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About the Explanation of Development Authorization for Star Keeper Branch Version


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While it would be nice for more people to be able to play this game, I don't think he is going to budge on rereleasing the game or making the rom available.  He stated multiple times it wasn't going to happen and seems to have very strong feelings about it.  It is so unfortunate that such a talented developer no longer has the time/desire to create new games.  I'm not making light of what a large undertaking that may be but the hype around this game would ensure an immediately sellout of a future release.  Star keeper was sold at such an inexpensive price.  A second game could sell for a much larger sum of money.  Not to mention the companies now available like Broke Studios that can handle all production and shipment of the game.

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53 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

Don’t worry about the collectors at all. 

I'd tend to agree unless on Nintendo Age he guaranteed to not re-release the game, at least on the NES.  I'm too busy to google the historical details of that thread where this was released, but if he made a commitment, I value his integrity to stand by that, even if it means I'll never get to try this game out.


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17 minutes ago, Plasma Man said:

Star keeper was sold at such an inexpensive price.  A second game could sell for a much larger sum of money.  Not to mention the companies now available like Broke Studios that can handle all production and shipment of the game

Two things to consider:

  1. Is Star Keeper the concept enough of a desirable IP that another developer would take it over in lieu of just developing their own IP? I mean, I get that the original game was a hot desire among the retro community, but is there enough to make a new game worth while (and would people buy it if it didn't come from the original dude)? I'm not so sure.
  2. Is any developer who does want the IP going to want to do an NFT authorization to get it? I mean, I've never heard of this proposal being used before, and plenty in this thread expressed doubts over this.
Edited by Tulpa
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Don’t know much about Star Keeper except what I’ve learnt from the other thread but this NFT idea sounds crazy.

From what I understand there were 100 games released so only a little over 100 people have even played the game because the ROM can’t be dumped. So that’s meant to translate into someone wanting to develop a Star Keeper IP? Yeah, really don’t see that happening, this is like a niche of a niche game haha.

Best idea would be to chuck up a Kickstarter to raise funds to print a second run plus factor in a nice pay day for yourself. I’m sure the goal will be reached pretty quickly and it keeps the 100 original owners happy if you print a different label or something.

I definitely think you’re over thinking it with this NFT idea. Also, welcome to the site 🙂

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28 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

Two things to consider:

  1. Is Star Keeper the concept enough of a desirable IP that another developer would take it over in lieu of just developing their own IP? I mean, I get that the original game was a hot desire among the retro community, but is there enough to make a new game worth while (and would people buy it if it didn't come from the original dude)? I'm not so sure.
  2. Is any developer who does want the IP going to want to do an NFT authorization to get it? I mean, I've never heard of this proposal being used before, and plenty in this thread expressed doubts over this.

I was making the argument in favor of him making another game if that wasn't 100% clear.

I do not believe that Star Keeper is that valuable as an IP.  The developer is what makes the game so desirable.  If he makes another game unrelated to Star Keeper, I anticipate it would be just as popular.

It seems the general consensus is that licensing the rights to Star Keeper is a bad idea, which I tend to agree with.  If he has no desire to continue making games, you can hardly blame him for trying.

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11 minutes ago, Plasma Man said:

I was making the argument in favor of him making another game if that wasn't 100% clear.

I do not believe that Star Keeper is that valuable as an IP.  The developer is what makes the game so desirable.  If he makes another game unrelated to Star Keeper, I anticipate it would be just as popular.

It seems the general consensus is that licensing the rights to Star Keeper is a bad idea, which I tend to agree with.  If he has no desire to continue making games, you can hardly blame him for trying.

Oh, to be clear, if he doesn't want to make another game, that's his right and no one should pressure him into it.

But he also said ITT his main reason for not making more Star Keepers (or even turning it over to someone else to make) is that he couldn't find a way to make collectors and gamers happy, when most who own it were like "dude, go ahead and make more, as long as they can't be mistaken for the originals."

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Oddly enough it started out as I don’t want to do anything with the original game and just sell some weird NFT for whoever to create a new game based on the story and character. It like transitioned into talking re-release and weird NFT sales. I don’t get the impression that OP is interested in making anymore games which I get and it’s cool he wants to pass the torch. I get that Star Keeper is popular among us and the homebrew crowd but what does that really translate into sales numbers for someone investing in the IP and development time?

Its sure fun to talk about though and neatly different than the usual topics. 

@matthughson - would you be willing to let us know how many copies of witch n wiz sold through LRG? I’m generally curious what sort of sales numbers a NES homebrew can pull with LRG weight behind it. 

