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Everything posted by ookii_risu

  1. I beat Phantasy Star 4 last week. Was a good game. One plus was that it’s not as grindy as most older RPGs, but I did spend some time Leveling up anyway. They throw Star dews and moon dews at you, which made the game considerably easier toward the end. Still required a lot of healing/item management along the way, though. I still think PS2 is better, but I did enjoy PS4. It was nice to finally play through it after all these years.
  2. 5/10 I played through it when it came out and don’t remember a thing about it. Not the gameplay, not the story, not the music. Was just another RPG to blow through as I was hungry for RPGs in the SNES era.
  3. @maxlords love your avatar! One of my favorite games
  4. Good luck! It’s really not too bad, especially if you have spin slash
  5. I’m playing Phantasy Star IV on the Switch Genesis Classics. Pretty fun. Nice visuals and cut scenes, but I haven’t been too impressed with the OST like I have with II and III.
  6. Not really interested in playing it. But doesn’t seem bad. Reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus.
  7. I think it was this one that got me into sandbox games. I love the open world games and enjoyed this one. 8/10
  8. SMB3 is overrated, agree. I don't get why SMB2 gets so much flak. I think it's the best one of the NES series.
  9. Just came on here to vent more frustrations about Odyssey. TOO MANY MOONS! I don't necessarily sneer at every attempt to artificially extend gameplay, but this is ridiculous. So why do I continue to play it? I feel like it's now my job to get the 500 moons and see what happens. This reminds me of when I played Spiderman 2 for PS2 and I was told I needed to achieve a certain number of fights or rescues or something like that (forget, it's been so long), and then after going through all of that was told that it doesn't change anything and I get nothing for my effort. Utter BS.
  10. I’ve been looking forward to Last of Us II and don’t want to hear a thing about it until I play for myself. These people need to get real problems to worry about. Games aren’t the end-all-be-all.
  11. ^^Lol I love it! Finally got caught up. Have been helping my stepmom with my dad and getting used to this schedule. I'm definitely down for another month of this or a continuing thread about video game music in general. One of my niche loves that I seldom get to share with others.
  12. Moonlighter was a bit of a disappointment. I did enjoy it for what it was, but there isn't much to the game, really. Apparently there's DLC... might be worth it for $7.
  13. Not interested in playing it. Wasn't my kind of game back then, and even now I wouldn't be able to get into it because of how it looks. I've never even owned an N64. Played Mario 64 at a friend's place.
  14. Nope, just one to buy. But you can give Toad 50 coins to tell you where one of the moons is hiding.
  15. I'm playing through Super Mario Odyssey right now. I do like it, but it's nowhere as addicting for me as the Galaxies were. Also... I like finding the moons, but there are just way too many of them... why do you have to spend 100 coins on one in each shop??
  16. Here's another one I agree with. I played through the entire game and found it lackluster. I don't remember any of the OST, certainly don't remember very much of the game at all. I really don't understand the fandom.
  17. I really enjoyed it. The story isn't all that groundbreaking, but I like the angle they took with it. Also enjoyed the interactions between the main characters. If you don't like games that require stealth, though, I think you'll get tired of it quickly. I actually suck at stealth, even though I enjoy it.
  18. Same. I mentioned it in another thread. The previous Final Fantasies I've played are so much better.
  19. I love Mushroom Forest! I was debating between that and Nightmare Land, but I decided to go with the latter.
  20. I really recommend the remastered version. It's leaps and bounds better than the original; you wouldn't be missing anything. And it has voice acting by as much of the original cast as possible.
  21. If anyone's awake and wants to listen to some Zelda stuff on piano, check out lara6683 on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lara6683
  22. The remastered version is amazing. I literally wept when I listened to it for the first time.
  23. Good music there but the game... yikes. I hate pressure situations, so I didn't get along well with it.
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