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Everything posted by AirVillain

  1. Is this a joke about Canadians? I've never even seen a caribou. Beaver's however.... you might want that extra layer of protection!
  2. Liked for the DD VHS, and the .50.... means either 1) Skinny ran into a hard negotiator or 2) Felt bad and just paid the prices posted, which apparently had .50 involved.
  3. Hey @docile tapeworm I know you're busy out hustling and showing us how to be better collectors and putting us all to shame, but what about adding the 9 "other" options to the poll? The people need to have ALL available options in order to vote properly! Maybe one of them, probably mine, IS the answer they would have and the vast majority of people say it that way....??? ZECK-SISS, ZECK-SISS, ZECK-SISS!!!
  4. Thank you for your help. Sorry I missed it earlier, but unless I get a notification I usually forgot to check stuff regularly. Saw another thread that reminded me of this one. Much appreciated!! All information I did not know. As for the corner lift, it's pretty funny how it's common for people to be like "What's this upside down label???... Let me just try to peel it... okay, no, fuck that." and stop, haha.
  5. Fine and all, but I thought it was really lame when they started to do the standalone movies for characters JUST to get them into the Avengers movie. Like... you get a movie, you get a movie, you ALL get movies!!!! Also, they made Spider Man into a whiny, clingy, baby. Parker just wants to be cool to Iron Man for like the whole first movie. Again.... get this kid Tom Holland his own movies so that he can be in the Avengers movies. The Spider-Man movies are shitty, I think. And Thor.... and Captain America. I don't have time to bother with them. I did like a couple of them on their own, though. Ant-Man I went and saw not knowing it was part of the MCU, enjoyed it. Dr. Strange was good on its own. And Captain Marvel as well. Haha, I guess those are all three standalone movies just to get those characters in the Avengers movies, but STILL.... they were good on their own and they didn't involve any stupid tie in to the Avengers.
  6. Code Monkey out here complaining about a game while simultaneously hyping it up which will likely start another price hike. FUCK.
  7. I think this is going WAY beyond what people thought, and a lot faster than people expected. Honestly.... I NEVER ONCE thought about AI being able to create pictures, music, or mimic a newscaster. I feel kinda dumb, but it's uses are far beyond what I was even considering.
  8. Whelp.... I was wrong.... but.... let's see where this goes.
  9. That is fucking ASTOUNDING!! I downloaded the picture and flipped it so I could read it though, haha. As good 'ol J.R. would say... "BY GAWD!!!!" So apparently the device reads the swing off the little rubber tee (one for woods and one for irons) so it will register a swing whether there's a ball there or not. Fuckin' radical... You say you only use the putter... is there a setting in the game where you can play JUST the "greens"??? Or a mini-putt option???? Playing an actual MIni-Putt game I think would be the best/most efficient use of this contraption. But fuck... I think it'd be awesome to slap a couple balls off that bad boy into a bed sheet I'd be worried I would crush the machine, though.
  10. Twiztor got it for you.... but The Bloodline storyline has been the best storyline in all of pro wrestling, and one of the best ever possibly. The way they've been able to use the Bloodline to "protect" Roman, then have them turn on each other has been genius.... leading to the big question.... HOW will Roman lose? Tonight seems like it could be the "end" of the storyline, but I highly doubt it. Roman will only drop the belt at Wrestlemania, I believe. But tonight, for SummerSlam, he's facing his cousin "Main Event" Jey Uso for the Undisputed Title in a "Tribal Combat" rules match for both the title and position of "Tribal Chief". It's going to be a bonkers match. I really just wish they stripped Roman of the World title and moved that to Raw. Roman can say he never lost the title, continue with the longer reign for the numbers/stats sake of it, and Raw gets a title with actual lineage instead of ANOTHER brand new title. SUMMERSLAM TONIGHT!!!! WHO'S STOKED!!!??? I mean.... Should be a great show. PS. WM 40 Fantasy Booking: Roman beats Jey tonight with the help of Solo, injuring him as well.... Jey returns at the Rumble and WINS, then Jimmy returns to help Jey "on the road to" WM 40. At WM 40 Sunday Main Event it's Jey w/ Jimmy vs Roman w/ Solo... Jimmy/Jey finally get through to Solo and for the finish Solo DOESN'T hit Jey with the Samoan Spike and allows him to lay the final superkick on Roman and Jey FINALLY beats Roman and wins the WWE Universal Title.
  11. My bad for the misunderstanding. I'll try to get this derail back on track, though! LOVE the artwork on the subscription page... whoever did that was GREAT. T-Pac.... or some rapper or something.... https://www.videogamesage.com/subscriptions/
  12. Wild... so... you hit the ball off that little plastic arm? Good god I can't imagine doing that without smashing something. First of all.... I'm not a great golfer so I have made a few divots in my time on the greens. So... if you hit the bottom of that, it's probably not great. But, let's say I DO hit the ball... it goes into a net that you've set up yourself??? What'd the manual say? Can you play without the ball? Haha, that's awesome. That's a hilarious flex. "Yeah, I use the Miya 2000 Computer Gold Simulator as an extension... No big deal."
