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Everything posted by kell

  1. 100 days (business) and counting for a Turbo order.
  2. Both good ideas that could help expand services offered. I assume GVN or PC could be used for value, however, I know there are inaccuracies with them and they don't cover 100% of the market, including UTLRA RAREZ, protos, or one-off items. I've talked to my insurance company a few times and they don't seem to have a clue, but assure me they are covered. But I know if I had to ask them to pay up they'd challenge my values as most people have no idea what games are going for these days. Trained and certified local experts would be great and cut down on some of the expense and logistical issues with sending an expert. Like someone mentioned, plenty of experts on this forum who may be interested in doing it as a side gig, hobby, second career, etc. Would be good to ease into additional services. I think WATA's approach of "We. Grade. Everything." may end up hurting them. Drives me nuts seeing low end games with WATA grades as mine sit in the WATA black hole. I know it shouldn't, as everyone has a right to use the services as they see fit and I'm not special. But it does.
  3. Think bigger, I would say. Or at least, think about it from the collector perspective: Send "Joe" the grader to me. He spends a week and grades a certain amount of games. You give, maybe, a slightly reduced grading fee for volume and I pay reasonable expenses. I'm already having to pay hundreds in shipping to send to you (mostly insurance) and now my games don't leave my house and I don't have to wait months. Time is so valuable and at the current state of grading it could take me years to get games graded through WATA. And as a new company, it could help you get some exposure and customers. I'd be hesitant to send a new company, with no history, high dollar games. You can come grade my whole collection (what's worth grading) or large chunks at a time: you gain market exposure faster as I flaunt my games and list them on auction sites, you gain a loyal customer whom, hopefully, will talk about what a great service it is while I mitigate the risk of sending a bunch of games to a new company and don't have to wait months/years to get a lot of games graded. Plus, with the right collector, like me, who has receipts, your graders could gain some great experience with proven authentic games. It's a win-win, I think. Just the opinion of a frustrated collector and I'm sure there are things I'm not thinking of. I wish you nothing but success, OP.
  4. I would argue that since WATA has had my recent order, and my money, for over 4 months with no order status change, there is currently enough demand to support another VG grader. Some, with bigger collections, have enough games to keep a grader busy for months. Would love to see a service which would have a grader come to me and grade my games on site instead of having to do all these shipments. I'd pay for that. Don't really understand the CIB angle, though.
  5. Just for another data point, My legit Pearl has a chunky “E”. Would take more pics but has been at WATA to get graded for almost 4 months now.
  6. Since they do charge partially based on value I thought they did reserve the right for adjustments? I have so many games I'd get graded, but their turn times are ridiculous. Going on 3 months now for my last submission... and they've had my money for those 3 months. With these long turns they really shouldn't charge until they ship them back.
  7. This sums it up for me. Zelda is one of my favorite series. However, couldn't get into this one for the reasons quoted. Also, villages seemed very generic and stale. I'm not too far into it, and I hate to never go back to it, but thinking my time is better spent elsewhere. Does it get better?
  8. May be referring to younger ones, but the kids I'm around, teenagers, don't spend their money at theatres. The move to simultaneously release is a big step toward eliminating theaters IMO. However, I do think the theatres that create an experience, dinner and/or alcohol, may be whats left. Got in too late on NOK. All this activity reminds me of why I don't pick individual stocks, I'm not good at it. Low cost total market funds for the long haul.
  9. My understanding is that they are ramping up to grade DS games and opened limited submissions to prevent too many at once. Supposedly, my games were approved for grading. And for a new product with more counterfeits in the marketplace, I'd assume they may take a bit more time.
  10. My latest submission was Turbo and received by WATA on Nov 9th. Haven't seen any update on the site yet, however, they are DS games and that may increase their turn time.
  11. Recently, I've sold of some stuff and tracked some as well, and have seen such a large spike in activity and prices. Plus, I think some of the GVN prices for higher end games were much too low when compared to what was going on in the market, including HA. So I think the large increase makes sense and puts the games more in line with the current market which is good to see.
  12. When I log in and go to my collection I get this error: DataTables warning: table id=datatable - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/7 Just in case you need some trouble shooting help
  13. Love the site and appreciation all your work on it Magus. Hate to be the bearer of bad news... but collection tracker is timing out for me as of now
  14. Zelda Breath of the Wild I am finding it extremely tedious: weapons breaking, can only carry so many, cooking, can't swim/climb for more than 10 seconds. And the dungeons are weak. Maybe I just haven't played it long enough, or not doing something right, but I just can't get into it and it is actually becoming laborious to play. Which is especially sad since the wife and I have always loved playing Zelda games together.
  15. Also has a few Pokemon cards priced a seven figures... I had no idea, but I should have. Pokemon has such a crazy devoted fan base.
  16. Nah, I just got lucky and came across a store that had 4 ps1 games. I'm guessing they found them in the back and put them out for sale.
  17. Thanks! Funny thing is, I found GTA two years ago... at Target
  18. Reselling has taken a lot of my interest away from the hobby, I don't fault anyone for it and am guilty of it myself to some extent. It's typical in all aspects of society, people see an opportunity to make money and they take advantage of it. But I'd rather the prices remain low because once they get high enough I have a hard time justifying not selling stuff, especially with college just around the corner. I miss game collecting being a niche hobby, specifically sealed games. But my biggest issue with collecting is I don't have anyone to share it with. My family doesn't care and only complains about all the space it takes up and I have no friends that are interested. So that leaves talking with random people on the Internet... lol.
  19. Yeah, can’t believe how high the resale is on HA for some of these. Anyone sell on it yet? Not sure how it works. Do you have to send them the games? Are there fees in addition to the buyers premium?
  20. I'm actually thinking of selling my small Saturn collection. Anyone know about the Panzer Dragoon Saga variants? I've got the white sleeve version. Is one variant more desirable?
  21. Love Zelda games, but I'm really not enjoying Breath of the wild. Fighting games and sports games got to complicated. Feel like if I don't remember long combo chains or study a playbook I'd get my butt whooped.
  22. Just looking at some of the recent sold GC auctions for new games, I don't see prices as being that crazy for a Nintendo system that is almost 20 years old. Sealed games on Nintendo platforms tend to do well over time.
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