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Everything posted by AirVillain

  1. Wait a second here... is THIS why @Tanooki has been "agreeing" with me so much??? Trying to boost the numbers!
  2. Haha, okay, just checking.... I mean... I guess it's possible for someone to LOVE the Snake Weapon, haha. Still looking for that person apparently. Great reasons to replay the stage, though.
  3. Yeah.... I can definitely appreciate how someone could enjoy that. Not myself. I'm a run & gun/platformer/shooter type of guy. This is why I need a step by step guide. But thanks!
  4. I get it. That's the beauty of having 6 games to choose from. Most times you or one of your friends had ONE of the six. Was Snake Man (not even sure of actual name) your favourite weapon, though? Haha, seems like Snake Man Weapon is The Lead Bubble for Mega Man 3. I will certainly pay MUCH closer attention to the weapons in 3 now, haha. And I'll use Snake Man for the above mentioned uses so I'm sure my respect for it will grow.
  5. Awesome!!! Thanks for the heads up! This is literally what I'm looking for. Something that will hold my hand through it, haha. A touch of mystery is great too! I'll keep my eye out for this. Right. And thanks for that. The thing is... I'm not really a fan of these types of games, but I do understand from playing it briefly and its history that it's likely a "good" game so I want to give it a good shot. This is where the guide comes in. I don't have time/patience to figure out a game like this on my own, and I don't like looking at my phone/computer at the walkthroughs. If possible, I'd like to use a "legit" guide from "back in the day" to help me through the game. The one mentioned above with step by step instructions and maps is perfect for what I need. Then, if I like it, I will move on to Link to The Past because again, I understand that it's a "good game" (likely groundbreaking/historic) for the genre but it's not really my style. I'll report back if/when I "need" a guide for Link to The Past. I see this (Legend of Zelda) as a winter weekend adventure for myself, so we'll see if it happens this winter or not. Great, thanks for the heads up! I'm actually more interested in a physical guide, as described above, but thanks!
  6. I LOVE THIS PLAAAAAAAAACE!!!! Did I do that right???
  7. Awesome, thanks!! I am really just looking for Legend of Zelda, though. Is that one thorough enough if I've never played the game and don't know anything? It seems to be numbered.... literally walking be through step by step? Great, thanks @Tabonga ... right now I'm just looking for Legend of Zelda on NES, but maybe if I have a good experience with that one I'll take the next step to SNES. One time I played it on SNES with my fiance, but we had no idea what the fuck we were doing and just were lost. I found the sword I do believe.
  8. What's everyone's suggestion for best Legend of Zelda strategy guide? Looking for a physical one, with maps and neat information, to walk me through the game. I literally need to be walked through it because I don't have time/patience to look around for shit. I still think it would be fun to experience the game, and I like the music, so I want to be able to walk through it. But I don't want to just read Game-FAQ, as I prefer maps and printed content from the 80's/90's....
  9. Welcome! We also, except Link, love video games!! Awesome about the N64 and Diddy Kong sessions. Nice moves!! Enjoy your cardboard. Cardboard is very well loved here!!
  10. Yeah... just think vs Wily gives it more street cred. I guess it's great against Heat man because it's really really heavy water bubble made of lead? .... ummm... Wait.... water isn't lead. Can you have a lead AND water bubble? I don't know how lead reacts with flames. SSSssssooooo.... Yeah.... need a scientist.
  11. Couple more for @mideast 1997 - The Slim Shady EP - Murder Murder - Eminem "Actin' like they ain't never seen nobody hit a lick before. Smashed a window, grabbed the Nintendo 64. When they sell out in stores the price triples." SONG HERE 2011 - Hell: The Sequel - I'm on Everything - Eminem & Royce Da 5'9" "Me and Vicious on shrooms. Call us the Mario Brothers." EDITED: Sorry... the first reference for "Murder, Murder" was from The Slim Shady EP, and first released in 1997. (Not 1999, and on the Next Friday Soundtrack like previously noted)
  12. Please look at my Aladdin and let me know your professional opinion. Haha... I'm pretty curious and some actual feedback would be nice. It looks as though the person who bought it (OG owner was somewhat particular because they kept the box/manual) tried to lift the label themselves, but gave up after a while... I would think that if a person tried to lift the label and flip it themselves, it would be MUCH more noticeable than just the corner lifting a bit? I can get some more pictures if you want, or of the back... Thanks.
  13. Haha, I actually "lol'd" reading this. Excellent description of Metal Blade. True... Snake Weapon never stood a chance. Lead Bubble is kinda lame, but not lame as baby garter snakes. I do respect the Lead Bubble somewhat... because of its use against Wily. It's SOMETHING. But Little Snakes??? CAMMAN.
