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Everything posted by Jicsan

  1. I had this on audible, and listened to it a long while back but forgot most of it. I'm about half way through again already. It's no Console Wars for sure. I hear you on the metaphors and similes, there were some I couldn't even follow because I wasn't familiar with the person he was referencing. The part where it talks about how Charles Martinet was hired to voice Mario on a machine called the MIRT (Mario In Real Time), I realized that I had encountered that before. It was sometime In the early 2000's at the GameStop managers conference. In Nintendo's vendor training room they had this screen with an animated Mario head (sometimes it swapped to Wario), Charles Martinet was on a mic somewhere behind the curtain and was voicing Mario joking around with everyone. It was very cool. Later on at the expo I got and autographed pic from him.
  2. Hooked up my Super NT and finished off Final Fight 2. I had to play it twice because the level 5 boss ate all my continues on the first play through. I played as Carlos.
  3. They're pretty good about it. I'm looking forward to playing with them too, maybe we can put Mario Party on the shelf for a long while.
  4. I don't normally have such a large haul at once. While I'm super ready to play Luigi's Mansion 3, it's getting put back for the kid's Christmas. I'm sure they will share...
  5. Excellent read OptOut. I have all of these except for #1 through #10.
  6. Jicsan

    RPG Thread

    I love Final Fantasy, the SNES versions in particular. I think 4 has my favorite story and characters, but 6 is the most fun to play. And I especially love the Sega CD Lunar games. While I did like the PS remakes, they were prettier for sure, they just weren't the same.
  7. I got this on Audible a while back. The guy that narrated it, I'd say almost dramatized it, was awesome. In fact when I was done listening I looked through some YouTube videos of Tom Kalinske and was a little disappointed that he didn't sound like the narrator.
  8. I'm super jealous of that Castlevania III @Tam B. I finally got the backer rewards for Bloodstained in today. When I imagined the hard cover art book it wasn't a little booklet. I'm not disappointed though, the game was awesome.
  9. Thanks for making this place! I'm looking forward to the fresh start. Maybe I'll do more than just lurk this time around.
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