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Changing Game Preferences


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Maybe I'm just old now but I can't seem to play the same stuff I used too.  I start an RPG and a few hours later decide I don't have time for it.  Open world games are started and not worth the effort.  Lately I'm playing smaller metroidvanias, platformers, and adventure games. 

It's a bummer to look at games like Cyberpunk 2077 knowing I'm going to be busy with work and life.  I guess it saves me money and I have enough of a backlog as is. 

You guys have to go through this same shift or still playing the same genres as always?

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34 minutes ago, zeppelin03 said:

Maybe I'm just old now but I can't seem to play the same stuff I used too.  I start an RPG and a few hours later decide I don't have time for it.  Open world games are started and not worth the effort.  Lately I'm playing smaller metroidvanias, platformers, and adventure games. 

It's a bummer to look at games like Cyberpunk 2077 knowing I'm going to be busy with work and life.  I guess it saves me money and I have enough of a backlog as is. 

You guys have to go through this same shift or still playing the same genres as always?

Absolutely. My limiting factor used to be money, but now it's time. If it was up to me, all games would cap out at 20 hours for the single player portion. RDR 2 was such a slog and took me months to finish. I DON'T NEED TO WATCH MY CHARACTER POUND IN THE NAILS AS HE BUILDS A HOUSE.

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5 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

Absolutely. My limiting factor used to be money, but now it's time. If it was up to me, all games would cap out at 20 hours for the single player portion. RDR 2 was such a slog and took me months to finish. I DON'T NEED TO WATCH MY CHARACTER POUND IN THE NAILS AS HE BUILDS A HOUSE

Haha.  I enjoyed that game but they could have shaved a good 15 hours off and been no worse off.  I almost quit RDR2 on a few occasions.  Took me a while too.

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Yeah, Gears of War was the game that I thought I would like most when a friend first sent me her 360 and some games several years ago, never thought I would bore of it after a few games. Tried out Halo 3, just doesn't do it for me. Gave Skyrim a chance, it didn't pull me in right away, took some time but once it did, I was hooked on the open world games. Most of the time in the past I tended to play shorter more linear games, for the most part, and this one seemed way too big for me, that in the day the longest games I played, RPGs, rarely, 20 hours was already too much. I had downloaded other types of games for the 360, the more linear stuff and despite how good they were, I still kept going back to the open world games, and ultimately it was between two, Skyrim and State of Decay, thousand hours and then some I'm sure. I used to hate RPGs, and I typically hated anything where I couldn't just skip the dialogue and get to the action (I remember long ago my brother sometimes when he watched me play would get pissed because I skipped through all the talk in RPGs and such without even paying attention to what they were saying, so I would wander around fighting enemies repeatedly and eventually find the way on my own, but I can see his agitation), but now since studying another language I am mostly playing games that have a bit more talking and taking it all in, though my short term memory for this sorta thing usually means I quickly forget what was told to me. I used to be all, or mostly all action, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Shatterhand, Batman, Blaster Master, Metroid, Zelda II, that sorta shit. Oh, I still like those games, but never thought I would become so addicted to open world games like that, nor see my taste sorta shift, a little. But then, maybe it hasn't since really they are basically like the top down Zelda, Crystalis, Willow type games, or an RPG but with total free control over every bit of the action in real time, far more freedom. While I enjoy the overhead type of games, not my favorites, I have always preferred the side view hack n slash-formers when stage based or larger more explorative world. I always hated naming my characters in games and old RPGs a lot of times would give you a group of characters and I had to somehow come up with satisfying names for them all, real headache there, that I lot of times found myself giving up before the game even started, no shitting, and still have a hard time that every time I created a character in Skyrim for exemple my name eventually was "_________________", yeah, an long underline, fill in the blank.

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Just now, zeppelin03 said:

Haha.  I enjoyed that game but they could have shaved a good 15 hours off and been no worse off.  I almost quit RDR2 on a few occasions.  Took me a while too.

Shaving 15 hours off would have made it substantially better, in my humble opinion. Just letting me run in the camp would have saved a solid 2 hours! 

