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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Hmmmm. Noted! I'll change that right now! It's plural because behind the scenes it's a "Group" so the language is like "here's all the Administrators". But I getcha, and yeah - makes sense! Feature approved!
  2. Try it on lots of stuff, you may be surprised by just how many different things you can actually legit just copy-paste onto the site.
  3. Video game related figures and statues. I'm really a one-trick pony.
  4. I'm a dude in a bubble bath please love me.
  5. Whoa there, I don't recall signing up for RULES.
  6. Unfortunately I do not believe physical is available from anywhere anymore.
  7. Please watch Redline, man.
  8. Minit is great for bite-sized play due to it's minute-long lives.
  9. It's actually a fuckin GAME man, which is refreshing. I mean it's pretty in your face about being an exercise game, but it's definitely a GAME.
  10. Yo Ring Fit Adventure is actually pretty dope.
  11. Nice! Looking forward to more updates on your collection as it grows.
  12. This whole site was actually a clever scheme to eliminate "New Guy" from all your vocabularies.
  13. No credit thread as yet, but basically anyone on Staff has been involved in one way or another, and none of it possible without them! You can always in lieu of a thanks thread PM the folks on the Staff list (top nav under Browse), or hey - if you feel like it you could always make a thread to sing our praises. Really appreciate the positivity!
  14. FYI you can tag people with an "@" symbol - @phart010 Like that! That sends the person a notification that you've called to them. As for cost to code, we do have some features in mind that I think the community will really love for commerce style stuff (ebay-like). Frankly, what you've described would require a complete database of games to create the selection criteria you mentioned, and that's not something we're looking to do juuuuust yet. Potentially down the road. For the short term, I don't see why we can't simply use a "WTB" list (see the BST forum) and carry on similarly to before where we can say "I have my list of wants over here". VGS has a very easy to use copy-paste-from-google-sheets feature that will let you manage your want list in a Google Sheet (great cuz now you're not tied to our platform, if we die tomorrow your data isn't lost, it's always in your hands) and just paste the updated list straight into your thread.
  15. For now I'd say toss me a PM. We maaaaaayyyyyyy make a forum at soooooome point for video game art, or something. Not sure.
  16. I just wish it was set in a more interesting section of the timeline.
  17. Mmmmm noted. The current site header is definitely still kiiiiinda placeholder. More important to launch and have a home I think that have it necessarily be perfect out of the gate. I'm open to suggestions, as well as... submissions? I'll fiddle around with it when I get time but I'm quite busy at the moment so may take some... time.
  18. Well jeez maybe don't BLITZ to the other side of the page! No but seriously, it's possible that the page is still loading as you scroll down and perhaps your browser thinks "when page loaded, be at X position". Are you seeing this just on threads? Or all over the place?
  19. I was gonna make a Nintendo Switch joke but OP beat me to it. Frick.
  20. Nothing at the moment. I just know that some people have asked me to be able to give more than $5/month so I wanted to let them do so. You DO get access to a sub-only forum, and in there I have a thread asking for feedback on what sort of stuff people would like for different tiers, if anything. $45/mth. That said, to Jone's point - it can definitely go up pretty significantly based on usage. Early days!
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