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Everything posted by AirVillain

  1. I think you mean "pass a fist"... as in, you're passing on using your fists. Jesus. This also melts my brain. Next game day??? Have you done it on an event day? I need to get my shit together...
  2. Love that move. I had a pretty solid shake regimen going, but mine was more geared towards weight gain + nutrition... not so much into it now. Had the following powder, plus a banana, mixed greens, hemp seeds, mixed seeds, plus an oil I forget the name of right now, haha. I use this, though... It's made in Canada so that's a for me.
  3. Taco's can be super tasty without meat. Expand your mind my friend.... tasty meals, including tacos, are very possible without meat. It's all about how you cook/prepare whatever ingredients you're using. You can eat all the meat you want, though, do your thing.... Especially if you enjoy your stinky farts!
  4. No.... YOUR response is appreciated. You could do whatever the hell you want, haha. But I appreciate the input both ways. Mostly because it seems like the ranking takes precedent OVER (literally) a persons Avatar aka identity. When I first logged in I got kinda confused and was like "who the hell IS that tlaking?" then I realized everyone essentially had 2 pictures The placement underneath seems "classy" and a "nice touch."
  5. This. Exactly this. Nailed the pictures, of course, as fully expected. Complete, comprehensive, and not complicated. Alliteration, BAYBAY! Also, the placement underneath the user's Avatar looks best (to me) if that's any input you're looking for as well. I actually feel a little slighted at being called a "Novice" right now. It hurts. Then some generic gaming guy with a controller and headphones like I'm a NOBODY!? Whoever came up with the original names and AI generated pictures really did us dirty. They ARE the true villain here as @Gloves pointed out... I just don't know who could be responsible for such a terrible thing. I hope they can sleep at night. I want to be a peasant! It's more accurate to my true identity.
  6. Yeah I mean personally I love it!! haha... loves me some Luigi. Someone will enjoy them.
  7. Haha... it was pretty wild. I think at the end of the day the people at our table just didn't give a fuck about us and just were ignoring us.
  8. 2.5 hours is too long for this movie, my friend. But it's one of the greatest films ever, of course. I watched the deleted scenes when I bought the special edition Blu-ray which originally wasn't even going to see the light of day but a fan led movement pushed them to get it done through SHOUT. They got all the deleted scenes and some are quite cool. Jimmy playing NES in his room before "running away", etc. There was a bunch of stuff that came in the package, one being a poster as they redesigned the cover for the Blu-Ray. I personally hated it though because of the blatant disregard for canon and colour schemes. Jimmy's lunchbox wasn't even YELLOW! I was happy though because they made the cover double sided with the original VHS cover on the flipside. So that was pretty neat. You HOSTED the panel? As in... it's you doing all the questions and MC'ing? Neat!! I believe I watched that section of the Blu-ray, but not 100% sure now. Might have to pull it out now... I always thought the line was funny because she says "breast". I never really considered it outside of that context of her saying a "bad word", either. Of course, we are much more sensitive to these things now, and that being used as a plot device would never happen today. It brings up a good question. How does that line make you feel about the movie on a whole watching it today? It used to be a funny line for me, but after something like the "Me too" movement, and knowing friends personally who were abused, it's a little cringy to watch. I know "times are different" and Todd Holland does address it in the Blu-ray commentary.... but still. One one hand I do think it's okay to take it as it was.... just a one liner where it's funny that a kid doesn't want to swear so she says "breast"..... but on the other hand it's fucked up to think about that type of thing happening, especially when you're watching a movie about the young girl. Thoughts?
