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Everything posted by AirVillain

  1. Stop it with the reproduction labels... PLEASE.
  2. Excellent choice. We all need to grow up some day! In all seriousness, though.... well done, haha. Happy April, fools!
  3. Also had no idea this was a thing. Good luck on the search.
  4. Appreciate it... Holy hell! Deathless... yeesh! With all the tricky jumping and annoying deaths bouncing off walls with your roller skates that's impressive. I'll definitely be giving it a shot.... since the game is a solid one for rotation, we'll see how it goes.
  5. GOT IT!!! Finished it off last night. Thanks for the guidance! Yeah, you are totally right on 6-2.... The little conveyors were annoying at first and thought they were going to be brutal, but you're right.... once you just go for it and make quick little jumps, you're good to go! And yes.... everything you said about the boss waws correct. I found it annoying when he'd hit you jumping AND landing, but alas.... I guess that's why he was the final boss. You're totally right. If you can hit the 3 power moves, that's a great start. Unfortunately, I think I missed one on the time I beat it.... but was still able to pull it out. Great game overall. I don't think I could dedicate myself enough to the game to ACTUALLY beat it. I mean.... maybe.... but at this point in my life, I'm happy when a game has unlimited continues, so I can just play through the game. These levels didn't seem excessively difficult, but it makes it easier to hack through with unlimited continues. Very enjoyable experience, good gameplay, funny story.... definately going to go into rotation. I thought the ending was hilarious, too. All 3 three teams hanging out with the owner of the league. Like... okay... so the other teams are just gone now so we'll have to play against each other after banding together to save the owner. There was a hilarious line in the ending, too.... I forget it now. Haha, shit.... Ah well... will probably play through it again soon while it's still fresh in my head. The truck level was much easier, and seemed much shorter, after going back to it this most recent time so should be a good play through....
  6. Yeah, that's a fair point. It's probably a bit different when you're actually there. Yes, exactly. Literally pure magic. It's funny because as a kid I didn't realize what the song was actually about... and it's talking about the actual movie itself (obviously, as well as all the other references) so it's a perfect introduction to the show. So actually understanding the song is even more incredible. We had this record when I was a kid....
  7. 10/10 Been a favourite since I was a little kid. My older sibling was like 12 years older than me and showed it to us. I used to run around the house in my underwear and a cape (???) singing "I'm a sweet transvestite!" Absolutely INCREDIBLE music, and great acting with Tim Curry, OG stage players for Riff Raff/Magenta... Fucking awesome music. The first few songs are MAGICAL. Literally magical. Movie gets EXTRA WEIRD in the finale, though. But I still like it. I'm not into that at all.... Personally I've always watched it at home, so when I heard about that it really weirded me out. I still haven't done it in person because it gets in the way of the movie, for me, from the videos I've seen. That sounds terrible. But the movie itself is not as bad as this experience. Personally, the thought of this, or watching with an audience yelling random shit, sounds awful so I'm not surprised you hated it. There's some really good music in this film, though, that starts right from the jump so maybe if you're watching at home it would be a better experience for you.
  8. Got 'em!! Took that truck down.... by.... waiting it out and the guys just drive away? Great tips, though. They definitely helped! I was just getting comfortable with the pattern when I managed to beat it with a couple health bars left. I preferred to stay at the bottom left, jump the barrels I could, then when it slows down back up rush to the bottom right to avoid the 1-2 barrels it tosses then. Once you get comfortable with the pattern of the barrels, and are ready to move to the right and avoid 1-2 barrels, then quickly go back to the left you are all good. I get what you mean with the tricky platforming... level 5 was tight! Only took me a couple tries though, and beat the guy on the waterski first try. Neat boss! So now I'm level 6-2. Paused it and will get back to it tonight! Played this a few times though and it seems tough as hell! Got it!! Thanks for the encouragement! Like I said above, I did prefer to stay in the bottom left, but good to know there are multiple ways to get it done! Now tonight we'll see how brutal 6-2 is. Already died about 20 times on the moving platforms last night. Side note: Contra is one of my favourite games, and probably one I've played the most. So I think it's funny when I hear the same sounds in other games. I immediately assume it's a "Contra sound" even though Konami used a lot of similar sounds. The death and pause sounds are the same, I believe, for example.
