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Everything posted by Red

  1. That last screenshot for Final Fantasy II has been bugging me. I've played this game multiple times through and I don't remember there ever being a reference to espers in the dialog. I even checked a few videos of that scene from multiple versions of the game and the dialog in that screenshot doesn't match any of them. Which version of the game is that screenshot from?
  2. Yeah, I know they're not really related, but whenever I see mention of the Xenoblade games, it reminds me that I still have an unplayed copy of Xenosaga that's been laying around for nearly 20 years.
  3. I've had that problem for years. Actually, forget about wanting to play Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2 and X before 3. I still want to play Xenosaga 1, 2, and 3 before even starting the Xenoblade series.
  4. I tried playing this one a few weeks ago. My initial impression was that this game could be kinda fun. The controls and camera didn't seem too bad, but after about 10 minutes, I really started to dislike it, for pretty much the same issues you described. I think the only reason it seemed promising at first was because I tried it out immediately after trying Bubsy 3D. Bubsy 3D has the most horrendous controls of any 3D platformer I've ever played. Even trying to line up Bubsy in front of a stationary object so I could collect it was a chore. After playing it for a minutes, I probably could have tried almost any other subpar game next and would have had a positive first impression.
  5. None of the new game announcements really interested me. This Direct really just reminded me that I still need to get around to playing Octopath Traveler, the Xenoblade games, the Fatal Frame games, the Bayonetta games, the Romancing SaGa games, and Breath of the Wild. The sequels all look like they could be fun, but it's hard to get too excited for them when I haven't gotten around to playing the originals.
  6. I'd like to see a new Wave Race, Star Fox, and/or F-Zero. Not expecting any of them though. As far as something that seems more likely, a Metroid Prime Trilogy with Splatoon style motion controls would be nice.
  7. There are some things that make the NES or SMS versions easier or harder than the other, but overall, I think the SMS version is a bit easier. It feels like the SMS version controls slightly better. Some of the enemies are a bit easier to deal with as well. The cobras don't spit fire and the bad eggs are speckled (in the NES version, the good and bad ones look the same). The SMS version doesn't have the fireball upgrade though, so you can't just destroy all the rocks and boulders. To play the final level in the SMS version, you have to collect all the dolls in the previous stages. In the NES version, the dolls are replaced with pots, which only give bonus points. You can access the final stage whether you collect them all or not. The SMS version is longer too, with 10 stages total, compared to 8 on NES. I've played very little of the arcade version so I can't comment on that one. I haven't played the Game Gear version, but I hear it's based on the SMS version.
  8. I figured out the second one. It's ESPN Extreme Games. That leaves just the third one.
  9. I was thinking it might be a game set in Japan or at least have significant Japanese influences. That's exactly what I was thinking right before I posted this topic. besides a Google DuckDuckGo search, I checked Game-Rave and The PlayStation Datacenter thinking that if anyone did it, it would be one of them. No problem. I like where the conversation is going. If this thread inspires the creation of such a database, I'd say it got better results than I had hoped!
  10. The World Ends With You has one of my Favorite RPG battle systems, which wouldn't be possible without a touch screen. The Switch version tried to make it work with motion controls, but it just didn't feel right to me. A few more that I think worked well: Electroplankton Elite Beat Agents/Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 1 & 2 Picross 3D WarioWare Touched! & DIY Star Fox Command (I was skeptical of the stylus controls in this one, but really got into it once I gave it a chance)
  11. That seems to be it. Thanks! Ha ha. I was looking for something like this and couldn't find it, but there it is as the first image in Google search results. That's what I get for having DuckDuckGo as my default search engine.
  12. Unfortunately, that wasn't it. I just tried loading from that memory card with Castlevania Chronicles and got nothing.
  13. I've been playing a lot of PS1 lately and thought it was time to organize all my memory card files. There were a few files I couldn't identify the icons for though. The first one says [VIEW] on it, so my best guess is maybe it's for Viewpoint? I don't have the game at the moment so I can't check. The other two don't have any text, so I can only go by the picture. They're animated, so I took pictures of a couple frames of the animation. Can anyone tell which games these go with?
  14. I was really into Splatoon for a while. I got up to the highest rank, S+. My points maxed out somewhere in the 90s (I think it was 97), but never got to the highest possible (S+99). I played Splatoon 2 quite a bit too, but I pretty much stopped playing right after reaching Rank X (the highest), so I didn't play much with other Rank X players.
  15. Pin Bot is easily my favorite. I like how it's more than just a recreation of the original table. They added levels to cycle through to give a goal other than just getting a high score. The sounds pretty good and the graphics aren't bad either. It plays well too. It feels like you can have better control over the ball than any of the other NES pinball games. I actually consider it one of my favorite pinball games for any system.
  16. Maybe Snake Rattle n Roll? It was a game that I played back in the day and could never get the hang of the controls. I bought it years later and made a serious attempt to beat it, but couldn't. It wasn't until another few years later I gave it another shot and finally beat it. I wound up beating it again a few months later just to prove to myself that the first time wasn't just a fluke. Maybe it's not the hardest game I've beaten, but the history I had with it made it feel like quite the accomplishment.
  17. I played through Rolan's Curse not too long ago. I had this one back in the day and wasn't too crazy about it. Still not. It's a Zelda clone, but very watered down. There's a lack of enemy variety, too easy bosses, and repeating areas. Just unremarkable in every way. I'd like try Rolan's Curse 2 someday though, as it looks a bit better.
  18. I played through Fantasy Zone. A pretty bad port. I'll add this to the list of NES games that I think the SMS version is better.
  19. I haven't been around here for a few months, but I have been playing games during that time, primarily PlayStation. I played through the following: Tai Fu Wrath of the Tiger - A platformer/beat-em-up hybrid. Doesn't do either very well. Bust A Groove - Assuming playing through as one character in the Japanese version is good enough for this thread, consider this one complete. Not as good as I remember, but still a decent rhythm game. Bust A Groove 2 - Like the first one, played though the Japanese version. Pocket Fighter - like the Bust A Grooves, only beaten with one character. Played the US version this time though! Digimon Rumble Arena - Again, only played as one character. I didn't like this one too much. Can't see myself ever playing again. Incredible Crisis - Story driven mini-game collection. Most of the games aren't too great, but the goofiness of the situations make it worth playing. Persona - I haven't played through this in a long time. Can't say I enjoyed it as much as I did back in the day, but it's still not bad. A lot of people complain about the localization, but I kinda like it. It gives it a more unique personality. Considering that the battles could drag on a bit long, I think the encounter rate reduction and experience earned increase was a good decision.
  20. If you're adding Japanese games for this year, it's already done! Didn't you keep track of Japanese games in the past? I remember posting Japanese completions in one of the previous Nintendo 64 threads.
  21. List updated again. Thanks for this post. If anyone else is interested, I am still open to selling, but I only take money orders as payment. Going back to? That's how I've always done things!
  22. The first time I saw the case art for this game, it was being used as an avatar (by NintendoTwizer, I think?) and I assumed it was a fake created to poke fun at all the shovelware on Wii. It was probably a few weeks until I found out it was a real game. It looks mildly amusing. I'm pretty sure I've been watching that listing for a few years now. I never actually bought it though. I always figured it would show up in a lot I buy some day.
  23. Civilization II is done. A bit tough going back to this one after playing 3 and 4 (still haven't played 5 or 6), but it was interesting to try it again. I recall it being better on PC though.
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