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Events Helper · Posted
1 hour ago, Plasma Man said:

While it would be nice for more people to be able to play this game, I don't think he is going to budge on rereleasing the game or making the rom available.  He stated multiple times it wasn't going to happen and seems to have very strong feelings about it.  It is so unfortunate that such a talented developer no longer has the time/desire to create new games.  I'm not making light of what a large undertaking that may be but the hype around this game would ensure an immediately sellout of a future release.  Star keeper was sold at such an inexpensive price.  A second game could sell for a much larger sum of money.  Not to mention the companies now available like Broke Studios that can handle all production and shipment of the game.

I personally think that a second or third run could make the OP $$$$  In the fact that they already have a game done, finished, complete!  All they have to do is find someone to do the legwork and they don't even really have to lift a finger per se.  Could a second game be decent income, maybe, but i don't think that is where the key lies right now.  

1 hour ago, RH said:

I'd tend to agree unless on Nintendo Age he guaranteed to not re-release the game, at least on the NES.  I'm too busy to google the historical details of that thread where this was released, but if he made a commitment, I value his integrity to stand by that, even if it means I'll never get to try this game out.


nuclear explosion GIF
Null and void, also, why would it matter, it seems that most folks who own the game are saying re-release it, just make it distinguishable from the OG print.

51 minutes ago, Brickman said:

Don’t know much about Star Keeper except what I’ve learnt from the other thread but this NFT idea sounds crazy.

From what I understand there were 100 games released so only a little over 100 people have even played the game because the ROM can’t be dumped. So that’s meant to translate into someone wanting to develop a Star Keeper IP? Yeah, really don’t see that happening, this is like a niche of a niche game haha.

Best idea would be to chuck up a Kickstarter to raise funds to print a second run plus factor in a nice pay day for yourself. I’m sure the goal will be reached pretty quickly and it keeps the 100 original owners happy if you print a different label or something.

I definitely think you’re over thinking it with this NFT idea. Also, welcome to the site 🙂

Ya, imo, star keeper means nothing, I honestly don't get the hype from watching a youtube play.......I might try it out if i can get a rom, but obviously.......but ya, intereting that this is all coming up right now.  Could it be that the "hype", aka amount of money being paid for them, has brought hopes of making some big bucks off of the fact that it is going for so much?

37 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

Oh, to be clear, if he doesn't want to make another game, that's his right and no one should pressure him into it.

But he also said ITT his main reason for not making more Star Keepers (or even turning it over to someone else to make) is that he couldn't find a way to make collectors and gamers happy, when most who own it were like "dude, go ahead and make more, as long as they can't be mistaken for the originals."

Yep, agree, seems the consensus is let's let people play the game.

8 minutes ago, a3quit4s said:

Oddly enough it started out as I don’t want to do anything with the original game and just sell some weird NFT for whoever to create a new game based on the story and character. It like transitioned into talking re-release and weird NFT sales. I don’t get the impression that OP is interested in making anymore games which I get and it’s cool he wants to pass the torch. I get that Star Keeper is popular among us and the homebrew crowd but what does that really translate into sales numbers for someone investing in the IP and development time?

Its sure fun to talk about though and neatly different than the usual topics. 

@matthughson - would you be willing to let us know how many copies of witch n wiz sold through LRG? I’m generally curious what sort of sales numbers a NES homebrew can pull with LRG weight behind it. 

I would bet another run of 200--500 might sell out quickly, depends on who, outside of VGS likes the game, or wants it.  How bout a VGS Branded version with megacat studios?  


Regardless of what happens, maybe there is hope others who can't shell out money for the game can play it since the Dev. is coming to VGS.  

Good luck with your decision @zxdplay.  Maybe use this as a sounding board to throw ideas around.  And I wish the best whatever you decide.

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Looking back on this thread, maybe it isn't the right place to discuss our desires for Star Keeper rereleases or future games.  Maybe we should continue those conversations in the Star Keeper thread.

I apologize for derailing your thread.  Just a fan of a very talented developer.

I wish you the best of luck with your NFT sale.

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Personally, I'm glad that @zxdplay is keeping the collectors in mind, with his proposal.

In one way or another, he's right, too. I'd rather see a new game come out of this than just a remake of the original. I'm glad he has the foresight to see the potential in his IP as a whole, rather than just an isolated release. 

Now let's get us a novel, some action figures, and a movie to go with the next Star Keeper game!

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2 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Personally, I'm glad that @zxdplay is keeping the collectors in mind, with his proposal.

In one way or another, he's right, too. I'd rather see a new game come out of this than just a remake of the original. I'm glad he has the foresight to see the potential in his IP as a whole, rather than just an isolated release. 

Now let's get us a novel, some action figures, and a movie to go with the next Star Keeper game!