  9. I feel personally attacked.... Haha, but I understand what you mean about Rental Store stickers.... ESPECIALLY our "hometown" ones. That particular one someone had already removed the location of the blockbuster, and the stickers were ugly.... but I do have other carts where I've kept the rental store stickers, and I think it's awesome to have games from different "Mom & Pop" rental shops. (I keep them in a special spot in my collection so i know where they are )
  10. Good talk all around.... very well said by RH above. Extra points for the emphasized "Boomshakalaka!" Yeah... probably like people who think Super Mario 2 was a fake Mario game.... wait, what?.... Back to noobs. I'm fine with "noobs" in the sense of people WANTING to get into a fun hobby and enjoy what they love. People who jump in for a cash grab or because it's "cool" can kick rocks for all I'm concerned, though. I don't think it's too hard to tell the difference, so whatever.... that person can do whatever they want, annoying as it can be sometimes. The inflation of the sealed/graded games has been particularly annoying, though. Another thing that burns my ass is... I notice label "upgrades" (aka putting a new, FAKES-ASS BULLSHIT, sticker, on the NES cart that is a copy of the OG label) it on Reddit alot.... I want to dunk on them so bad, but nobody seems to care anymore. It hurts. It hurts so bad.
  11. Oops, I'm not great at following up. No. Haha... shit. I made it to the truck a few more times, but haven't gotten past it yet. Sometimes I go in "waves" with how I'm motivated to play a game. If I lose/die too many times, I need to take a break before I start to hate the game. Also got distracted with some Battletoads, etc..... I was thinking of giving Rollergames another shot soon.... Might be what's next.
  12. 1. Walk Like A Man. 5. Meh. 2. December, 1963 - 9. University hit. Smoked a bowl and am listening to it now. Brings me back. From this I've learned that Frankie Valli was in/the main singer in The Four Seasons. Never knew that. Always had this song as "The Four Seasons" from the Napster/Limewire days. 3. Grease. 8. Had this record as a kid so I listened to this song all the time. Loved the movie, great song... good stuff.
  13. I find this fascinating. Just completely rip-off a bunch of characters for your game? Haha....
  14. The Paul brothers are both annoying, but I give them props for turning being annoying into lucrative careers. This guy is going to get paid more money to fight Tyson than I'll ever see in my lifetime. But Re: The Boxing... The only thing that would convince me this was a legitimate boxing match (or ANY of the boxing matches the Paul brothers have been in) is if someone actually gets knocked out cold, and fast. This Paul kid can move pretty well in the ring, and Tyson is pretty old.... ummmm.... I don't know, I don't know much about boxing, but Tyson looks decent in training.... it'll be a draw, or whatever: https://talksport.com/sport/1750732/mike-tyson-training-footage-jake-paul-fight/ Most times they just dance around and it's all bullshit... So of course they're just working the fight and trying to get through it without really hurting each other or looking like losers... Well... you could just stream it yourself online...? But OF COURSE you want to see it. Hell, I want to see it too. I want to see them BOTH get knocked out... I have Netflix so I'm already paying for it. I doubt I'll watch it live, but I'll fast forward to the fight after and watch it, sure. Hell, why not?
  15. Yeah, I'm quite enjoying it! Made me look at what other Ultra titles I might be overlooking, haha. Haha, dammit!! Should have known that wasn't the actual last stage. Okay, that's what I was doing somewhat successfully (staying on the bottom left when the truck comes and jumping the barrels).... I thought moving to the right to get under the barrels would work but I kept getting clipped. I'll try to get gooder/remember the patterns better. Right on... I've been using the Rockers team.... I noticed Hot Flash was faster, and I assumed not as strong. Fat guy was slow so I figured he was faster.... The Rocker team seems to work well for me as the movement was fast enough. I've literally only played it a couple times (couple hours total maybe?) so in NES terms, that still VERY new.... so hopefully I can improve a bit to try to take on this truck and the further platforming. Thanks for the tips! I'm going to go back and play it from the start shortly...
  16. 8 for me. Once you "learn" how to use grapple as a jump then the game becomes fun. It's a bit of a learning curve but once you master that the game becomes enjoyable. I used to think that as well, until I wrapped my brain around the fact that the grapple mechanism IS your jump. Like I said above, once you get over the initial awkwardness of the control, and can learn to use the grapple as more of a non-traditional "jump", then the game becomes much more enjoyable.
