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Everything posted by ThePhleo

  1. The thing is, I love spicy food...my earliest food memories involve spicy foods. but when it comes to Nashville hot chicken, where’s the flavor? It just tastes like deep fried cayenne pepper. The only way to make it more “monotone” is to deep fry salt or water. Come to think of it, I remember the exact words I used at the time to describe the flavor. ”It taste like the smell of ramen noodle flavor packet”
  2. Sir...this is a Wendy’s. Wait, no this is actually the proper outlet. ... I think I’ll say it’s a catch-all that deserves a better name.
  3. I had some Nashville hot chicken in Nashville, TN... Im usually open minded about what I eat, but I honestly felt bad for the chicken that had to die for the thing I took a single bite out of and spit out. Zero flavor, all cayenne and lard. Mother of Jesus, the people of Tennessee just haven’t heard of a thing called flavor. Zero contrast in that dish...add some tang, some sweet, or even some zest to it. My stomach is still angry and it’s been two weeks since I had it. The worst part is the chicken itself was legitimately amazing, but everything else about it was just so...lacking. If food isn’t good then you’re just exchanging good money for bad calories...and I want my money back. Nashville Hot Chicken: -1 out of 10 My experience was so poor that I’m willing to try again because there’s no way that a dish as famous as that can taste that bad.
  4. I hear the mythical -CAN DK Math has a serious bounty on it. I can’t think of any other valuable Canadian games. :V Its funny too because there’s so many more hangtabs in their set.
  5. My wife usually opens everything that comes in the mail. If she seen this thing in there mixed with a bunch of gifts she'd honestly think I was cheating on her with a femboy/cute girl. I'm not sure which scenario would be harder to explain in that situation.
  6. Rumor dispelled. Arkanoid: Doh It Again! was released at the end of the SNES lifespan and it has a 2 digit product code. SNS-A6-USA There's definitely a "trend" that appears in mid-1994 that they phased out two digit codes in favor of four, but it's not a hard line unfortunately. Earliest 4-digit I found so far is Ballz 3-D which is an early Spring 1994 title. SNS-ABZE-USA I only quickly checked SNES A through K so far....but it's already abundantly clear that there's no hard line.
  7. I think you’re onto something. Its reasons like this that it’s time to ignore single system collector quirks and look at the overall picture of the entire industry.
  8. I think it was January 1995. Warios Woods appears to be the last game for SNES to get a 2 digit code, which coincides with NES (Though in PAL regions I think Aladdin or Lion King was the last NES game some one in 1995) Ill see what I can dig up
  9. This is a multi series topic so he was referencing the previous one where SMS was the console in question. Looked at a few gameplay videos. Seems like an average and maybe even uninspired generic JRPG. The 3D terrain is probably unique for the time, but I certainly wouldn’t go out of my way to play it specifically because of that. Judging from looks alone that is.
  10. It feels like years since I’ve been genuinely impressed by a game. I remember the step up from NES to SNES, the step up from SNES to N64/PS1 the step up there to PS2/Xbox and the step up from there to PS3/360 Games stop being “impressive” on a technological standpoint to me and swapped over to being impressive on an immersion level. I guess the last visually impressive game I’ve seen was the first Uncharted game, and I guess for immersion you can award Naughty Dog yet again with The Last of Us 2
  11. Worst than SMS. At least the SMS was competing against the NES. 3DO was competing against the Jaguar and CD32. I honestly cannot think of a SINGLE good game on the system that wasn’t available on other platforms...and there are just 10 to many porn games for the system. Seems me and @DefaultGen once again line up. Damn echo chamber /meta
  12. People need to learn to form their own opinions again. Forums and Social Networking created “bubble communities” where everyone believes what they believe as fact and confirmation and affirmation from like minded individuals amplifies this. The shitty thing about it is that there’s no way to reasonably prevent this hive mind mentality in a free speech world. I like to thank our lucky stars that there’s some diverse opinions of things here on VGS but even still, we tend to “fall in line” on most topics that are relevant to our hobby.
  13. My 9 year old self would literally trade you my three SEALED ancient new cards, and my Southern Islands set for that card back in the day. ... Also seeing the skyrocketing prices of Pokémon cards makes me realize that investor collectors really don’t give a crap what they buy and sell...what does a graded playing card actu— crap I fell into the games were meant to be played camp.
  14. I didn’t even read that you had/have it! Wishing well for you and your family. Stay strong, I’ve got a couple cousins who have caught it in the past few weeks and all of them are doing well so far. This vaccine can’t come soon enough!
