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Everything posted by Andy_Bogomil

  1. Double Dash was definitely a nice break. I think that's why I disliked MK Wii.. kinda felt like a step backwards. I loved MK 8 but it did get old pretty quick playing online and the offline game was way too easy.
  2. So hard to tell how serious anything is these days with the media. Last week was the start of World War 3 and now this. The former is already expired in the news cycle. We'll see as time goes on.
  3. Yep. Not even worth my time to sell items less than $80-$100 on eBay because no one wants to pay $20 shipping for a $50 item not to mention the 13% you lose to PP and eBay as a seller. I tried selling disc base games via letter mail but that ended after a few $40 games went 'missing'. Funny how that works when there is no tracking. Just try to sell cheap stuff in lots now.
  4. Canada Post 'revamped' their service a number of years back and this is the result. Usually $15 to $20 to ship in Canada per parcel but it includes tracking and delivers within 5 business days. Just like a lot of services in Canada they charge out the ass because they can. UPS and Purolator are no cheaper for the most part. I actually think Canada Post does very well on revenue. Liquor, food, shipping and tele co services (some of the most expensive rates in the world) are all expensive up here on top of the already heavy tax.
  5. Like 5 or so. Sold about 50± . Collection is shrinking.
  6. I admit to being overly critical but I feel like this topic expands well beyond video games. Something gets uploaded onto Netflix and it's instantly the best thing ever created when in reality a lot of these shows or movies are mediocre at best. If something gains steam or is advertised enough it just becomes popular regardless. The game always looked like a quirky mobile game to me. Definitely some good Indies. Love me some Shovel Knight. Good balance between fun and skill and not watered down with collectibles.
  7. If you ship anything in Canada that's more than letter size (thickness of a small book) it's minimum $15 but then slowly goes up with weight and size. He probably could ship 4 plastic horses for $20-25 but the base fee for any parcel is around $15. It's also often cheaper to ship to the States than other places in Canada.
  8. I liked them up all but Wii and have yet to put any significant time into 8 deluxe. The rubber banding in 64 is incredibly annoying but the worst is when they AI gets ahead and essentially glitches out so they're impossible to catch. Blue shells were bad in Double Dash but you could actually get ahead simply by racing well and build a commanding lead. Super Mario Kart is still my favourite and I agree that multiplayer is where the series really gets good. I initially hated fire hopping in MK8 but grew to love it as it was an obvious skill gap. I think the series has worn thin though... They need to focus on other titles. Still waiting for a new Mario Golf game.
  9. I had to move after university for my career. I didn't like being away from my family and friends as it was a 16 hour drive home and flying was expensive. It wasn't bad though with my wife and I did meet some new people along the way. Also living in central Canada let me see a lot of concerts that I would have missed otherwise. Wasn't all bad. Luckily I was able to get a transfer back after about 7 years living abroad. It took me a while to settle back in and it obviously isn't the same as when I left. I get to see my family all the time now though which is the most important thing for me. I would have stayed after university of I could have found a position. That's my experience. Nothing has to be permanent though... Could always move for a year and test the waters.
  10. Knocked a nice SMB Mattel hangtab off the top shelf and the box protector broke and ripped through the box in the top front right corner. It sucked even though it still displays nice. Ironically I think the box protector amplified the damage done. I also cleaned marker off a few old SNES games that I had. I regret it since they were old rentals from childhood video store which is now closed. Not sure what I was thinking for a few 5 dollar games.
  11. I've gotta give Battletoads and adventure Island a try again as I don't remember them being that insane. I always remember the last level in BT giving me the most trouble but the game is generally a test of trial and error but not randomly tough. Going in blind and beating it in a day does seem very fast. Guy must be monster gamer.
  12. They will likely port every 1st party game given time. Nintendo abandoned the Wii U, delayed BotW for upwards of 2 years, and the Switch will be their console for years to come. The games are complete so I'm sure they have a team dedicated to porting the last few games out. Has Pikmin been ported? I see that going over too or being released with Pikmin 4.
  13. I bet all those games will be re-released (3D World, WW, and TP). The HD Zelda games may be released together before BotW 2 to get that Zelda hype going. 3D world will be released with a character that can't die and has all the best qualities of every character as per Switch Wii U ports.