  17. This game is pretty fun!! I recall playing this as a kid, but because the controls are a bit tricky I think I gave up on it pretty early. Saw it randomly on an AVGN list (not ashamed to admit), and figured it's worth another shot. As an adult, knowing Ultra was actually Konami, I figured this game could be decent so I picked it up. Great music, neat graphics, neat story/cut scenes/set-up... The movement is actually pretty good if you give yourself a minute to figure it out. It would be better if the fighting levels used the fighting mechanic (it switches somewhat when you get to fight areas after a flex from your character ) throughout, but I understand they probably wanted the fast skating to be there. I always hate when beat 'em ups have slow moving characters. It's my pet peeve for most games, really. So using the roller skates as a reason to make these characters move faster is cool with me. Once you get to the fighting sections of the levels, it's fucking RADICAL! You're kicking ass like Billy and Jimmy but on roller skates. Overall, I think if the entire levels were like this the game would have been much better... But still awesome to have a bit of variation in levels throughout as I also enjoy the "auto scrolling" levels where you're skating across the screen getting chased down by motorcycles and shit. Now... to actually PLAYING the game: Okay, so I'm lying by saying "beat" because I am cheating right off the get go..... but only by using the continues provided in the game. Since I just started playing it, I've just been using the continues to get through. Once I figure out the entire game I could see how it's possible to do legitimately, but some parts are pretty tricky. I guess it depends on the "last stage".... So help me with this shit... Please! I'd rather get a few tips from here rather than REALLY CHEAT () and watch a video on YouTube. I figured it would be more interesting to try to use some tips from everyone here and see if I could get it done "old school"... aka by "talking" to people. So... I'm on the "last stage" as I think the game itself referenced. It's a side scrolling one where you have to beat up dogs and hawks and jump onto different sections of highway, avoid motorcycles, etc.... BUT THEN YOU GET TO A GIANT TRUCK THAT THROWS BARRELS AT YOU .... WTF am I supposed to do here? I've tried chilling at the bottom and jumping over the barrels that come there, but eventually the trucks just slows down into me. I've tried skating CLOSER to the truck so the barrels fly over my head, but they still catch me.... I've tried to skate UNDER the truck, but it hits me too.... seems like there's nowhere safe to go when this damn truck slows down into me.... ANY TIPS!?
  18. This is almost literally my collection. Games I want.... for me. Yeah.... I sure don't see what others are collecting, then try to get it first. Given the fact that there's a small margin of excellence in these (NES/SNES mostly) games, and I only like a few of the games, collecting based on what others are collecting wouldn't make sense for me. I don't really pay attention much to the subsets or variants, etc. so I can't really comment much on "following the trends", though. I guess if you were looking to really boost the value of your collection, and wanted to be tracking down all these variants, it would help to be "ahead of the curve" so I guess I can kinda understand what the OP is trying to ask.... albeit somewhat awkwardly.
  19. King K. Rool has had him tied up on a pirate ship, still with his diaper on, feeding him only carrots this whole time. DK and the crew MUST save him right away! I mean... we had to save our banana hoards first of course, and we didn't actually "realize" he was missing those first 3 games.
  20. Well said. I pretty much agree. It all gets a bit messy trying to group and categorize EVERYTHING. Most times, likely, as you pointed out there's a "main series" we can go with. Don't forget to include "New Super Mario Bros." in the main series for SMB! Same here. I'll do what I need to win. Ah yes. Fully agree. I didn't realize we feel the exact same way and you just literally meant referring to "Nintendo" games in conversation. If I show up to your place and you've got a Gamecube for us to play then you REALLY fucked up. At this point if we're having a conversation and you DON'T understand that Nintendo = NES only, then why are we even friends? What... you gonna throw that DS in there too while we play some "Nintendo games"??? Jesus. Get a grip. Note: This sarcasm is not intended to take away from my level of agreeance, if you say "Nintendo" we better be playing some NES games, haha.
  21. Haha.... fuckin' duh. My bad. Thanks for that... I DO know this. I guess I was only considering DKC on and didn't really think about Jr. in the previous games But yeah.... like you said, it's odd he's not mentioned at all in DKC sssssoooo where'd he go? .... I can't find anything here about a reference for "where" he went pre DKC. https://www.mariowiki.com/Donkey_Kong_Jr.
  22. It does make for an interesting discussion, though.... Kind of an offshoot of the SMB3 vs SMW which morphed to include some SMB2 discussion. What makes it a spinoff? Gameplay? Lore/Actual storyline? So.... Series = SMB, SMB2, SMB3, SMW, 64, Galaxy, etc. Spinoff = Mario's Time Machine, Super Mario Kart, etc.....? Yup. I don't even know what PVP is. I used the internets and.... Player vs Player? Okay... so... I knew that was a thing, just didn't know the term. PVP. I'm a noob. Unless there's a newer name for noob the kids are using. Well.... now that's ACTUALLY cheating. "I only consider NES games to be Nintendo games." Haha, what the hell does that actually mean? Like.... you just consider all NES games to be one single category? SNES, 64, etc. Each is their own "series"? I mean... in a way it does make sense. They are completely different systems with different capabilities and sets of games. I could certainly see a situation where categorizing the games like that is beneficial... just depends on the conversation/question I suppose.
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