beat handhelds (tiger one offs, tiger r-zone, other handhelds like a sms+gg combo, my fc mobile 88 for famicom carts...) you get the idea. After wasting hours adding one by one my individual normal items, it got strange, made me wish I had started with the weird before the normal I would have erased it fast. Since the mid 90s I got into 2nd hand collecting on top of the new stuff as it arrived so I kept an old MS DOS text file as an inventory, eventually went to notepad, then using old netscape navigators HTML maker which when they died went mozilla, which then got folded and someone took the source and made Kompozer which I still use now. A nice basic site with an easy on the eyes soft background and basic frame system and table layout. It's very easy to update, add/remove pages, etc. It's pretty friendly to my phone as well.
  14. Tanooki


    List got a lot smaller, sold various things locally. May be adding more stuff soon, need to dig.
  15. I got fed up with gameeye as it seemed to lack some specifics, went right back to using my HTML on a free subdomain instead.
  16. @Dr. Morbis Hah yeah, I noticed that as well as that's the one version I owned until I got that Piko package that I guess had the genesis style one on the piko #1 collection on everdrive -- NES one is superior it's that well done. It's challenging, I got mostly through the game but it hits a hard shift into sadism towards the end. Shiru is an incredible talent to say the least, his work on various Piko prototypes that needed finishing or outright largely development(like Jim) points to talent above the vast majority of the homebrew crew out there. The only guess I have though on the manual, probably Piko did the work on it, english is a second language but is far improved compared to a decade ago.
  17. Well here's that part 2 I promised of the last post. More Genesis goodies, and 2 more fantastic game music CDs. The NP one is a real gem with some awesome SNES scores on it from games like Super Metroid, Star Fox, Yoshi's Island and more, the other is an excellent Zelda music history from the FDS original title up through Four Swords on Gamecube which basically largely rounds out the SNES Link to the Past soundtrack. The other, I broke my largely local only rule when my friend tipped me off to (a local to him) set of games online at better than going rate values. I browsed through, missed one, but nabbed these all in really great shape for $130, which isn't bad since the complete one goes for $100 of that alone. I've only emulated Valis III briefly maybe 20 years ago, the other two are new(ish, as I've played SNES Ys 3 before) to me. Landstalker looks interesting. By the way those plastic thin cases, my mind has slipped, what are those called again exactly? Kind of tempted to look into the prices/sizes on those.
  18. @avatar!you're going to just get worn down, best not to engage with someone who either sees it as blue state or 'trumper state' because you know anyone who isn't a liberal is part of the orange menace brigade.
  19. I never did, until I realized that very fact yesterday as I wasn't going to trust that place with a credit card directly. Doing a test on a cheap fun looking famicom multicart to see what happens. Grabbed this for $15 shipped because I liked the game list, seems to be about as quality of a build as these cheap new board/chip games can be. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32761735065.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.21ef1802Lgm0U7
  20. That would only be more appropriate if Xi(nnie the Pooh) was in that image...both being presintators of their own governments.
  21. Top one is legit, but not. Someone I guess put a translation, or just dumped the US Nintendo translation to a chip then rand all those soldered wires over the top to the front so you could play your Japanese game in english with a bypass. Second one, that is a legit chip there, it's Super Puyo Puyo if that's what it could boot as, but as you may have noticed you're missing another smaller chip. The PCB is bs though. This is how it should look:
  22. I went on a binge a bit online of getting some game soundtrack CDs which all arrived late last week and yesterday. I strongly suggest checking them out, especially of you're part of the SNES era generation of games, NES(Famicom) too. Final Fantasy IV Original Soundtrack Remaster(it's the original they just doubled the track times) Ys I & II Nintendo Power Play is Loud Vol 1 Nintendo Sound History: Mario the Music Nintendo Sound History: Zelda the Music I'm looking for a few more, I'm enjoying these things. I see a couple I want, but they're well...tricky, unless you're a fool wanting to drop a $100 on a CD(or few.) The NSH duo, they're a sweet spread of original clean recorded audio. The Mario one has MB arcade, SMB1-3, Yoshi's Cookie and Dr Mario soundtracks. The Zelda one that's beefier, everything from FDS version of Zelda 1+2 up through Four Swords Gamecube which really just fleshes out largely the run of the SNES games tracks which is fantastic. The Play it Loud one is a SNES gem... a selection of Yoshi's Island, Ken Griffey (meh just 3), F-Zero, Zelda, Super Metroid, and Star Fox.
  23. Well to be fair, I find the 3D Allstars version harder to manage than the original. Not sure what the hell they did. And that's not to say I've not tried using other controllers. I still have that reengineered from scratch Super Mario 64 dump to PC, android, etc for the PC, Vanilla release. I've played it using a gamecube usb controller, and an xbox 360 usb game pad mostly and I can fly through it better than the N64 release since that stick gets slippery. The Switch one I thought I'd find most comfortable, it was not. Mind you the real turd of that release is Sunshine, it's annoying playing it on there at all.
  24. Nope I'm all the way north on the 65. I'm rarely down that way.
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