  14. Regardless, the design goal of Mario Odyssey, as you said, was to explore each inch of the map/zone with little direction and that's not what I was personally looking for. I just felt like a lot of the worlds were void of enemies and hazards and replaced with NPCs and focused on quantity over quality. I get the design choice as it allows short play sessions and they were getting away from the 'episodes' for each world but it didn't pan out for me when all was said and done. It's all good though. We move on to play other games
  15. I completely disagree about Odyssey. There was just no challenge and therefore very little fun for me. They gave us mechanics for 'platforming hell' but gave us 'Mario's first steps' w.r.t difficulty for 99.9% of the game. 120 well defined shines/stars to falling ass backwards over 880 moons! If I want to wonder around and explore a sandbox type area I'd play Zelda.
  16. Another POS celeb using their name to sell crap to people who will buy anything. Sad.
  17. Yup just not my thing. Was never a big fan of Banjo. 100% the first one back in the day and never played it again. At least Banjo had more skill involved for the collectibles compared to Odyssey. I bought the 2nd Banjo one along the way somewhere and will probably never play it (will be sold eventually). I'd rather play the challenge mode in NSMBU than Odyssey all day long.
  18. Odyssey was severely watered down due to the vast number of moons. Most of them involved zero skill and a lot were tedious fetch quests for the sake of it. That game is so frustrating to me as it has superb mechanics, looks great, but suffers so badly on challenge and reward that it isn't even fun. The more I think about the game the more disappointed I am with it. When you 100% SMW and 64 you actually feel like you've accomplished something where Odyssey just felt like a time sink collect-a-thon.
  19. Depends on how much I like the game and how much is involved. Games that included pointless fetch quests that are tedious I will skip even if I really like the game. If it's not too bad and gives you some sweet unlockables I am definitely more likely to 100%. Aren't many games these days worth getting 100% though... they just fill them with really pointless stuff to make the game seem bigger than it is. I remember getting platinum on a number of PS games and feeling zero satisfaction because of how dumb some of the achievements were.
  20. Jj games was great for the casual collector or the impatient person looking for a reasonable price. Both them and lukie had a good thing going when they could get away with charging a premium for convenience. They were also great charging low shipping to international countries. Shipping was $3 to $5 CAD for the longest time which was unheard of buying from the States after the mid 2000s. With shipping going up and casual collecting being replaced with the mini systems and the fad generally dying out I am not surprised. No way they're getting away with 2014 prices anymore.
  21. I never minded the sharp pixel look of vintage stuff on newer TVs but between lag and older light gun games I don't see myself ever getting rid of my CRT. With the new mini systems and modding older ones for HD I can definitely see the appeal of going flat panel only.
  22. The graphics on classic WW hold up pretty good or at least better than TP in my opinion. They both look good on the HD versions but the colors make WW just pop so I'd still give it the benefit... Obviously subjective. Without the fast sail? Hell no. I couldn't even make it through the original WW after trying it multiple times. I have no idea what Nintendo was thinking. I think they were trying to make you feel that isolation of traveling but they took it way too far with the vast distances and insanely slow traveling. Even the HD remix still felt somewhat tedious with the fast sail but it's way better. I really enjoyed the HD versions of both WW and TP even though I only played through them once.
  23. Oh, it's loaded. Another row of CIBs behind the front display. More or less all my NES and SNES stuff with Mario games in the middle. Still easy access to everything though. The TV rests in place on the stand so that was great for transport but the TV was still really heavy and awkward. It's a pretty awesome TV setup though and I've really enjoyed gaming on it the last week. A nice big display for games like rockband too.
  24. Fast sail is a game changer. I think WW has held up better simply because of the graphic style.
  25. Snagged a free CRT the other day from a neighbour who posted it on the community page. An upgrade from 27" to 36" of the exact same model JVC TV I owned which was kinda random (JVC I'Art). Great picture and sound and it handles light gun games very well for a flat screen with only minor geometry skew. Awesome for multiplayer and no lag which is the most important thing for me. Only issue was getting it in the house... just shy of 200lbs! Figured I'd throw in a bit of the collection into the pic too
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