I liked the game, but good God they left a lot of room for improvement.

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3 hours ago, mbd39 said:

Yeah, as I get older, I'm much more interested in action and skill based games.


I also just want to be able to play the game without sitting through a bunch of loading, cut scenes, tutorials, etc.

Same. When stuff like Oblivion and Gears of War and Uncharted was new I was literally playing every single major and minor game release as they came out. I couldn’t get enough of that on rails storytelling.

Now I can’t stand them. The biggest turn off to a game is to tell me it’s a “narrative experience” or open world full of busywork. I’m done with sequels and movies on rails and quest markers! I want to go back to playing video games!

Edited by DefaultGen
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Aye I was one for playing RPGs consistently and these days I just don't have the time to sink in 100s of hours into one, so things changed to more action stuff, shmups, platformers, run n gun etc guess I am more into the action rpgs now than I am the old school turned based, generally I end up hanging up the modern stuff for a time and go back to my retro stuff.


8 hours ago, DefaultGen said:

Same. When stuff like Oblivion and Gears of War and Uncharted was new I was literally playing every single major and minor game release as they came out. I couldn’t get enough of that on rails storytelling.

Now I can’t stand them. The biggest turn off to a game is to tell me it’s a “narrative experience” or open world full of busywork. I’m done with sequels and movies on rails and quest markers! I want to go back to playing video games!

I remember when 4 came out and I sat down and played 1-3 back to back then hit 4 probably the one and only real gaming marathon I have ever done and haven't done another since even though I have all the Tomb Raider (reboot) games I have been debating on doing a full marathon run though. 

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I tend to like the same genres that I've always liked, but greatly prefer to play more titles than try to fully beat one.  When you're a kid you only get new games so often.  So you'd master them and play them over and over.  Now I'm more of a one and done guy, play it, beat it if it keeps my attention then move on.  Don't try to 100% complete games or do many unlockables anymore.

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Yea wouldn't it be great to be independently wealthy so you wouldn't have to be at work all day?  Time is certainly the limiting factor for gaming now, not money.  If you only have 3-4 hours an evening BEFORE dinner and family and pets and chores and bills and a hearty deuce, it's hard to make time for games (or even just yourself).  You find yourself planning for weeks or months for a day off that you HOPE you can spend playing a game... if you don't have doctor or dentist or car or groceries or errands or other random life shit.  Youth truly is wasted on the young.

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I didn't used to like RPG's but now I kinda like having one in the rotation because I can play one and listen to a podcast at the same time unless it's a dialog heavy one. For large stints of the game though it's rinse/repeat which affords me the opportunity to cram my brain with true crime or comedy, or in some cases, both.

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I tend to have one or two RPGs in the rotation per year with a couple months buffer between them. I usually schedule my game playthroughs around new games coming out. As an example, Luigi's Mansion came out today, and I finished Link's Awakening Switch and Fire Emblem last weekend, so I picked a shorter game (Castlevania) to play this week.


I like to play a variety of different types of games, but like others here time is definitely the limiting factor. I tend to play 2 games at a time, and they're almost always different genres, with one often being a little more casual and one being a game where I really need to focus.

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I like variety, I haven't played any RPGs really since beating the new Dragon Quest which is mandatory for me. I need to sit down and finish Earthbound one day. Lately I've been mostly playing platformers and schmups. I've been recently playing Mario bros arcade, castlevania, galaga, and gradius.

Edited by Dragonwarrior83
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10 hours ago, diddles_mcbean said:

I didn't used to like RPG's but now I kinda like having one in the rotation because I can play one and listen to a podcast at the same time unless it's a dialog heavy one. For large stints of the game though it's rinse/repeat which affords me the opportunity to cram my brain with true crime or comedy, or in some cases, both.

I do the same, then pause the podcast when I get to a story section of the game. Then if I am playing an open world game I can just keep the podcast playing.  

If time is a concern. I find Mario or similar style platformers to be the best choice. I can play a level or two then take a break. 

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