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Mega Tank

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Everything posted by Mega Tank

  1. The flavors in Bean Boozled are incredibly "accurate" ... they seem like that's exactly what they would taste like. The flavors don't bother that much once you've had them a few times. It was fun seeing people on Youtube eating the bad flavors lol
  2. FYI Halo Infinite has cross play with XB.
  3. Only the ones labeled Nintendo or just are plain ones fine as well?
  4. I'm going to get "the look" when these items arrive. PM'ing.
  5. He's asking if the foam inserts in the travel cases were all "standard". The same foam design per case. The same molding etc. That's what I understand from the question. Was a Blockbuster carrying case the same design on the inside as a Hollywood Video one and all that. Different controller/console placement on the inserts and all that.
  6. Nice! I believe I got rid of mine some time ago. For $5, that's an awesome pick up
  7. https://www.videogamesage.com/databases/retro-video-game-stores/
  8. In alpha order: • Coldplay • Fleetwood Mac • Guns N Roses • Hall & Oates (with Tears for Fears opening) • Keane • Oasis • The Beach Boys • The Moody Blues • The Pet Shop Boys • U2 • UB40 • Yes Concerts: I'll probably never see live: AC/DC Daft Punk
  9. @LastCatcan probably beat all of these games in his sleep.
  10. Wow. We had a similar issue for a car that had been taken to the junker maaany years before. We had to call the car manufacturer and get them to remove the VIN or whatever from the list. We once dropped off my wife's car for service. They never bothered to let us know the status of it as it was supposed to be a simple oil change, which usually takes several hours because the dealership gets that full, and by the time I called them to find out before they closed the service center, they said the service team had left. I was pissed and went in person as they had no idea where the car was or if it was in their possession. They had a cleaning lady open up the service bay doors and had the sales manager get us our car. The same sales manager that said we wouldn't get our car until the next day. Freaking jerks. Turns out they never bothered to let us know that the car was ready and the car was in the spots waiting to be picked up.
  11. If only there was a product called a Food Saver...
  12. I don't look at the numbers as much as others do, but I know exactly what you are talking about. We haven't seen houses in the mid 100's for certain areas up there for quite a while and they keep climbing. Without going into detail, the property we bought in '18 has almost doubled in value.
  13. I was legitimately wondering if it was something like the UK uses organisation, but in the US it's organization. It's ok though, it was your phone.
  14. I actually picked up something nice the other day at a sale. It's more for the memories than any value, but it was worth the $10. I'll post a pic later.
  15. I heard someone say just sell everything cash and be done with it @docile tapewormhave the courage like @Tanookiand leave eBay behind!
  16. Don't forget that this year you have to fill out that new form for 2022. Here, check and see if it applies to you. https://www.tomorrowtides.com/the-tax-form-many-will-forget-to-fill-out.html
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