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Everything posted by ThePhleo

  1. I'm 2 parallel universes ahead of the video game collecting scene, and in fourth alternate reality. We collecting OXO, Nimrod, and replacement vacuum tubes on this plane of reality. (P.S. I was serious about the Bertie the Brain thing which was in August 1950, so 70 years ago! about 8 years before Tennis for Two, the game OP is referring to) Edit: I should add, technically Tennis for Two *is* the first VIDEO game since its the first game with actual moving graphics...though if you need moving graphics then text adventure games are no longer video games despite being connected to a video monitor.
  2. Why single me out like that? Its not like the definition of “Video” is clearly defined as the reproduction of moving visual images, meaning that even something as simple as a Zoetrope can be a video...I’m also more than sure that a Zoetrope electromechanical game should exist, so therefor that would likely be the first video game...but this would be in an arcade setting so you have to count light Gun games which predate video games.... Of course, arcades wouldn’t exist without Bagatelle which is the father of Pachinko and Pinball which itself is a derivative of Billiards.... But it’s a disservice to exclude ALL games just because they’re not tied to a video monitor and Senat is a board game invented about 5000 years ago. ...but sports are also games and Wrestling is widely believed to be the first sport which is something that you can even observe in nature, so technically speaking life itself is a game. ... But Bertie the Brain is widely believed to be the first DOCUMENTED video game, though its likely not actually the first since universities had access to computers before this game was publicly displayed, and curious young people will no doubt have made some sort of primitive video game while their professors were away. Though we all know that anything before Pitfall doesn’t matter, so that’s the first real game.
  3. Time sure flies! Lets keep this train going. Happy Birthday @The Sage Please, speak to your people once more on this momentous occasion.
  4. Either Final Fantasy 8 (my first RPG) or Chrono Trigger (my favorite RPG)
  5. I’ve always been told that Hunting bears in NJ is a good thing. They are an apex predator so if their populations grow too large then they would eat through the Deer population. I think there’s something like a 50% increase in population over the past couple years which is nuts for an animal population. Also, NJ is the most densely populated state in the US with very few remaining bastions of nature for them to do bear stuff. so having too many bears is a bad thing to begin with in a state like NJ....this isn’t exactly a state known for wide open spaces. Disclaimer: Hunting bear (or any other intelligent animal) for sport goes against my personal belief that animals that are killed should only ever be killed for food, human safety, or population control. I would prefer it be handled by Park Rangers than your every day hunter, but people like hunting and it gets the job done I guess.
  6. ... Does VGS have a "Members taken out of context" thread yet? ... Also, is Gloves a member, or something else :V
  7. It's hit or miss on my screen. It randomly disappears between pages. Here's what I'm getting.... Also, I'm on Windows 10 using Firefox 81.0.2 (64-bit) [[Template core/front/global/favico is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  8. Oh God, that thing would take one look at me and just break at the mere sight of my fat ass... Haven't seen one of those in a long time, and that means there is no "price" on it.
  9. It's not Tecmo NBA Basketball -N7 rare...but it's rare enough that the market can be cornered.
  10. Please don't hype this game yet. There's already whispers of the investor types talking about it....
  11. Whoa! Not sure if you drew some inspiration from the Marlboro’s in the series, but it fits the theme!
  12. Bosco Chocolate Syrup is better than Nesquik! Add in some Carnation malted milk powder in a blender with milk and then add 1/3 seltzer and you’ve got a classic New York malted chocolate eggcream ... No wonder I’m fat
  13. I like to think of threads as something that can be interwoven (don’t ban me sempai)
  14. For the record, I think that wasn’t fair to sofasurfer. He didn’t say anything out of the way. Is he a dirty reseller? Sure...but so are about 99% of us here on VGS. He thought he struck gold and wanted some opinions from the sages. I think we should bury the NintendoAge “douchebag” reputation.
  15. Can you take a higher resolution image? Maybe even scan the thing?
  16. ...well, that and the talent gradient is just a touch skewed to just two people. I mean, sure @CasualCart is good and all, but even at his level he's only second best to @OptOut
  17. Can we see the Cherub from Chubby Cherub? http://copernicusnerdicus.blogspot.com/2014/09/nerdicus-nes-review-128-chubby-cherub.html I know you aren't doing specific request, but I always felt a John Kricfalusi (Ren & Stimpy) vibe from that character.
  18. Was watching it as well. I think it’s just some guys that have no idea that Jordan vs Bird is not valuable just because Michael Jordon is in it. I guess there goes my sealed Milton Bradley set off that’s legit :V Edit: fixed some missing text.
  19. I sort of agree with @thesofasurfer Release rarity is a whole different ball game when you’re just looking for the overall rarest title. I mean, in the USA the rarest “Game” is ClayFighter Sculptors Cut.....but Big Box Rampage 2 is easily rarer than it. I for one know a minimal amount of information of N64 releases in Japan. But I’m willing to bet that besides the test cartridge, this is the rarest game.
  20. In terms of the overall Nintendo 64 library, this may very well be the rarest unique game. However, it likely isn't even close to being the rarest N64 "release" If you want the rarest release you probably have to look into one of the non-Japanese "Asian" regions. I believe there are four asian regions not counting Japan. (-ASI) Singapore / Malaysia / Indonesia (-KOR) Korea (-ROC) Taiwan (-ROC) China
  21. Yep, and 5-screw Tyson being such a rare variant I wouldn’t expect it to be on bootgod to begin with! If bootgods earliest variant is older than OPs then I say it lines up nicely.
  22. I’m gonna call it legit. Ive seen a bunch of 5-Screw Tyson carts, almost all of which have orange bullets, but counting this one, I’ve seen two or three with white bullets. The label looks real, and the chip dates match the known timeline for 5-Screws. Edit: Also, the earliest date code Bootgod has is 8749....this is a date code BEFORE that so it lends more credit to it being legitimate.
  23. OK, so I’m looking on eBay right now and I can clearly see that there are two major variants of Batman: Return of the Joker. One made by Nintendo, and one by Sunsoft. The Sunsoft copies have that shitty “glue mottling” effect (thanks WATA for the terminology) while the Nintendo copies have the classic clean look. This May lend some hints as to why some Joker boxes have “NES-P48-USA” on the top flaps, while some have “NES-48-USA”...still, all cartridges seem to have P48 on the label. Also, now that I have proof that this a thing that happened once, I need to add something back to my “rare variant Hunt” I could swear I remember seeing a copy of Roger Clemens MVP Baseball come in a brown cardboard box. I suspect there may be a variant that was made by Nintendo. This game already has two known cartridge label variants, one with a white block of text and logos on the bottom and one without. ...maybe it’s worth keeping an eye out for ALL of the games on that list I made above. (God help me) ps: if anyone has a 3-Screw Stinger I have a bounty of $500 on the cartridge and $1000 for the CIB
  24. Companies that own the design of the circuit board are the ones who put their name on the board. Also, the Ⓜ symbol on the back labels indicates copyright for circuitry much like how the © symbol indicates general copyright.
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