  13. Hopefully we get some more clarity below... Sorry... Are you saying "yeah" to me, as in "yeah, you use a legit golf club and hit the ball."??? You step up to a toy that's plugged into an NES and you HIT IT WITH A GOLF CLUB? Putting I could see.... but... the iron that's shown in the photo?? Dang.
  14. Holy shit. THat'd be pretty wild, haha. WHAT? What have you got there??? Are you seriously supposed to hit that ball with a swing? What kind of club are we talking about here? Looks like a pretty legit club in the photo. I'm very intrigued.
  15. That's wild... Sorry for the loss. Fucking so stupid when "management" are like "Oh no... corporate rules, blah, blah, blah, or whatever, sorry can't help you...." I imagine is what you got.
  16. Thanks for all the information, but yeah... that Atlas looks pretty radical! Hopefully I can get my hands on the Atlas... It's funny because at the time I would consider it cheating, but I need the guides so badly just to understand WTF is going on, haha. Plus like I said in other places, sometimes it's just fun to EXPERIENCE the game... which is what I'm going for here.
  17. Yowza. First one seems like a typical grab and go type deal.... but the guy scamming you and bailing, wow.... that's wild!! It's not your fault. Clearly the person was a psycho... but yeah... what a crazy thing to do. Fuck these games are so sweet I'm going to quit my job and disappear. Would the HR team give you their address or anything? Smash some windows.
  18. Bet you could take the board out and it would still work. Or if there's some way you could ram that bad boy into the system then you're good to go! FIRE IT UP!
  19. Is there a dedicated thread to these stories? Jesus... Can you go look through the storage unit yourself? Check your Dads place as to where they could be if he really "didn't throw them out". Settle the debate? This seems obvious though... so.... just take whatever flight/boat/train you need to take to get to this storage unit. This is basically Indiana Jones for video games. To answer the thread: Biggest loss.... was getting scammed for $500. Stupid of me, like ~2012?, but I got too excited and sent someone e-transfer without actually getting proper confirmation of tracking/games/a transaction being sent and wasn't a "known" person on Facebook group or anything. They, of course, ghosted me on Facebook and e-mail, and blah, blah, blah. It was my fault.
  20. That was a lot of reading with a few detours, but I think I have FINALLY figured out what the hell is going on here. Good luck with your butt, @Gamegearguy!! Try not to be so concerned about the Dr. and just explain to them what's going on. They have people come in to tell them things like this on a daily basis. It's literally their job to help people and hopefully they can help you find a solution. Best thing you can do is book the appointment and go in to see them so you've done that, good job!!! Now just go in and let them do their job. In the meantime, maybe if you're not enjoying MAKING games for the time being you could play some, organize them, or clean the ones you have? Maybe finally beating a game you've always wanted to can be fun. Maybe rearranging your space or adding a different shelf will help in "sprucing things up".
  21. Well... I've always regretted not buying Samson when I wanted to and hoped I found it in a box/garage somewhere so that would be my personal holy grail. For nothing more other pure spite and stubbornness. If we're going with the semantics from DarkTone, then my white whale is Samson and grail would be something like a crazy prototype or something I have never even thought of. I don't really have an actual "Holy Grail" desire to find something no one else has, though, that I am looking for. I mean... I kinda have it already with my Custom NES.... ssssooo.... that's one of a kind in the entire UNIVERSE. I don't actual consider that to count, though, because it's not an OEM item. Some random guy, albeit a pretty (in)famous one, did it, but it's nothing THAT special.
  22. I had to quote myself here.... Just jokin' with ya @Tanooki , sorry! Was just trying to be sarcastic, my bad. The "" face was intended to show that. Was just funny for me because I got a few notifications at the same time. Felt good to know someone agreed with me so much, so thanks for that, should have just said that in the first message.
  23. Excellent comparison. One that I can fully understand, thank you. This is kinda what I'm trying to "achieve"/experience. I like experiencing art in chronological order. Movies, music, video games.... I want to experience the first one FIRST. Why the fuck would I want to watch Karate Kid 2 before watching the FIRST one??? So Zelda is no different, but the problem is I'm not really into this style of game, especially the RPG shit and looking around/talking to people. I like the IDEA/execution of the game more than I actually like playing it, because of my sheer impatience and stupidity. Like I said, I TRIED to play LTTP before but got stuck. It was GREAT up until then, and just listening to the music was neat. But I was just kinda screwing around not paying attention to anything. I would literally have to draw my own map if I were to try to actually play the game. And make notes, etc. Unfortunately, I just don't have time/patience for that anymore. So yeah... I'm hoping that a good (old school physical) guide will alleviate any actual stress of looking for things/figuring out what to do so I can just experience the entire game. Then, as you said, I'll have the basis to move on to LTTP.
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