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Everything posted by AirVillain

  1. Wesley Willis just told it how it was. Found him because of napster/limewire.... and.... Cut The Mullet. Get that rat's nest off ya skull! Get out the hairclippers, jerk! I understand he had a tough life, hopefully the music helped.
  2. Neat! Love that baby dragon shooter, right down my alley. Like a mix between Dragon Spirit and side scrolling levels of Monster Lair. I mean.... If I were to pick two games I liked and compare them to it anyways, haha. Nice work on the videos.
  3. In all seriousness... I'm grateful I'm not the only one as well. Thank you for being brave enough to speak out. HHhmmm.... well, I recall the first top down level being easy comparatively to the FIRDT level of the game.... sssssooooo.... I thought the top down levels were a bit of a "break" .
  4. Haha, that's what I mean... it's not a "gradual journey" because I can't barely get anywhere on the Easy/Normal!!! Haha... I've played the game enough to consider giving it a shot to learn. I humbly say I suck at this game, haha. More info below. Will report back after I beat it with the invincibility, haha. Nah man... big shooter fan here. LOVE Contra/Super C. They are two of my favourite games on the NES. Can no death both, maxed out Contra, and played Super C for 15.5 hours in one sitting. I LOVES my Contra. Also love scrolling shooters as well, but a good platforming shooter like Contra is most excellent. Contra is a perfect NES game in my opinion. I get the concept of "playing endlessly to surpass the challenge", and I understand how you are 100% correct for yourself. But for ME... fuck... give me a second (Contra III), yeesh!!! I'll have to report back after giving this game another "good shot" (not able to really put any time into games right now )
  5. It was ~2008-9 Was living on the bottom floor of a duplex with a bunch of random friends. Had a couple benders for weeks on end and probably spent whatever Samson would have cost, plus the shipping haha, on an afternoon drinking. Dang.... yeah. Eff. I feel ya... Some generic boxes I wish I didn't get rid of. I have to try to not think about this shit, haha. At least we know we aren't alone.
  6. Well.... I mean, I get Roman wasn't the "most" charismatic guy pre-Heyman turn, I get it. But he wasn't really given any favours for promo's (suffering succotash???"), and I think he's proven that he can handle the mic now. I think his work on promo's have CARRIED this whole storyline. His work, along with Paul Heyman and the Uso's, have definitely made this one feel "real" for me. Barely wrestling or defending the title is kinda the point? If you think about it from a kayfabe perspective, there's really NO ONE that "could have" held the title that long other than Roman (Multiple WM Main events, Undertaker, Brock, etc.) and the family history (literally growing up in/around the business). We're talking literally the GREATEST ever on this list of champions holding the belt that long. In order to take a step like that, you have to have a built in legacy and be able to try to build something from that. So the "Bloodline" storyline is really the only way this thing has gone this long. Any other wrestler, without the family history in the business, would literally run out of storyline (because it's not built in re: A'noai family {spelling?}) a long time ago and the title would have been changed. Heyman obviously is another reason the storyline can still "make sense." But overall I think this run has actually shown that Roman is a good/great pro wrestler. I wasn't a huge fan of his wrestling before this run started, but his work here has definitely made me respect him more. I mean, the guy carried Logan Paul in a pretty "big" main event seamlessly and has elevated "Main Event" Jey, Jimmy, AND Solo.... as ALL of them have been in the main events of most shows they're on, including main events of Wrestlemania Saturday AND Sunday because of this storyline. Don't get me wrong, I think it's stupid that they couldn't have Roman drop the World Heavyweight Title so that WWE didn't need to create ANOTHER one out of thin air for Raw, or have him stripped of it. It builds in the "I never lost that title" whenever him and Seth face each other.... but whatever, they (WWE) are literally trying to write history in real time. So in order to go this long holding the title, he can't wrestle or defend it all that often. I have heard that he was injured in the match at SS, but because he's not wrestling every week, might be okay.... find out more Friday I guess.
  7. Muhfucka get your ass out to a pawn shop and buy this DVD for $5. You will not regret it. Also... I came in to say I checked the votes and wish I could be Bearcat right now, but wasn't sure of your style of movie watching. I, too, will NOT watch a movie on TV because of commercials. Even on Roku where they play commercials during the movies because the app is "free". FUCK THAT. So yeah... grab an old DVD or something, (pretty sure it's on Netflix and Prime... yes... it's available on both), grab some popcorn and rock that shit out in the dark one night. Or hopefully this TNT on demand thing works... but yeah... you can do it!