I agree.  I would love to get a Star Keeper sequel as long as the developers keep it 💯 and it stays true to its successor.  I'm all in to play another game.  


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I kinda like the license idea.  That way whoever buys the license can make as many games to sell to the physical cart group they want. 

@zxdplay if anyone asks you NOT to allow others to license and make new, physical copies (or yourself) because they don’t want to lose value on their original, ignore them. 

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@zxdplay : Your idea is flawed and will not work.  First of all, nobody cares about the Star Keeper IP; everyone just wants to play the game.

Look, if you want to make a lot of money and also keep collectors happy, and at the same time get your amazing game out there so more players can experience it, contact Limited Run Games and I guarantee they will work with you on an NES release - I guarantee it.  Your game is already better than most of the NES homebrews they have released and has a lot of buzz surrounding it.

If you follow my advice, three awesome things will happen:

1 - a ton of new copies from Limited Run Games will sell, making gamers happy,
2 - you will make a bunch of money, making you happy, and
3 - original copies of the game from NA will go up in value, making collectors happy.

I beg of you, forget about your silly NFT idea and follow my advice...

Edited by Dr. Morbis
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Glad to see you back! I supported the first game release and will gladly support future endeavors.

I think it is worth mentioning that @Scrobinshas a wealth of knowledge on releasing NES games. MegaCatStudio.com currently has a host of NES games they provide a market place for developers. This option, or one like it, allows you to work directly with the 3rd party sellers. 

Members here would be more than willing to help you bring this, or any other game you have, to a market place. 

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Events Helper · Posted
15 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

So much bad advice and pressure in here, it's not even funny

I don't think there is pressure per se.  I think what it really comes down to is, the majority think an nft thing is not the route to go, and that we are laying out what we personally think would be better options.  Not saying that they are right.  Honestly @Dr. Morbis pretty much had the best idea yet that i can see besides a vgs branded release brought to light by yours truly.

All in all, we have to respect what the OP wants to do, and they can totally disappear into the woodwork and basically, in essence, tell us to fuck off.  It sounds like the OP wants to capitalize on the "popularity" of the game with the way it is going up in price, and well, an IP that no one really cares about is not the way to go imo.  Star Keeper isn't what makes the game fun/popular.  It's the fact that it is apparently really well done and fun, although i can't play it to judge myself.

**this is all my take on it, not saying that the OP is wrong for being out to capitalize on the popularity.  Hell if it were me I would make more and sell them for a slightly inflated price 😆**  

Edit:  I know nothing about the game, as far as i know the IP is just that a dude collects stars......what a great IP to sell.....**once again, my opinion and without playing it I can't see if there is anymore to it besides this**

Edited by Jeevan
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12 hours ago, zxdplay said:

I understand what you mean, but I can't find a better way to satisfy both the players and the collectors at the same time.

A simple way is the redesign the original game slightly.

1) Make a new title screen, change perhaps how one enemy in the games sprite looks, perhaps put a new piece of music swapped in, some distinct but non-radically changing aspect to the game.

2) New manual, new box, new insert art...nothing crazy again, but something subtle much like when old Gameboy games or NES games got reissued.  Some got a little work, others went boom...silver box to yellow box Metroid.


By doing this, people like me and others in this thread too poor or unaware at the time could now buy the game as intended, with tweaked assets.  We can enjoy your fine work, and those who got lucky or paid out the ass for a copy as the costs are now have their pricey investment respected.

There is precedence for this in the aftermarket.  I'm an owner of Hyper Fighting for Virtual Boy, and original copy more or less.  Mine is from the only run of it done at the time, yellow PCB to it, re-purposed VB plastic shell and pinout.  They're worth considerable money (not star keeper money) and more so if it's CIB (mine isn't.)  But it then was OK'd to make more, they use a different color pcb and other tweak so you know if you have an original or a re-release.

You could do this, everyone wins.  Investors of old win, gamers of now (including YOU who sold our last) can have a real game to play too.

From my experience with the industry in the further past, and people I've worked with in previous decades, I don't think the NFT idea is the best, more complicated than necessary.  What you need to do is franchise out contractually the IP to third parties to develop your franchise into a series.  You have something of value there, and it's normal in the current aftermarket to licensed or buy out old IP and finished/unfinished unpublished works and bring them up for sale.  Piko Interactive does this currently.  But in the true gaming business major players, even Nintendo themselves, they will take their precious IP and hand control, not ownership, to a third party to craft greatness.  Metroid Prime is a great example, Namco did some work with Starfox, Sega did the stunning F-Zero GX/AX.  You probably would be best served licensing to a partner to make sequels and spinoffs whatever the genre.



Either way this seems fun, do stick around.  It's nice to have someone who makes things around and who wants to be active, it makes things far more interesting.

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