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How Many Games Do You Actually Finish?


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This topic came up at work the other day, so I thought I would talk about it here.

I play a lot of games through out the year, but I am sad to say I only finish about 10%-15% of them. I'm the king of 50% game finishes though. Lol. Also, I'm not talking about getting all the achievements, just completing the primary story.

What is your percentage?

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How do you define “finish” for modern day games? End of the story or 100%? I don’t think I’ve ever 100% completed a modern game. I almost made it through TLOU part 2 but lost interest once I made it to the play as Abby part. I just beat New Mario Bros U Deluxe on Switch today but after you beat koopa it opens up star world which you need to collect all the star coins to even play which I’m not going to do. 

Things used to be so easy lol

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1 hour ago, Tekdrudge said:

You just described my Steam Library. Lol.

Mine too. I have 150ish games on there and play the same handful.  All my top games have been played on other accounts or systems too.

Recently I set up my backloggery profile.  I have over 300 games I need to get caught up on.  Typically I play through 15 or so a year.  I could never buy a game again.  Probably 75% of games I start I finish. 


Edited by zeppelin03
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Honestly, not that much anymore compared to say a decade ago or more.  If I had to slap a % on it, probably between 10-25% and I don't know if that's generous or fair, but definitely not higher.


I used to plow through stuff and go at it hours a day, but usually I'm psychologically too damn disinterested and worn out to bother sometimes for days or longer at a time.  When I do, I could go 30min or 3 hours, just depends how much free time and clarity I have to bother.  So usually, when I do play, it's bursts, so the shorter the game is overall the better chance I have of taking it out.  It doesn't matter how much I love it or not, even if it's a top favorite of earlier eras, if the will is shot, it's not happening.

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2 hours ago, Tanooki said:

I used to plow through stuff and go at it hours a day, but usually I'm psychologically too damn disinterested and worn out to bother sometimes for days or longer at a time.  When I do, I could go 30min or 3 hours, just depends how much free time and clarity I have to bother.  So usually, when I do play, it's bursts, so the shorter the game is overall the better chance I have of taking it out.  It doesn't matter how much I love it or not, even if it's a top favorite of earlier eras, if the will is shot, it's not happening.

I know what you mean. In my teens and 20's I would easily log 40-50 hours a week, it was basically my second job. Now I'm in my late 30's, married, and the head of my department at work. I'm lucky if I swing 10 hours a week. I try to play when I can but unfortunately I'm busy "Adulting". I hate that word, but it fits too well.

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I complete an average of roughly 40 to 50 games per year, I reckon. Some of those are kinda short and cheap little games, which you can beat in a single sitting, like arcade games or whatever, but many are longer. I usually have around 3 games on the go at the same time, like right now I'm playing Futurama on XBOX, Daikatana on N64 and GTA V on 360.

I buy many more than 40 games in a year, however, so my backlog is ever growing! I am still more of a gamer than a collector, on average, so I definitely aim to play and complete the majority of games I buy... One day, lol!

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Editorials Team · Posted

I guess if I did the real math. I'd look at however many games I finish in 2020, and then look at how many were put on hiatus or are shelved as DNF

So far this year that would be...

Inindo (hiatus)

Final Fantasy X2 (hiatus)

Wargroove (hiatus)

Tecmo Super Baseball (DNF)

Mortal Kombat II (DNF)

Mortal Kombat 3 (DNF)

Ultimate MK3 (DNF)

Tetris 2 (DNF)

Spyro 3 (glitched save)


...not that I haven't played all of those SNES games on and off throughout the years, but I wrote about them this year, so I'm considering their chapters closed.

And according to backloggery I've beat 29 games so far this year.  So I'm rocking a 76% at the moment.

...and I'm not counting the Survivor games, because I was forced to play that shit under tight timelines.

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Not counting games I've picked up for sheer collecting, but games I've picked up with the intention of actually playing and enjoying, oh... I'd say maybe 10%.  I've loved RPGs, played a lot of them, but I can count the ones I've finished on one hand.  Platform titles are great, loved as a kid but were often to hard for me to beat.  Again, I can probably count them all on one hand.  Modern games are, IMHO, easier to "finish" and I appreciate the added fun and difficulty by adding item searching that tends to be more difficult.  In the early days of the LEGO Star Wars games, my wife and I played through all of those together, but I never 100%ed any of those.  Maybe one movie out of a trilogy, but not the entire game.  And for all other types of games, it's just as bad.  In fact, of the maybe 200 or so games I've sat down to extensively play, I've probably only finished 20-30 of them, so maybe I am doing better than I thought.  But, if you count any game in my library, well then, it gets to be pretty dismal.  Maybe 1-2%.