  8. Well... knowing absolutely nothing about cables, etc. I respectfully disagree. Vinyl sounds great. Sounds like you're live with the artist actually IN the room. I have some new rap records and they fucking BUMP too. I dunno... my ex took care of the amp, but she just had some old speakers and regular speaker wire.... and a record player we bought from a thrift store. It sounded decidedly better than the MP3 player we also had hooked up to the amp/speakers. My style would be to start that route before trying to buy an expensive "set-up.". I mean... I don't know, but I wouldn't hook up a record player to a NEW set of speakers, or new amp. Give me that 70's/80's shit!!! Those speakers fucking BUMP! Rough. I agree this is likely the same type of situation. Same thing has happend in may "collectibles" markets. Fine china, signage, etc. etc.? One of the biggest differences is, hopefully, though... Is that the younger generation can actually use these. There are only so many radio's a kid can use. But a kid still can get enjoyment from NES games. It's going to be a far less number, so of course things will decline, but the hope is that they (NES/"vintage" games) will still be useful to SOME people and will at least see a little bit of a cushion from complete and utter crash/decline. If that happens, though, it just means MORE ppl will buy them, at yard sales/thrift shops again... and maybe more/different ppl will start playing/collecting them again? Like.... in 20 years when someone of these (our) collections start opening up maybe some kid will be like "holy shit, imma buy these for pennies, but I will LOVE them" and the cycle continues.... For example... I'm hoping to blow my nephew's little mind with my collection (he's only 1.5 now) when he's old enough and give it all to him when I die. Hopefully the great memories he has with the game room (and his family, haha) will help "pass it on" to the next generation. Please see above.... but regarding the actual carts: I see it from both perspectives. On one hand it's unnecessary/impractical to have any physical game this day in age, but on the other hand these games were created BEFORE that was possible, and thus we are simply using them as created. Also, I personally enjoy the artwork and design of the carts and having to actually take the time to (carefully) put them into the system to play the game you want, and of course the simplicity and nostalgia of it is a huge factor. In terms of a NEW system, then there's no need to have physical games and I will do my best not to have any physical games in the future... but for now, certainly for the carts I own, I don't think I'll ever WANT to get ride of them. I mean, there's some "pairing down" and curating to do, but some games I don't EVER want to get rid of. I did a HUGE (hundred+ NES games, etc.) cull of my collection a few years back and I did it simply... I kept 1) Games I loved 2) games that were strictly nostalgic but not necessarily good and 3) games that were rare/expensive. Basically got rid of the 80% filler that is the NES collection like Castelian and shit. I wanted to be able to PLAY the games I loved and figured why would I get rid of the rare games I picked up along the way?
  9. Haha, thought that would have been a funny coincidence. There are some good ones (signs). There was a good one recently "I hope both wrestlers have fun" or something like that.
  10. How'd I miss this? 10/10. Insane movie. Still stands up to this day. I'd like to read the book. Crazy to think that they started making the movie and Spielberg hadn't even SEEN a CG dinosaur and buddy (at Stan Winston's studio???) just did the T-Rex on his own and melted Spielberg's brain.
  11. Well I do have my eye out for one, but my "budget" (aka what I am willing to begrudgingly spend) is still much MUCH lower than $2,800, fuck. Will this search ever actually happen? Who knows... of course you always hope for the "basement"/attic score, but more realistically I'm thinking it'll have to be one that's got a label that is beat to shit. Maybe....? I'm also willing to trade some stuff to get the price down. Might have to part with some other heavy hitters. Or one box. FUCK.... my brain will FOREVER be like "You had it for $60 you CHEAP BASTARD!" While I was buying stupid T-shirts and other random games on eBay. But it'll all be okay when I'm chilling and playing it and having it hanging on the wall when not in use. ONE DAY. Got an empty spot just WAITING FOR IT....
  12. Well... at least I feel a little bit better knowing it wasn't just me. But that is LITERALLY exactly what happened. I specifically recall when/where I was when I looked it up and saw it for the UNBELIEVABLE $60. And again passing on it for $500 from an NA member. But... at the time I was spending $465, which to me was INSANE, on 4 games so I thought that was unbelievable in itself. So, once again, to Spend $500 on ONE game was preposterous to me.... True... but... we're still pretty early in this curve. THAT BUBBLE GONNA POP BAAAAAAYYYYYBAAAAAYYYY!!!! This is sarcasm, but it begs the very real and serious question of "What's going to happen to prices in the LONG term (our lifetime (hopefully 40-60 years)"? That's a thread in itself.
  13. I'm not sure what this means. Like.... you simply just don't care because WWE successfully made you (the audience) believe it was possible that Sami or Cody COULD beat him? I think in retrospect it's easy to see it was too early for Roman to lose to Sami, pre-Mania, or Cody at Mania. And I almost WENT to see Chamber in person b/c I thought there was a tiny chance it could happen being in MTL.... but ultimately I think it's likely we're looking at Wrestlemania 40, bare minimum.... for Roman losing the title. Hopefully to Jey. I think it'll be someone IN the Bloodline.... and I'm hoping it comes back around to Jey. Guy in the Orange Cassidy shirt? If so.... well done @PII
  14. I clicked on this thinking someone made a dedicated thread for Metal Head.
  15. Don't grip the stick too hard, man! I find myself doing that, though, for sure, haha.
  16. You found THE glitch! Took all this time, but you are the first 5th to make it! Probably something like GPX said... or something weird happened and it took your place from a different race and let you through... blah, blah, blah, code and such... don't know anything about programming video games.... but.... something funky happened.
