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Everything posted by RegularGuyGamer

  1. Nope, it's on best buy now. It sold out though... Probably low production with the coronavirus https://www.bestbuy.com/site/mega-man-zero-zx-legacy-collection-nintendo-switch/6375001.p?skuId=6375001
  2. Isn't that what their boxes are for? JK of course. I like those Club Nintendo cases. They fit every handheld including a switch without joycons. Same goes for the Hori 3ds case in between them.
  3. Judging how Capcom has slashed the prices on the other MegaMan compilations, I'm just going to wait til this is regularly on sale for $15.
  4. I would think a man like yourself would know that a reported 10x death rate in comparison to the flu at this stage in the life cycle of the virus isn't a fair number to use. The common flu has a team of scientists working to combat it every year via vaccinations and has trained medical professionals ready to identify it and treat it effectively. Remove those pillars, and you have a killer virus that anyone in poor health would not survive. Add that to the accuracy of the numbers as the sample increases. The cronovirus has such small numbers of cases in countries that can produce trusted outcomes. I personally do not trust the Chinese govt in reporting data whether for good or for bad. With the trade war tactics that have been on, I'm sure they're pleased as to what the commotion is doing to the DJI and also the diversion that happened from the HK protests.
  5. My dad was a respiratory therapist for 35 years and says the H1N1 and SARS was worse by far. Cronovirus is about as deadly as another flu, which is bad but not Spanish flu or even H1N1 levels.
  6. Did any one mention Megan Legends? I still want a proper 3d mega man game.
  7. Are you hip hop guys above the promo release vinyls with the singles, edited version and instrumentals all on one record?
  8. I have the don't branded component cables and they've always done right by me.
  9. Mark me down for neither. I don't understand the appeal of knock off goods.
  10. I pack 3 on my lunch and take a small Mason jar of milk to warsh it down.. MMM mmm! They're so satisfying.
  11. it has to go to my ASCII showcase for the Gameboy. It's not the rarest thing in the world but it is a real gem. I have another one I'm looking to hang on the wall once I find the right place for it.
  12. I actually got to see one room through the auto auction I used to work at! It sold for the Fiero price tho.
  13. But didn't you just tell me what to do? OP is about concern with fake boxes. The opinions expressed in accordance with the OP should not be a surprise (oh shit I just told you what to do). If people wana enjoy paper craft, that's on them. Ther s plenty of Pinterest pages for them to post on, or hobby lobby bloggers that will encourage them. But they won't find it from me. Printing materials at home is cringetopia. Fake boxes, manuals and labels are the participation trophy of the hobby. I'm not taking them away from anyone. I'm just letting the readers know that's not what most of us are here for.
  14. People can live I'm just going to throw shade where I see fit. It's a pay to play hobby. Like every other hobby. If a person wants to print boxes, that fine but they're not in the video game hobby they're in the paper craft hobby. And that's fine just don't claim to be collecting video game accessories. Again, I don't see the mental gymnastics a person as to do for it to be ok. My examples are unreasonable but my logic is sound. Paper craft items is not a member of the set of video games and video accessories. And, in my most humble opinion, it's embarrassing and I cringe when I think about people doing it. It's like watch Fergi sing the national anthem. https://youtu.be/CMA2iF6RuXk
  15. I hear the argument I just don't get the mental gymnastics a person needs to do to enjoy fake boxes. Like, do you print Michael Jordan rookie cards? Do you go to home Depot and lacker up some cedar and tell people it was from the old floor of the staple center? Do you go down to China Town and rock fake a Rolex and Gucci? It comes down to having it and just looking like you have it. Printing a box and throwing a game in it isn't special. It's embarrassing. Would you buy a Pontiac fiero and put a Lamborghini body kit on it too? https://www.pinterest.com/pin/288230444877229667/
  16. I've been playing dragon ball fighter Z and am really enjoying it. A really nice classic 2d fighter. It has elements of the marvel vs Capcom where, for the story mode, you have 3 fighters per match and it's 1KO for each instead of multiple rounds. I'm in the 2nd story arc and they've been both excellent
  17. I did realize how easy it was to make. It's very approachable and I've been making it once a week, usually the day before we go back to work. We had some frozen blueberries she wanted out of the freezer so I whipped this cobbler up for dessert too.
  18. I made gnocchi from scratch and sauteed them with some peas. I made a little brown butter sage sauce to go over them. Compliments of Gordon Ramsey recipe
  19. Ok, so I saw a truly amazing DMG screen mod. It's plug and play. It's an IPS screen that comes with an entire front board. I'm gna leave a link to the Reddit post and to the website that sells it. Check them both out! https://handheldlegend.com/products/game-boy-backlight-dmg-ips
  20. I thought you could just connect two of Xbox together w a Ethernet cable and call it a day. Pretty sure there's no networking involved. Otherwise, 8th grade me wouldn't have done it so often.
  21. I kinda wanna see how many we can fit in there now
  22. That's where I'm at. I'm coaching, working full time, planning a wedding and taking grad classes so I just don't have time to exercise like I want to and I still Wana be able to grab some chic fila or five guys on the way home once a week and not feel horrible about it. I just figure, restricting my calories in the morning for those 6-7 hours before lunch is enough to help me not get chubby, which is the main goal. I'm 6'4 and weigh 220 so I don't have a ton to lose I just want to maintain what I got while my life is hectic. I have noticed an improvement in my hunger levels tho. If I skip breakfast I'm not actually hungry until lunch anymore. It took about a month to get used to it but now I can skip meal and not feel like I'm going to die.
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