  15. I’ve made the conscious decision of going into partial lockdown again. My wife kids are not to leave the house for any reason beyond necessity. I am doing 100% of the “foraging” until the end of winter. I will also still be working until everything here in NJ locks down again...hopefully I put enough money away, otherwise I’ll have to eat out of business funds which will make my accountant hate me Survival first, taxes second, I guess. Also, only our parents, siblings, and their children are going to be allowed to come to my home. No more friends or relatives beyond that. I really REALLY hope we don’t go into heavy lockdown again, but my second fridge is waiting to be plugged back in just in case!
  16. Should consider adding “playable offline” as in, if you NEVER EVER connect your system to the internet then the game would still be installed and playable by using just the disc.
  17. In! @Secret Santa Id also like to recommend that we start a VGS Secret Santa charity fund. Im willing to give $100 right now to start. It would be nice to give to a charity like Child’s Play for example. Just please make sure it’s a charity that has a low administrative overhead to ensure that it’s an actual charity. If we can set a small goal of $1000 I think we can do it.
  18. Race is a very important issue in a country like the USA @Dr. Morbis. We are not a nation of one people, but a young nation that in its early days was advertised as “the new world” and “a place for everyone” and “the land of opportunity” That rings true to today, but the message has been diluted by the horrors of our past, especially to the black community. America has taken people from an entire content, Africa, and stripped them of their culture and identity. So race will always be an issue here. Similarly, in Europe you have some key issues. France for example is going through issues with Muslims. There is a clear growing rhetoric that Muslim views are “incompatible” with France. Germany has a small but growing neo-nazi movement. Then there’s the issue of Syrian refugees. And of course, you can look at my people, the Romani or as they’re negatively called there “the Gypsies” ... I’ve yet to meet a single person who’s actually from Europe who has anything positive to say about Romani people.
  19. I thought it was implied that if we have universal healthcare we can phase out Medicaid and Medicare. But as it stands today, those two things alone are already a massive part of the US Federal Budget.
  20. I'm honestly not sure. We're already the worlds largest socialist democracy as it is. I think something like a touch over half of the US Federal budget goes to social security, medicaid, medicare, chip, snap, and other various safety net programs.
  21. Dudes comment clearly triggered a rapid, almost reflex type of response in a couple of us! Just saying Political threads are fun but so unhealthy for the mind! @Nintegageo please don’t take my disagreement over your post as hatred towards you. @RegularGuyGamer I don’t like pinning any extreme point of view on any one exact group. I’m a right leaning centrist for example, but even a “righty” like me will admit that America is more socialist than people think. We literally have a program called social security for example.
  22. Hard disagree there. Ignoring that the statement implies a prerequisite of racism is support of Donald Trump. Also it implies that racism didn’t exist before donald Trump was born. Here’s a straw man example: The black community for example leans heavily Democrat, but there are multiple examples of racism from people of color. In a recent example you can look at the current issue everyone is thinking about: Coronavirus. There are news articles where people of color attack people who look East Asian unprovoked because “they brought the coronavirus to America” So by using that anecdote and the logic above you can therefor say “Not everyone who is black is racist towards East Asians, but everyone who is racist towards East Asians is black” ...this is of course all UNTRUE because the POTUS calls Coronavirus the “Kung Flu” Racism is an ugly, disgusting, repulsive but COMPLETELY NATURAL human trait much like how anger, lust, jealousy, envy, and pride exist and are perfectly normal, yet disgusting aspects of humanity. Id argue racism is a spectrum. Akin to sexual preference. Some people are nearly exclusively straight, but even they might compliment their same gender on their appearance...similarly, some people are nearly exclusively inclusive of all races but will have an unconscious bias towards people of their own kind.
  23. People are also ignoring the fact that Trump literally said the following on Feb. 28, 2018. "take the guns first, go through due process second. - Donald Trump” Oh, and here it is as video proof: (skip to around the 55 second mark) Then on Dec. 18, 2018 he banned bump stocks. MEANING, if you owned one prior to this date and refused to turn it in, then congratulations on being a criminal. Edit: I just checked. You aren't merely a criminal by owning a bump stock. You are actually a FELON. Violation of this federal ban also comes with a $250,000 fine and 10-year prison term. Oops. P.S. a simple 2 cent rubber band can be fashioned as a bump stock. Don't own rubber bands if you own a gun.
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