  17. SNES controller dig into your thumbs....? It's so smooth.... like butter....
  18. Well, unless there's different bosses/additional levels, I'll be playing in hard strictly FOR the ending, because I already find it annoyingly difficult on easy, haha. So... I might be "missing out" to you... but I'm actually not because I would not be enjoying myself. But I understand what you're saying and I am certainly going to "give it a shot" and play through it on hard a few times. But it'll likely be annoying, haha. Invincibility code on hard and smashing the game... that I could enjoy. And trust me... I know that's a lot to handle and somewhat blasphemous. I, for one, respect the sanctity of the Contra name and hold it close to my heart and values. (Hoping to one day again marathon Super C) However.... Contra III is so stupidly hard, I've given up on caring about cheating.
  19. Yowza! What are you saying... you're not a good enough golfer to hit AROUND your games...???
  20. I really enjoy the Super Gameboy. Can change up the background depending on the time of day/game you're playing. Go legit with the OG gameboy background... Love that. But I also enjoy taking the 'ol GameBoy out on a sunny day, indoors, and playing through Super Mario Land. Maybe a little Tetris. What a fucking experience. But if I want to play a longer game (Kirby's Dreamland) or anything else really, haha... I'll be using the Super Gameboy. I mean... if we're talking on the go, I don't mind throwing a GameBoy game into my SP... but I wouldn't do that while sitting around the house... obviously? The technology that allows a gameboy game to be played on a giant 19 inch CRT is so unbelievable I would never dare try anything different.
  21. Hmmmm... well.... I'm pretty sure I put it on easy and increase my lives every time I play, so much so that's just "normal" for me, haha. I don't recall being able to add continues? But yeah... not ashamed to admit I put it on easy when I play. Fuck... knowing I won't even get the ACTUAL ENDING on easy is a huge deterrent. But then again, maybe just find a Game Genie code? I'm checking the codes.... on gamegenie.com Because I think I would need an Invincibility code. I don't even think an unlimited Lives code would help on hard. No invincibility code there... WAIT A SECOND.... PEEP THIS.... Link provided because I realize people don't want to click random links, above is good. https://etherealgames.com/snes/c/contra-iii-the-alien-wars/game-genie-codes/ Hhhhmmm.... if I have an invincibility code I might find it interesting to ACTUALLY play through the entire game. Otherwise it's just not an enjoyable experience. 100% I enjoy Sunset Riders over Alien Wars for many reasons, but the first is the variety and accessibility. Colourful game with 4 different characters, great Boss fights with hilarious tough talk from bosses before/after you kill them. Great music, great gameplay.... Big W for SNES shoot 'em ups. Contra III is fucking hard, but at least with Sunset Riders it gives you a chance to get started and you can make it a decent ways without it being annoying. But.... when I first played it my first thought was "Western Contra", so it's not like Contra wasn't the pre-curser.... Konami, etc. .... But in terms of shoot 'em ups on SNES, Sunset Riders is top notch.
  22. This post hits me right in the feels because "Lickle" is how I initially knew of the game. I had an old NES emulator in University and Samson was called "Lickle"... I have no idea where I got the game files, but I was just trying games. I tried to find the cart on eBay but couldn't. Then was too stubborn when I learned it's real name and it was $60. Then all of a sudden it was $500... so I was done. Easily my biggest gaming regret. Not even from a financial standpoint.... mostly because I want to play the game and now too stubborn to just pay for it. Trying to find a beat up copy, haha.
  23. Haha, wild!! It'd be fun to grab a set of clubs and give it a shot, but I fear it wouldn't last a full round. But the concept is far ahead of it's time. They have this shit (indoor golf courses) all over the place now. My Aunt's sister (biologically not my Aunt and never knew her as MY Aunt....? Ssssssoooooo.... Aunt's sister's place) has an indoor golf course in her retirement residence. Interesting. At least they give you a choice for 9. I got you... I mean, give me that Mini-Putt game and I'm all good! I just laugh at the thought of them being like "Yup.... We want ppl to use a driver on this thing." As I just said.... so far ahead of its time.
  24. Your input/helpfulness is the reason why this place is great. Now I am thinking about how to display it.... Haha.... On one hand seeing the upside down label is eye catching, but I have little frames for a few SNES games so maybe having the CART upside down would be neat...
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