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Everything posted by AirVillain

  1. Nice work! I missed coming back and joining by a week Thanks for your effort.
  2. Safari... Could be that I 'spose.... GVN website seems to be down as well....? https://gamevaluenow.com/ (Pardon the swearing)
  3. The Price Charting website is basically unusable on mobile. I can't switch to CAD, or change the filter so the games are alphabetical. I literally came in here only to say that. I'm trying to take a look at some prices and it's a piece of shit. That is all. I guess I'll DL the GVN app again....
  4. Holy hell!!! Nice set-up! Thought it looked pretty custom. Well done, and welcome!
  5. Ah yes... putrid light green, a colour I'm all to familiar with painting over. Sounds like my place when I moved in. Now that you mention it, you can see a tinge of it. Whelp beige is a heck of an upgrade, then!
  6. My question is moreso.... you painted the room, but you went from beige, to a darker beige?
  7. Ah, right... switch to getting info from PC. Thanks for the reminder. Nothing against JJ, I bought some stuff from them over the years. The lack of pictures was a deal breaker most of the time, though. Unfortunate news overall. Bubble 'dun burst fellas. SELL NOW! (that's a joke) https://www.jjgames.com/item/2593752 $71 for Kirby's Adventure... can't imagine why their sales have slowed.
  8. Although I'm rarely here, seeing your name warms the cockles of my heart.
  9. Agreed that Bray Wyatt "fiend" belt is atrocious. Keith Lee sending Adam Cole over the guardrail on NXT was amazing. (despite stealing it from... some indy wrestler... can't think of his name. But he did it from inside the ring and sent a guy right to the floor, it was insane) They need to do this spot on a PPV. Or from inside the ring to the floor (where there's a group of wrestlers to catch Cole, obviously.) There was two rows of plants and Lee still sent him almost over them all. The way Cole kicks his feet up over the guardrail is incredible timing as well. Should have been a high jumper. Keith Lee is astounding, as so is Cole. Cole vs. Pete Dunne at SS was wild. The Canadian Destroyer on the ring apron was nuts. Also, I absolutely LOVE Bray Wyatt and the "Fiend" character. I honestly don't even think of them as the same person as I'm watching, that's how good it is. Wyatt in the firefly funhouse/interviews is so neat/creepy to watch. Although, booking Fiend as so unstoppable is a little odd.... how's he going to lose? Dude got hit with like 80 (7???) stomps, got blown up, and still didn't sell anything in his title win against Rollins. Soooo.... he's indestructible? Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Bray Wyatt are the reasons to watch WWE right now. KO has the best move set in the company.
  10. Any interest? I will figure out how to post pictures soon enough... they're all on my phone now. Will do business with any former *bad word* members that I recognize. Will give bro prices if we ever spoke or I recognize you. PayPal only. Asking ~$300 CAD for Mega Man set.... Set comes with clamshell cases as well. And whatever Pocky Rocky 2 is listed at on GVN... ~$400, yowza. I'd take around 3 bills, plus shipping, I would say. I might not be back on here often, but I'll try my best to get some pics up soon, and certainly will if there's any interest. Got some other decent SNES titles too.... Axelay, Contra 3, Mega Man X, Mega Man X2, Turtles in Time, Tecmo Super Bowl II Cart & box.... Let me know what NES or SNES games you're looking for, I might be willing to part with them. Hit me up.
  11. Yes. Far far far far better. I haven't even been on in weeks.... but it is. Better.
  12. Thanks James, looking forward to more Turd Man shenanigans. Nice to see some familiar faces. Peace
  13. Esteemed VGS members... when you logged into NA did you notice the Halloween theme playing??? Be careful... Michael Myers is lurking and has already killed NA.... he will kill you too.
  14. Yup, I mean.... great for Halloween if you want to scare the shit out of yourself!!! That shit is appalling.
  15. Whelp... that was awful. Just logging into the "new" NA was a big letdown. Very disappointing. I mean, it's not THAT disappointing because I like this website and prefer to support it... so there's that. Thanks to the admins here who saved the spirit and community of NA.
  16. Thank god for the staff here. Holy shit, logging onto "NA" for the first time was absolutely brutal. I mean, I guess it's appropriate it's Halloween because it was a nightmare. There truly are no words to describe how big of a letdown it is. RIP NA.
  17. GIMME GIMME GIMME.... JIMMY.... WOODS!!!! Also, great job everyone else on the logo'ing.
  18. Hello everyone. I have arrived. Thanks to ________ and Quaze for the encouragement to come here. Not sure how often I'll be involved..... I'm going through a big change in life and will be on my own soon. Hopefully I'll jump in here and chat with you cool cats, though. Always loved chatting at (Expletive) so hopefully this will be the new jam! Peace Ps. My avatar apparently didn't fit and I'm not caring enough about anything to change it... I'm sure you'll all recognize the name/avatar anyways. Glad this site exists. Props to those who made it happen.
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