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Everything posted by doner24

  1. 1 note about the sale which likely contributed to the final price. All or some of the money went to a charity.
  2. This is a really cool little set to go after, good luck on the last item!
  3. I’m sure you know this Reed, but my complaining is totally tongue in cheek….except for your ranking of Dirt Trax FX….that unfortunate ranking keeps me up at night.
  4. Easy 10, brought me back into gaming for the first time since the late 90’s. The DC landscape was perfect, the story was fun, and the DLC was mostly great too.
  5. Pretty crazy pricing but lots of drivers as others have pointed out above. Nuts that this game is probably worth as much as my collection. In totally unrelated news, if someone wants to spend that amount, they could buy my entire collection including full CIB sets of NES through GameCube and one of the best paper/guides collection in the world
  6. It answered your response perfectly. The amount of copies it sells shows that gamers certainly do care about it.
  7. It’s one of the best selling franchises in the history of gaming, and contributes to sell tons of copies every year
  8. Not true, people were still selling the manuals and inserts for money back then too.
  9. Ok, everybody take a deep breath. The pandemic has been hard on everyone, no need to make it even more stressful by fighting about it on here. Please keep it classy so we don’t need to lock it. Thanks
  10. I previously had full on Covid and it was about 100 times less than this.
  11. Finally got my booster on Wednesday and man did it kick my ass. 24 hours of crazy chills and aches. Kept me up all night shaking, no matter how many blankets or clothes I put on. Even got me to take a pill (advil) for the first time in years. I have never had a reaction like this to any shot, much less the first 2 Pfizer shots I had. Was about 100x worse than when I actually got Covid in late 2020.
  12. Ok, enough with this kind of talk from everyone, let’s get back on track or it’s getting locked.
  13. I started buying games seriously in the late 90’s on a small budget. I gamed a decent amount back then too. Then it turned into me wanting all the games to satisfy my OCD and I still gamed a little bit into the early 2010’s. Now I have most everything I want, and my gaming is non-existent so I guess I’ve ran the gamut of collecting/gaming. If I was just a gamer, I would definitely just emulate though.
  14. You’re talking about 2 separate hobbies.
  15. Be My Little Baby is one of the best songs of all time. I first remember hearing it back in 1987 when Dirty Dancing came out. Nice to hear their song Sleigh Ride as a Christmas radio staple still these days.
  16. Haven’t seen you there the last few times I’ve been there, thought you might have retired!
  17. Missing a poll option, will continue to sell as is, and do my taxes as normal with that included.
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