  9. Yes, 100%. In nature just hanging out is the best place to do shrooms. If you have an afternoon in the forest/by a river, that would be optimal. My experience was a 10/10 recommend. But... you gotta be with the right people, in the right environment. Personally I spent like 5 hours beside a river which took like 20 minutes to walk to so it was unlikely anyone was coming by. So we just sat there and fucking CHILLED. Watched nature and got introspective about life. If you're with someone who's not cool or in an unfamiliar environment it probably isn't great. Plus, you have to give yourself the time. You can't just do shrooms and go on an hour walk and go back to "reality", or whatever that is for you. This shit is a commitment. You need to be on your own, or a camping weekend, or something... The first time I was a teenager and did them with a friend before a birthday dinner out at a restaurant for another friend. My buddy was like "Hey, wanna do shrooms before we go to this dinner? It will be cool..." and I previously smoked a bit of weed with him (Before LOTR Two Towers) and was like "Sure. " So we did the shrooms at his place before going to the dinner. But.... we hung around this place for a bit because we "wanted them to kick in." and headed to the restaurant. We walk in and join the group of people, but are sitting at the end of the table, facing eachother. Say hello to everyone and get through the start of dinner pretty good. But... sometime into the dinner we realize that no one at the table can hear us and no one is paying attention to us. So we are having this conversation and watching the person at the table across from us completely on our own. We are watching this lady, sitting on her own at a table for two... and the waitress keeps coming up to her, but she's not ordering food and she's not getting more drinks... just nothing. So we think she got stood up. Sad for her, we begin to think she's going to just leave. Then... out of nowhere someone comes and sits with her and our WHOLE TABLE starts clapping and cheering so we're like "Finally.... they see it too... Yeah! Way to go lady... good work! We are very happy for you!" and clapping too. This lady kinda looks at us, because we're like 5 ft from her and we're clapping and excited for her..... but then we turn and look and see everyone at our table is clapping and cheering because the waitress brought a cake to our table for the birthday girl, who we were there having dinner with.... so we sit down and are like "yeah.... uhhh... Happy... Birthday!" We didn't think it was too awkward, but it definitely was fucking trippy because even to this day I swear to god no one at the table could hear us or the conversation we were having about the lady sitting on her own. I've had shrooms in a few other settings (baseball tournaments, night out) and they're cool. The nature chilling with shrooms is much better, overall, though. Very introspective and "real". The other times are kinda trippy because I didn't really know what was going to happen, but nature is the best.
  10. Neat. So awesome because "Luigi" is featured. I mean.... I guess it's not supposed to be Luigi but they fucked up the colours and picked green? Or it's some UK deal? Either way, neat shirts and wish they were in North America. I'll watch, though. Yeah, looks like Birdo.
  11. I really want to play this game now.... and do some shrooms. But to try and answer the question, since I have not played the game and not done LSD or DMT, I can't really answer. Other drugs I've tried, though. Fun ones.... not trippy ones that you can have a flashback if you take too much. So I stayed away from LSD. And DMT was after time partying time. Mushrooms are great for chilling outside for an afternoon. If you can isolate yourself/with a few friends it can be a really crazy experience. I didn't hallucinate or anything, actually.... technically.... yeah, it wasn't as much a hallucination, but more of a shroom induced misunderstanding, which was also fun/hilarious. I also recall a few "interesting" things and one trip sitting beside a river in the mountains for the afternoon was very enlightening. There are stores around here where you can just walk in and buy mushrooms. Pretty sweet but I haven't done it yet myself.
  12. Yeah, watched the first EP as well. I get what you're saying, but I look at it from a different perspective. Working for WWE (AEW/NJPW) is kinda like playing in "The Majors" or in the NBA.... not a lot of people get to do it at all, never mind for as long as Al Snow did. Especially given the training on Tough Enough, etc. that he did there. So.... Al is not at OVW because he HAS to be... he's actually there because he's trying to save it. I initially wasn't going to respond to this because I didn't recognize your avatar Haha, sorry... But yeah... Crazy.... I didn't really look into any lists to confirm, but dang.... unfortunate. The "problem" is that AEW is absolutely jammed right now and they can't figure out what to do with the roster they have.
  13. I thought we were going to be talking about our lift game. I guess it's a funny/fancy/presumptuous way to say you don't eat meat, sometimes. Which depends how you tale it/what the OP meant. Haha... nah, I like the sounds of that. And I do believe it's different, anyways. A "Normaltarian," in western culture, would have meat at EVERY meal. Or at least most of the time there's meat involved in a stereotypical meal. Steak and Potatoes, Ham sandsich, Hamburger and fries, etc. etc. etc. Where-as a "flexetarian" eats vegetarian meals sometimes as described. Personally... I feel as though if the OP is trying to be funny/ironic about the name then it's funny and leads to a good discussion about the amount of meat consumed, especially at EVERY meal, and factory farming. If the OP is trying to be serious about coining the term then that's in itself quite presumptuous as it is already quite a "normal" thing to do... eating less meat based meals, that is.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean by that first part there. I get the whole "we need actual evidence" and "official" evidence party, but I find it fascinating the amount of anecdotal and "unknown" evidence. For example, Travis Walton plus the numerous pilots/officials who have come forward. And so... if there's an explanation for 99% of the "UFO"/UAP then what about the other 1%? Or whatever small percentage it is... The Mexican alien thing isn't worth your time, it was debunked years ago like I said. There's far more interesting stuff to look at, which I presented earlier. Listen to the Congress speak to this Grusch fellow. It's really interesting what he has to say/the evidence he wants to present. Also, NASA literally just finished a press conference with their "findings" of a UFO/UAP report. Just finished watching in BBC live.