  14. Aaaaahhhhh yes, gotcha. The feedback is whether you get out of the way or die.
  15. I wouldn't move anyone's stuff from a table, especially musical instruments when there's an Open Mic happening. That seems very inconsiderate/ignorant. I'd be cheesed too. Especially if it was stuff like musical equipment they were touching. Get the fuq outta hea!!!
  16. I like the idea of doing this but like you, would have no idea how to do it. Having avocados you could pick yourself would be pretty amazing. Good luck on this adventure.
  17. Great game, but the difficulty is a deterrent to playing it more often. I can beat Contra & Super C pretty easily, but Contra III presents a pretty insane challenge. I don't think it's because I have played Contra/Super C much more, either. Contra III is wildly difficult for no reason. It's "manageable" up until you get to the wall on the first/second? fucking level. From there it's pretty tricky and the mid-way bosses along the way can be brutal. I've made it decently far, but no where close to beating it I don't think? It's just really frustrating with the random quick deaths so playing it repeatedly to learn the different mini bosses and sections is taxing. I do enjoy the overhead levels and use of both weapons at the same time. Sometimes I get confused in my head with the levels from Hard Cops, so I think I've made it much further in Alien Wars than I can recall, but still not really a "relaxing" gaming experience. Still gave it a 9 because everyone should play it, but in overall comparison it's not as fun as others in the series because of it's somewhat annoying difficulty.
  18. Great film. Perfect early '85-95 film. Wild concept and excellent execution. Not too cheesy, but still pulls off the idea in a "serious" way.
  19. Yes exactly. Stupid situations that there's really no reason being in at all. There's really not much good that comes from drinking. I smoke much more weed now. It's a much better feeling to begin with and no hangover. Pretty much, haha. I mean... when you think you're "right", this is 100% what it feels like, haha.
  20. Haha, well great!! Glad I could help out. Yowza. I barely know what any of that means. I think it means is that you are enjoying yourself with your arcade type machine so that's great! Let's try to be respectful, though, and not call the NES Advantage "mushy". No need to be rude. Haha, jokes. I did immediately think about it, though, haha. I think mine's pretty tight. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
  21. Well... I'll definitely take a closer look at those weapons next time I play. I mean... I know there's times where you're SUPPOSED to use the snake weapon and I'm sure it's great. But I guess I've just never gotten over the disappointment and underwhelming "first impression" of beating Snake Man, and trying his weapon for the first time. Beat Snake Man, immediately change into his suit on the next level to see what the weapon is, hoping it's something cool and awesome... and.... it's piddly little snakes sliding on the ground.... Also note my favourite Mega Man weapon is Metal Blade, so part of the fun for me is raging on enemies with an awesome weapon. So I'm probably unfairly comparing it, and holding it up against impossible standards.
  22. Yowza! Had no idea, haha. I guess I just agreed with the thread so much that I didn't think it could be nefarious. No matter what.... the Samson episode is the one that spiked LS out of range for me. Haha, fuck. That's my own stubborn fault, though. Should have bought it at $60 on eBay "back in the day".
  23. If I ever met that guy in person, I'd say "What you did was not cool, man, but I don't mind because hopefully now you will see how badly you fucked up and we all worship Gloves now, when you could left things as they were and been the evil overlord. We are at a better place, now, though. MUCH BETTER than you could have ever done. LONG LIVE GLOVES!!! GLOVES AND THE SAGE! GLOVES AND THE SAGE! GLOVES AND THE SAGE!!!!" And start chanting in his face. If I met Elon in person I'd say "I find it confusing how someone with that much money could find a way to screw it up that badly. You literally could have done NOTHING and would have more money than you have now. You also control enough resources with that "money" to change the world, like when you balked on the $6B to "end world hunger" and spent WAY MORE THAN THAT on Twitter and promptly rammed it into the ground. Your "business decisions" are confusing and you are seemingly a terrible person who doesn't give a shit about other people. Please consider redistributing your resources to other more capable parties and going and living on an island somewhere far away from any decision making."
  24. I loved hyping that thread. Only because I stumbled upon the aforementioned god tier controller (no secrets ) without having any clue WTF it was in a lot and had to take it apart and clean it to get it to work, so it was a major success and holds a special place in my heart. Jokes, everyone else, it's the Sansui Joycard. Did that guy own like 80 of them or something? Buncha sealed ones? T-Pac over here sitting on a MOUNTAIN of Dragon Spirit carts. Probably dozens CIB and sealed, too. Even unopened shipping packs.
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