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Everything posted by Jicsan

  1. Leo, he has swords, I like swords!
  2. The Goonies is off my list! It was surprisingly short and easy. The time limit cost me more lives than anything else since I spent so much time lost. I found every kid in every stage, mostly because they always turned up before all the keys did. I only found one hidden power up though. Maybe one day I will play it again with a walk through and get all those too.
  3. Those DSi cases, what a great idea, they look very nice!
  4. What happened to the "only one 10" thing? If the SNES isn't your 10 what is?
  5. I'm going to be playing Resident Evil 8 in a week, but I have the two remakes on my backlog list. Too many games, too little time!
  6. I've been ready to add Castlevania Anniversary Collection to my own collection ever since LRG announced it last summer. With the state of Konami's game production, this could possibly be the final physical Castlevania game that I can add. I hope that isn't the case... I would still buy this anyway, because Castlevania.
  7. I got just one more month of virtual schooling my kiddos, then I should recover some of my free time and be able to tackle more on my list. I've been playing Contra III a bit, but haven't gotten close to seeing the end. Also I've been chipping away at Metroid Return of Samus. I planned to play the Zelda Oracle games when the Analogue Pocket came... may have to find where my actual SP is for those. And yep, too many long rpg's on my list. Lol.
  8. Here's a new trailer from today's Indie World Showcase from Nintendo. I can't wait for this game!
  9. This! I feel this has always been the key. Good luck guys, I hope you all can get what you want this time around.
  10. You can choose to "hide" it in your profile, under the 'baubles and charms' tab.
  11. Since my local retro closed last year my pickups for classics slowed down. Here's my recent pickups, got them right here on VGS from @austin532, thanks! Upgraded my super ratty Castlevania II finally, and reacquired another off my list of "had it back in the in day and foolishly traded it away before I knew any better."
  12. Doubtful, it was posted on the 31st, and I got a direct e-mail from them yesterday too. Plus that would be a terrible April Fool's joke, it'd turn everyone's world upside down...
  13. Not surprised, but still disappointed. I think their twitter said that Super NT's would be back in stock in April.
  14. This is why you should avoid interneting on April first! Lol!
  15. My condolences Mr. Tabonga. Rest in peace Mrs. Tabonga.
  16. 7/10 The weakest Indy movie. It suffers from "what coulda/shoulda been" syndrome. Everyone thought it could have been or should have been something other than what we got. I didn't mind the alien stuff. I wish the CGI would have been better on the chase sequence, and I would have dropped the terrible Tarzan swinging bit. And OMG the internet would not shut up about "nuke the fridge". I think that scene just broke everyone's brain and they just wouldn't let go of it. But it's supposed to be fantastical, Indiana Jones is NOT a documentary, lol!
  17. I ain't no lawyer, but what he did seems illegal.
  18. Smash Mouth, Mr. Big, Bananarama, and 5 Seconds of Summer. Never heard Youngblood before today, that video is pretty good.
  19. 2, 2, 2, 1. Wasn't familiar with the songs of the 3rd and 4th choices at all. I'll suggest:
  20. 10/10. I love Indiana Jones, probably even more than Star Wars at this point. I'd give them all a 10 except Crystal Skull... and it'd get a 7 on the VGS scale.
  21. Went with 6/10 Good. You might occasionally enjoy playing it. I feel bad giving a Nintendo system a 6 but the words perfectly describe the N64 for me. The controllers never bothered me, at least bothered me beyond my 'friends' totally destroying them all playing the first Mario Party. There are some solid games (10/10's Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and StarFox 64).
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