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Everything posted by VegHead

  1. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here, too!
  2. I have an inner spring mattress, but I put a two-inch latex foam topper on it, and the whole shebang went inside an allergy dust cover. It's super firm, and while it took some getting used to, I can't sleep in really soft beds anymore, lol.
  3. I just picked up The Wall by Pink Floyd on iTunes, listened to the whole thing straight through while on a long drive. I haven't done that in 15-20 years, and it was interesting to hear it at a different stage in my life. I have totally different reactions to the songs now and the overarching theme of the album.
  4. I loved Solo, and I really enjoyed The Last Jedi when I saw it in theaters. I'm really looking forward to The Mandalorian next month!
  5. That is super awesome. My kiddo watched me play through quite a lot of Zelda 1 and Breath of the Wild. Got their own copy of OoT now for the 2DS, and Zelda 1 from the eshop.
  6. Welcome! I like to dabble in repairing consoles, too. I've pulled apart NES, SNES, N64, GC, and some handhelds. It's a lot of fun.
  7. Welcome! Your late night dedication is noted!
  8. Welcome! Please keep us updated on your progress with classic games. I sat down to play some Gradius a month or so ago, and wow! was that hard.
  9. Honestly, I didn't like that wall art mechanic when it first came out. I'm playing through Super Mario Odyssey right now, though, and it has 2D sections to figure out, and I'm finding them a blast. It totally changes my perspective on A Link Between Worlds. Thanks for the suggestion!
  10. Welcome! A loose licensed set is quite an accomplishment, congrats!
  11. My kid has just started playing OoT on the 2DS, and has gotten pretty far. While I love the series, I have not beaten very many Zelda games. I've only beaten the original, and then, only the first quest. I've started and not finished a bunch more, including OoT. I've even dropped 200+ hours into Breath of the Wild, twice!
  12. Welcome, welcome! I believe your avatar is from Metal Storm. I haven't played it, but I saw that it was getting a re-release on an NES cart through Limited Run Games. Are you planning to pick one of those up?
  13. Hello! Welcome to the new forum.
  14. Welcome! I'm a fellow Zelda fan, so I'll be sure to watch for any threads you start on the topic.
  15. That's a great looking dog! I love four-legged friends :D.
  16. Welcome to the forum! That's great that your kiddo loves Zelda games. Which ones do they play?
  17. I'm a pretty big Star Wars fan, and I just watched the newest trailer that dropped earlier tonight for The Rise of Skywalker. It looked interesting. I'm in a weird place where I want to try and give this movie a fair shake, since it's the last one we will be seeing on the big screen for some time. I am a little disappointed to find out the runtime is going to be over two and a half hours. My bladder just can't take sitting around for that long anymore.
  18. Star Wars: Spark of the Resistance by Justina Ireland. I just picked this up after watching a short review video, and so far it's alright. It's a young adult book, so I'm hoping it will be a quick read. I'm also starting in on the audiobook of Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End. I really liked the first audiobook in the trilogy, and the second one was decent. I'm hoping the third will really ramp back up to the excitement the first book had.
  19. 1: Don't get caught up in drama. Hopefully, there won't be any on here for a long time, but I've stuck my foot in it other places before. Totally not worth the personal anxiety it causes. 2: Be a more consistent poster. I tend to do things a bit manically, and I'd like to see myself just take a steady approach to hanging out here. 3: Build more of my collection through here than eBay. I like dealing with people that I see posting, as it gives me a better community vibe.
  20. That's super great! You've got some amazing gems in that collection. I'm jealous of your Final Fight Guy box. I had one many years ago, but it moved on to a new home.
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