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Everything posted by CMR

  1. It froze on me when I was crossing the mine field. I was in the center and moved to the top of the screen. I was using mednafen on linux.
  2. Your gorilla looks fine, maybe just have both it's elbows stick out to the side and give it shorter legs. That may look weird too, though. These are 2600 graphics so I wouldn't overthink it. Hope your new cat isn't peeing or pooping in hidden places as well.
  3. I know the Super Scope could track scanlines and based on which scan line was being draw the games would calculate where the player was aiming. It was probably the best light gun tech outside the arcades. I figure the PS1 lightguns work similarly, but they got the scanline timing info directly from the video port.
  4. I like the holidays and want it to be something to look forward to, but instead of it being a time of relaxation and fun it always seems to become tiresome and a chore. Work seems to want to punish you for two months because of two or three days you're getting off, and I don't really care for gift giving.
  5. You could make your little man in the road kind of thick and call him a gorilla. You could even have him get thicker and slower with the bananas he eats if you had the bytes for it.
  6. Bust A Move 99. At first it seems like something I would really like, but I've realized I actually hate it. The balls don't stick the way you think they would and difficulty is random. The CPU will crush you three times in a row, but then you'll win without even hardly trying. It doesn't make sense.
  7. It looks interesting, but I'll probably never play it. I don't really intend to buy anymore consoles. Plus Dark Souls 2 on the PS4 with it's broken controls broke me.
  8. Sweet, thanks. I'll give it a full playthrough when I've got time.
  9. I remember they made a big hoodoo about the Genesis version BITD. The game animations and character designs were done by real animators or something. It's an OK game gameplay wise. I could never get past the flying carpet section.
  10. Just a few things I got recently and today. The nice Japanese seller of the SOTN soundtrack even sent me some tea. Don't know what kind it is. It tastes like a green tea and chamomile blend, but I can't say for sure. Then today I got my Full Quiet Kickstarter reward in. The manual is great, and the little map tucked inside it. I can't wait to start playing it.
  11. I kind of liked it lighter because I feel it conveys the idea of a bright yellow color better. Just my opinion. The revised pic looks good also. Either would work.
  12. CMR

    Clu Clu Land

    I always thought this game had a funny sounding name. Am I the only one who things it sounds like Klu Klux Klan?
  13. Were there ever any SNES games that didn't have the H seam?
  14. I've heard this one is really tough. How is it going for you?
  15. There has never been a game I have less interest in playing.
  16. I'm playing through Phantasy Star II again for the first time in about 20 years. It's still the brutal grind fest I remember it being.
  17. Maybe if you have enough space left over at the end you can come up with a new graphic like flowers or grass to line the bottom of the screen with so it won't look so empty.
  18. CMR


    Left over ham sandwiches are good too. I hope you took some home.
  19. Dinoforce! It's an unreleased horizontal shmup for the PCE/TG16. More info and video here: http://dinoforce.pceworks.net/ They've made the rom freely available.
  20. This is a fantastic game, and one of the Genesis's best. 9/10
  21. CMR

    Who Am I

    42 is Bart Vs The World. I recognized Matt Groening's art style.
  22. C64 fans are crazy, but in a good way.
  23. I've been playing this again recently. SNES perfection
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