At the current times, you are looking at 6+ months for getting Speedrun orders back. My June order hasn't shipped yet - just over 6 calendar months.
Order doesn't games mean anything regarding grades, if that what you are thinking.
Anyone have experience with Wata and GBA grades?
Got my first batch back and their grading of the gba games seemed much more picky than what I’ve seen them do for systems.
They opened a window to submit DS games for a short time (once, maybe more idk) I got a few in last fall, one of the ones on HA was mine. I was told they were testing grading those systems.
Am I the only one that would want to get this recased/regraded to get the "The Dreamer Collection" removed? These collection monikers would be such a deterrent for me if I was going to put that kind of cash up for these valuable pieces.
Would estimate 5-6 months for speed run if you are sending in now. Mine are in post grading and sitting at 4+ months currently (non DVD games). My DVD game order actually shipped earlier than non DVD games.