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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Now I’m worried about my CIB FF6 being fake. I bought it in… I want to say 2008/2009ish?
  2. If I’m together with a group of friends, they don’t care about all the extra fuzz of DKR. They just want a quick pick up and play experience. That’s what Mario Kart (and other Mario sports games) has always been best at.
  3. Sounds good to me. I’d love to add more to my collection. This one brings me to three total.
  4. Some more Nintender carts from local game shops, but my favorite pickup this week is the newest addition to my Game & Watch collection
  5. The one where Samus chokes on the puzzle piece (Super)
  6. Can I nominate myself after pretending to be concerned with a customer’s messed up order when I worked restaurants
  7. Not saying this antagonistically but I’m genuinely curious if you felt the same way about the mini/classic systems. I know there’s quite a bit of difference between the two but the idea of having legacy titles in a cute little package is sort of the same idea here.
  8. Metroid Fusion Metroid - Metroid II - Super - Fusion - Dread
  9. Little Samson or Stadium Events Game and Watch when
  10. Samus won her gulag against Captain Falcon. Now her series is alive again. Captain Falcon, Pit, and Fox are all waiting to be revived.
  11. As a Gunpei Yokoi nerd and lover of the OG Game and Watch line I’m all for this becoming a series
  12. The Mario one is still in abundant supply so hopefully this one follows that trend
  13. Metroid Dread is the meat of this Direct. Everything else is the bread. I’m so damn excited for this game. Also happy to see Warioware back!
  14. Yeah, I was initially hesitant to say anything but you asked for feedback and I’m not meaning this in an antagonistic way. But this is what stuck out to me as a casual viewer, that the label was bland. I’m not a sealed or graded collector, so you could disregard my opinion entirely. But I think there’s also something to be said for appealing to those outside of your market and maybe compelling them to give your service a shot.
  15. I guess my question isn’t so much “Why?” but “Why now?” The game has had 27 years to pick up steam for the various reasons listed above. I like the game, but I didn’t think a large group of collectors suddenly decided Wario’s Woods was desirable enough for the price to start creeping up like it has. The explanation of the sealed copies drying up makes sense. Maybe the availability on the Switch NES Online thing has given it more visibility? Virtual console availability is one thing, but if it’s already there on your screen staring you in the face people are going to say “what the hell” and give it a go.
  16. Any idea why this is? I’ve passed up plenty of carts the last few months because I wanted a CIB copy. Now it seems like carts are selling for way higher than I was seeing before and CIB may be out of reach for me atm.
  17. There’s a Poke bowl place near me called Pokémen and I’m just waiting for the day that daddy Nintendo comes knocking with a C&A and tries to bankrupt the owners
  18. I’ve been meaning to play through both again too, so I guess we’ll find out either way lol
  19. You think so? I haven’t played Of Myths and Monsters in years but I remember not knowing where to go vs. the NES one which is difficult but fairly linear in terms of where to go
  20. @DefaultGen is always ranting about how Ninja Gaiden: Shadow on Game Boy is far superior to Ninja Gaiden III on NES. I think his Shinobi III preference is also well documented.
  21. Went back to Nashville to visit family this weekend and one of the local stores has a bunch of CIBs of this. How does it play?
  22. Oh and the lab I work at currently gives me weird vibes. But more Michael Myers vibes than ghost vibes. I was working at the computers there late one night and couldn’t shake the feeling I was being watched which never happens to me. Then I heard something in the main portion of the lab fall over. I finished my work and left. Like I said, I don’t believe in ghosts and it felt more like Michael Myers vibes to me than ghost vibes but yeah. Nothing like a little adrenaline.
  23. I don’t believe in ghosts, but I do enjoy hearing stories about ghosts and cryptids. I know the theater building at my old college is on the national registry of haunted places or something. Supposedly there was a promising theater student who died named Margaret. Now there’s weird happenings in the theater and the abandoned third floor. One night my freshman year we snuck in there to try and find Margaret, of course we found nothing. My cousin was a theater grad student there and he believed in Margaret though. He said he used to do all his work there at night and he stopped after experiencing some weird stuff. My high school agriculture teacher didn’t believe in anything, not ghosts or God etc. He used to give tours at the Bell Witch Cave and he said he would often have people do seances. One night he said some people did a seance and something scary happened but he wouldn’t elaborate on what. He said one of the people ended up leaving with scars on their back. He said he quit the next day. I don’t know if that’s a true story or if he was just messing with us, but it’s fun to tell anyway. One time when I was in high school I prank called a “ghost hunter” in my area and asked why my chickens were being spooked at night and she told me it was likely the ghost of a coyote lmao
  24. Sure, here it is. The juicy part starts on the latter portion of page 2, but page 1 and the beginning of page 2 set up the backstory. https://atariage.com/forums/topic/245299-boxed-air-raid-sells-for-500/#comments
  25. Oops, should have looked before I posted. Is this the one where the couple selling it got super defensive and ranted about AtariAge in the description on ebay? If you guys haven’t read the AtariAge thread on that, it is quality content.
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