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Everything posted by ookii_risu

  1. Neat stuff! Thanks for all your hard work on the site!
  2. Congrats! My brother and I beat the game when we were young. He drew maps on graph paper. He also played the second quest with his friends. I only remember some of the second quest, but I remembered almost everything about the game when I played it again on my own a few years ago. Only major problem I had was finding the second dungeon... Smacked my forehead really good when I looked at a map.
  3. I don't think I saw these mentioned yet. If you like FMV, Revenge of the Ninja and Time Gal are good. Play like Dragon's Lair.
  4. Decided on a whim to play Mixed-up Mother Goose. Found a free version online. Took about an hour to complete. Was fun to revisit something from my childhood, even though it was an updated version.
  5. Congrats on this milestone!
  6. Mario Kart is the only racing game I'll play, and I'm not that great at it, I admit. I generally don't like playing against AI, either, but I would get frustrated if I kept losing to the CPU that way. I think it's a better game played multiplayer.
  7. Yep, that's the one. I'm just used to that layout, I guess. Haven't used the stick in a long while, though, got it in storage.
  8. I'm used to moving. Was born in PA, went 4 hours away for college, moved to Japan for a few years after that, moved to Ohio for grad school when I returned to the US. Stayed there for about 6 years, then moved to Pittsburgh PA for 4 years, back to my hometown for 3 years, and now I've been living in Maryland for 2 years and some change. The Doc is right. A flight is a flight, or if only a few hours away, a drive is a drive. If you don't have anything holding you back, get out there and explore. You have your whole life ahead of you.
  9. Haven't played NG+ but I did play the DLC for Plague Knight. I know there's other DLC that I have to get to. Will check it out sometime
  10. Mainly was talking about the fight stick that came with... was it 9? And I think the controls for MK2 were tight. The button layout is the best. Block button rules!
  11. Played Mixed-Up Mother Goose when I was at my cousin's place visiting. I started playing it in the morning, and was still playing it in the afternoon when everyone else watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I had no interest in a movie at that time; was completely enamored with that game. I've thought about trying to download it and play it again, been so long.
  12. Loved Phelios! There are a lot of good Genesis games out there that don't get enough love.
  13. I really enjoyed Hollow Knight. I poured about 60 hours into it and loved every minute. I love the art style, the caterpis, everything. There were some spots that weren't immediately clear to me on how to get past, and I admit I did look up a bunch of stuff, but all in all it's one of my top Metroid-like titles. Shovel Knight is also up there. Really well made, even if the bosses were pretty easy in general. Shovel Knight is also pretty short but well worth the price.
  14. Yeah, that's what's kept me from buying it. $20 for a... what... 6 hour game? But I thought it had a lot more depth to it than I'm reading from you guys. I haven't seen any real gameplay of it or anything because I wanted to be surprised, but I'll be sure to wait for it to go on sale before I spend that much.
  15. I prefer the bat top. For some reason it feels a lot more accurate to me. The ball tops generally feel looser. I love the MK fight stick.
  16. I watched what I could that I was interested in when it was live, but I'll watch the runs I missed on YouTube when they get posted. I really want to see that Punch-Out blindfolded run. It's amazing how they manage to beat their previous record in donations almost every year. I donate a little bit here and there.
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