  15. Haha, looked at this for about 10s. I mean... they LOOK great! ... Buddy put a lot of effort into making those little things. Apparently debunked years ago? In Banff there's a store with a Merman... https://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena/merman-banff-020583 Looks pretty good up close too, haha.
  16. Apologies for being a downer, but I voted no. Not so much into plushies (only have one b/c it was gifted to me) and just wanted to vote for statistical purposes.
  17. What does everyone think about this....? There's also apparently legislature to move forward with Congress getting more information/subpoenas to speak with the people that this David Grusch is speaking about... This is what's going on in Canada: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/ufo-uap-manitoba-larry-maguire-defence-minister-1.6885580
  18. No no, I get it. It's all good. It's lovely that you all love Jimmy. Just saying, that's Jimmy's whole deal... He has "super fans" everywhere. There's all sorts of places in that link in TX, TN, CA, NY City, FL (obviously), and MO.... MO? Anyways. They're already built. Yours is on its way. Haha... just joking around with you, but we all love Jimmy just the same. There's no place that sticks out or better than any others. I live in Canada and we be loving our Jimmy up here. Toronto/GTA has a group called The Toronto Maple Reefers (Maple Leafs + Reefers ) that does all sorts of events, went to all his concerts here as a group, and do all sorts of charity work. My parents are in it and I've been to a bunch of events (before I moved away). Got a Reds/Bengals Jimmy hat??? Haha... Just joshin' with ya.... it's crazy how much one artist can affect people all around the world for so long. He did it all himself too. Didn't need any record executives making fancy videos or mass marketing help. His music created his cult following from the early 70's which created the amazing concert tours he did almost EVERY YEAR SINCE. Revolutionized internet radio. Even paved he way for people like Eminem on Sirius... Jimmy
  19. Haha... yeah, it was difficult to watch. But, we can see now that TK hasn't done much better, in a different way. HHH seems to be the "best of both worlds" when it comes to booking. Good handle on the "characters" and also allowing more wrestling. I mean... it's BEEN happening on NXT. Like....The Golden Era of NXT, or whatever it's called as the "era" probably has a "name". KO/Sami/Pac/Adam Cole/Shinsuke/Finn/Lee/Dijak.... there was a stretch there where the Take Over PPV's were CRUSHING anything Vince/TK was doing. I hate to say that because of my deep love for Bret Hart.... but.... HHH seems to be able to do it the best right now. Yeah... can't disagree with that at all. (cutting the roster... simply because there's SO MANY people that don't get airtime and can't get a program. Even with 3 shows. It's fucking insane. The amount of storylines that TK has absolutely BURNED through is wild. The build for MOST of the matches for All In were a few weeks, at best. SOme were announced the week OF the PPV. I only really watch Dynamite, I must admit. But I don't get Rampage or Collision here in Canada. That being said, I had NO IDEA that Punk was fighting Joe at All In. No clue. Like... you shouldn't ONLY promote matches on certain shows, that's fucking wild. Not that they have to worry about that anymore. What in the fuck happened with CM Punk is wild too. It would be so amazing if TK could pull this off as a work. Fucking INCREDIBLE. But doesn't seem that way. Like... did Punk REALLY go that ballistic backstage for Perry shouting something dumb about glass? Like... really? It just seems so stupid of Punk, but... I think TK has let that happen too. When the guy absolutely legitimately BURIES your "top guys"/staff, and "go into business for yourself", right beside you in a "press conference" and you don't do shit... then you bring the guy back and give him his own show and don't let certain talent attend those shows.... that's a recipe for disaster. Yes... seemingly accurate with the women's division. There's lots of great workers, but some of them probably just don't have lots of experience. Which is the #1 thing that makes you "good" in wrestling, haha. Reps. There's COUNTLESS wrestlers that were wrestling for 10+ years before stepping foot into WWF/WCW/AEW now. Mick Foley, Stone Cold, Eddie...
  20. Jimmy's concerts were like that all over. Concerts were the same in Toronto. Jimmy reached everyone. Everywhere.
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