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Everything posted by a3quit4s

  1. I’m still a fan of Casual Carts on the first page but definitely open to seeing more submissions!!!
  2. I just watched The Irishman last night. I’ll readily admit it was awesome seeing all the amazing actors in the film together. Great supporting cast options as well, Bobby Cannavale was great as was Ray Romano. The story was ehhh did you really need 3.5 hours to tell this one? There is no doubt that Scorsese ranks among the best directors and it’s funny that I critique him against his own work - Casino, GoodFellas, Taxi Driver, Gangs of NY, Raging Bull, Wolf of Wall Street, Mean Streets, etc. Don’t get me wrong I liked it, but where the other movies I could watch over and over this one was better server as a one and done for me. It may have been better served as a 2-2.5 hour movie but that’s just me.
  3. Let’s gooooooo still need my hoodie!! And now maybe that hat it’s so freshhhh edit: looking at all the submissions we may now need a primary and alternate logo! A text based and a mascot based
  4. Can vouch for NES Freak, did an excellent job repairing my VB. Thanks again!!
  5. a3quit4s

    Dead Tomb

    How dare you post a game I can’t buy yet!
  6. Target having Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey for $30 each was clutch!
  7. Hi! Love me some home brews! The wife and I were playing Micro Mages last night. Really fun game
  8. Happy Thanksgiving all! Just my wife myself and our 5 month old son. I’m going to eat all the turkey while he eats all the smushed up baby food!
  9. Mine is Start and Select as well. Its really satisfying to rage quit mega man for the 100th time with that button combo
  10. Thank you for mentioning Winback, it is a fun ass shooter on rails game.
  11. Pay off the house/house upgrades, make sure my son is set for college and maybe a little spending money after. Maybe a new car or two. I might set like $20k aside for game collecting but I’m not sure I would stray too far from what I am doing already. Throw whatever was left at my retirement account. This hypothetical question answer gets more boring the older I get lol
  12. I bought the Snow Brothers from Adler - easy transaction, very well packaged. Buy with confidence.
  13. I hope you launch a kickstarter so I can back it!
  14. The last match is pretty unforgiving if I remember correctly. You need perfect shots every time. It’s been awhile since i played it.
  15. Saturn has no Mario, Zelda, 007, Smash like cmon man no competition here. I have a Saturn but have rarely played it.
  16. I’m totally awesome at it in Golf Story
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