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Everything posted by doner24

  1. I couldn’t find them in my Issue 116. Doesn’t surprise me though as when I bought this run, from a big collection, this sticker set was always loose in the box along with other inserts that he took out of issues, but kept.
  2. Ha, I was just going through boxes and found this tonight and wondered what issue it came with. I’ll check my issue tomorrow to see if it has one in it as well.
  3. I want to nominate Another Fine Myth for future consideration. It’s part of a fun little series by Robert Asprin, and an easy read. Kind of a Terry Pratchett lite version. I read them many years ago and really liked them.
  4. You literally just explained almost any collectible market, the fact that they are one of the only collectibles with such a clear utility (gaming), leads to a lot of the back and forth IMO.
  5. 1999 when I went to college. I signed up on eBay and started buying random lots of NES carts after coming back to my dorm from keggers.
  6. That generation has an awesome lineup of games for sure. I really should go back and play a bunch that I skipped.
  7. I gave it a 6, just rewatched it on a flight last week, and it definitely lost some of the magic that I remembered as a kid.
  8. I loved the 360, it’s what got me back into gaming after a decade. Lucky for me I always bought waaaaaay more games than I ended up playing, so tons of them are still sealed and now it looks like I will be rich after I grade them!
  9. No one is minimizing your experience. The point was that even though someone has been in the game a long time, you can be open minded to someone’s opinion/experience, even if they have less time in the hobby.
  10. You didn’t watch did you? I’ve been in the game longer than you, and he has a nice take, which I absolutely think is true.
  11. I’m saying, that is something that a large group of people would enjoy, and some in that group are definitely pushing some conspiracy theories and won’t listen to anything that goes against that.
  12. Haven’t seen the Probst video and the resulting chaos? Didn’t matter what anyone said to defend people involved, some people had no intent on listening and seems to me that some people want to shut down the grading companies/auction houses and somehow, the games will be magically priced the same as 20 years ago. Disclosure:I don’t collect sealed games and have never used a grading service or auction place other than EBay.
  13. There are also those that are completely against the sealed/graded market and want blanket support for their own agenda, and won’t listen to reason and evidence when presented to them.
  14. I’m slowly trudging through Dune for the first time. Just not grabbing me as I expected it would.
  15. It’s so expensive because it is so rare that it might be the only one….but I’m going to wait until there is another one to base the value on. See how that kind of contradicts itself and could hurt the value?
  16. I gave them a 6. I don’t really listen to metal at all anymore, but saw them live in the 90’s and it was a great show.
  17. Yeah, he made a killing on selling the doubles and keeping the rest he needed to make a full set. He actually started piecing out that set of his last month.
  18. Byuu’s was around that time, but he had it listed around $20K and I think it sold for $17k-ish to Retrosauce.
  19. Not my favorite SNES RPG, but definitely still a 10/10.
  20. Here’s a thread from early 2013 about it, with an earlier link that doesn’t work to the original thread.
  21. Not sure how long back you’re talking about, but Paul back at NintendoAge got a 10 or something on a Super Mario Bros like 9 years ago.
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