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Everything posted by Jicsan

  1. What is that Diamond Trust of London? I've never seen that one.
  2. Great job. It looks brand new again!
  3. Supposedly the solid state drives for next gen will make it so that there is less duplicated data on installs (done to reduce seek times). However, now all games will have 4k assets so maybe they won't actually get smaller.
  4. Get some magazine sized comic bags and boards and stick 'em in there. That'll at least stop them from getting further damaged.
  5. A month long one with harder challenges could be fun. Plus you'd have a 'procrastination factor' kick in with more time to do it. It'd be funny to watch folks scramble as the time shrinks.
  6. Gave it a 9/10. First time playing this was the Sega CD version with its overly long load times. This was the first point and click game I'd ever played, and what a winner to have played first. The music in the Sega CD version is epic (probably the same as the PC CD version?). The Special Edition is great with the added voice acting, and you can still swap to the original graphics. This game made me a fan of Monkey Island for sure. While I like Curse of... and Tales of... the best, I still love this one.
  7. You should put a power outlet in that light fixture box and get yourself a Super Nintendo neon sign to plug into. Those shelves look awesome! That collection looks awesome!
  8. I love Bloodstained. I backed the Kickstarter (first and only time) so I was super hyped for it. Now I haven't played Curse of the Moon 2 yet because I'm waiting to get the physical copies from LRG. The first Curse of the Moon was great and I'm looking forward to finally playing the second. Ritual of the Night was amazing, they've just got to be making another one like this. So I feel that Bloodstained is Castlevania in all but name. Konami ain't gonna make anymore. And Koji Igarashi was Castlevania's most prolific creator. So yeah, I'd say they count in a way. I intend to get them all as they come out just like I did Castlevania. Here's a link to where I posted my backer rewards. I'll take a picture of all my Bloodstained stuff next chance I get.
  9. It probably should be considered. I don't have it, but I'd love to get it. I've never once encountered it out in the wild, and now it's gotten to the level of "too much money". I will probably get a loose one someday and just put it in a custom case. I haven't played the GB version, but I did play the Famicom version they localized in the Castlevania Anniversary Collection. Also, I do have the PSP game with the remake of Rondo of Blood, I just failed to include it in the picture. Thought I'd dug them all out, there's so many and I wasn't keeping them all together. I keep the NES games with the other NES games. Same reason that I forgot to put Bloodlines in the big picture. SotN or just regular ol' Castlevania are probably my favorites. Mirror of Fate was just ok, you could play it to fill in some lore for the Lords of Shadow games, but it's not necessary. My least favorite is GB Castlevania Adventure. At least we got Castlevania Adventure Rebirth to make up for it.
  10. Thanks Gloves, this was a ton of fun! By the way, I like what you did with my card @Gloves if the idea was for members to only get a single or few bingo lines, then one week seems about right looking at the results. If the idea was to get as many black outs as possible, then two weeks would have been better. I only got so much done in because I was off work the whole week. On a regular week I would probably have struggled to get one line done. There wasn't anything insurmountably difficult, I had to bang my head against Make Your Mark and Jump, Man; but I got it in the end. I would have gotten Game Master too, but I asked for help a bit too late. @Jeevan, @ZeldaFreak, and @DefaultGen were all helping me out with suggestions and they all really wanted me to get that last square, I just ran out of time and chose sleep over games. Look at it this way though; there are 7 charms for LINE, 5 charms for COLLECT, 4 for MAKE, 3 each for PLAY and BLACKOUT, and only 2 for CROSS. So I got the rarest charm! High-five to @Gaia Gensouki my rare charm compatriot! When the next one rolls around I will aim to get that gaming charm first! I'm going to try to keep involved with the VGS Weekly Contests and the Homebrew Leaderboard. I don't know why I never participated in them before, but Glove's Bingo was a great invitation for me to get in there. I know there was no invitation required, but you all know what I mean.
  11. Thanks @DefaultGen. But I'm already back at work.
  12. I'm not a Game Master. I really tried on that Joust for 2600 earlier today. After many tries, I was averaging about 60k. Then I looked at what Jeevan had done to see where the max score was, it was 999,999 and he did it on level 91. Nope, that wasn't happening. If you Google, "easy game to get max score" or the like almost all the results are for Tetris. Yeah, I love Tetris and all, but I ain't that good... Google, I said 'EASY'! LOL
  13. Game Night: Just finished a session of Portal 2 with @monkeybut625. He's my buddy irl, maybe he can be lured out of lurking and be convinced to post.
  14. Agreed this is the kind of things that my kids sit and watch all day, to guys with millions of views.
  15. Had this been on any other week, I might have gotten a single line. But it was a perfect storm of being on vacation, my wife returning to work, and the kiddos having not started school. So I worked on this in between the yard work and house chores all week long. It was good for me too. I was super motivated to play some games, and try some new things. Frankly I'd been in a "watch youtube" kind of funk with my free time for a while now. So thanks @Gloves, this has been a blast. And thanks to @ZeldaFreak, @Jeevan, @DefaultGen, @Gaia Gensouki, @Deadeye, and everyone else who I forgot. You guys thought of and did clever things that inspired and motivated me to keep going.
  16. Gotta Go Fast: And I failed to edit out the first unsuccessful try. No one's in 10th place, so any amount of time gets me 10th. Thanks @ZeldaFreak I tried to get a qualifying time on Jaws. There was one rule for "kill Jaws while powered to level 9" with only like 5 entries. Well after 20 tries and never making it past level 6 I gave up on that.
  17. Anyone got any good suggestions for Game Master or Gotta Go Fast?
  18. Make your mark. I used the Nerdy Nights tutorial: Nerdy Nights: hex editing: Alter your own title screens! Written by bunnyboy The link to Nintendoage that used his recommended ROM, Exerion 2, was super dead. I followed the steps and just edited the ROM @DefaultGen made. So thanks for that, sorry your name's split in the wrap around, I ain't fixin' it. Jicsan.nes
  19. Thanks, lol. It took so long to make for such a terrible result.
  20. Jump, man https://jicsan.itch.io/vgs-bingo-2020 And it's terrible, lol.
  21. With These Hands: Finished Kirby's Squeak Squad for DS. I played this one because the internet told me this was like a 2 hour long game... it lied! It took about 4 hours to get the credits to roll. I didn't know about the five seals you had to find to make it past level six. So I had to replay some earlier levels to find those. Like most Kirby's it was easy and the power ups were fun.
  22. Woot! Congrats. Your bingo card looks like it's behind a chain link fence. Those things always hypnotize me when I have to look through them (like at the kids little league).
  23. Wheel of Fortune is done, I won a vacation!! I also got bankrupt three times, dumb cheating cpu players didn't get any! Was so excited I almost missed the chance to take a picture. And why are Red Dwarf characters and actors listed in the credits?
  24. It's a-me: I played the only 3D Mario game that's actually in 3D. And if you guys havent tried the 3D on a New 3DS, it's so musch better than an original. Started a new file on A. I was just racing through, and I forgot you had to have so many star coins to access the Bowser levels. When I first got here I had to back and get about 20 more star coins. Lesson learned and I didn't have to backtrack by time i got here. And finished it off just now. Excellent Mario game. And here is the completed file in slot A. I know there is a 'second quest', but I saw the credits roll so this counts!
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