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The more I think about this my number has to be lower.  When I look for a new game to play I will often start 2 or 3 and see what sticks.  The others go into the backlog with the exception of games I know I will never play.  GTA 5 just got removed from my Steam account this morning. I know I will never touch it again so I don't want it taking up space.  I view my number higher because that 45 minutes of play is instead of watching a review or trailers.  I don't really consider it gaming.  If so I failed to finish Final Fantasy X-2 twice this week and Final Fantasy X once. 

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Back in the day when I actually had a rather good size physical game collection I had beaten two thirds of my games for NES and Playstation. It was my goal to eventually beat all that could be actually finished, but those times have passed and it's not important anymore. I used to keep lists on games I beat, very detailed, date and how it was finished and kept up with that for many years but now am like, whatever, doesn't matter. Nowadays, in recent years I've beaten a very small number of new games, though with a different mindset, not on the whole game conquering thing anymore, I just like to be able to experience and enjoy what the game offers, sorta taking a more leisurely approach.

Back in November 2009 my games beaten looked like this:

Atari 2600 = 1
Gameboy = 8
Gameboy Advance = 5
Genesis = 9
N64 = 6
NES = 264
Playstation = 73
PS2 = 7
SNES = 83
Virtual Boy = 2

458 games total

I never did update the list for this even though had beaten more games since then, a handful more NES games were added which brought the total to 267 or 269 (I forget which number), a handful or more Playstation games, might be a few SNES games as well, a few more GBA games as well as a small number of DS games. So the number of games beaten while not too much higher is probably somewhere around 480ish range. I don't care enough to go over everything, but once upon a time I did. Of games I currently own, 14 of them for the Xbox 360, I beat a few of them, only ever completed one as in got every achievement.

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The percent is fairly low for me. Time is an issue of course, as others have said, late 30's dad w/ a job and responsibilities so less time for gaming. I play a lot of things, but don't finish most of them. Sometimes I'll sink 20 or 30 hours into an  RPG and that's enough for me for one game. So I feel like I've gotten my enjoyment out of it, with the arbitrary need to see it through to the end. Sometimes I'll come back to a game like that a year later and finish it.

The other thing is that I do get sucked into games with no end. Like right now I'm pretty addicted to Splatoon 2, so.

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6 hours ago, noiseredux said:

The percent is fairly low for me. Time is an issue of course, as others have said, late 30's dad w/ a job and responsibilities so less time for gaming.

There seems to be many of us in this bracket on the forums. Maybe we should start a support group...Oh yeah, no time.

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20 hours ago, Tekdrudge said:

I know what you mean. In my teens and 20's I would easily log 40-50 hours a week, it was basically my second job. Now I'm in my late 30's, married, and the head of my department at work. I'm lucky if I swing 10 hours a week. I try to play when I can but unfortunately I'm busy "Adulting". I hate that word, but it fits too well.

That's a friendly wording way to put it.  I have a daughter with ADHD(internalized, not hyper outside) with ODD (oppositional disorder) and coupled to that gets angry and OCD easily, a very bad mix.  Wife has an illness that limits her health, usual bike stuff helps her but got injured 2mo ago so she's testy and feeling bad, a perfect storm of misery coupled with the virus so I get no peace.  Most my gaming now if I'm not drained, or even if I am is mainly Dragalia Lost on my iphone, something on the phone, because I can insta-click it on and off.  So I don't count that in my maybe lucky to get 10 hours a week scenario.  Right now I'd like to lazy on a game but I'm on here because I'm so meh minded right now I can't focus on it, so the odds are the only thing I'll apply to is 30min or so on Ring Fit Adventure which I picked up days ago, get sore and soaked and get a shower to chill in another hour. 😛  And I don't consider that a 'game' either, but the lateness is the only peace and free time I can wing it.

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depends on what you mean by "finish" lol....I play through the main story of almost every game I try but there's only a select few games that I went through and did EVERYTHING I could. Jet Force Gemini and MMBN2 come to mind

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It used to be 100% for me and I still try to keep it that way, but as of the last 4 years, there's 5 games I started but didn't beat (FFXIII, Disgaea 1, Xenosaga III, Castlevania SOTN, and Soul Reaver), mainly because I had to stop for lack of free time. I still intend on going back and finishing them. it really bothers me when I don't finish a game, no matter how bad the game is.

I usually like to play the worst games first in my library, and then work my way up to the ones I really like, very satisfying, but bad strategy overall. My backlog now is just not manageable...and I'm pretty heavy into RPGs.

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