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Everything posted by OptOut

  1. Challenge accepted! Here is my top 50 N64, not necessarily in order, just split into a few categories. Actually, I could have added quite a few more, but I didn't want to double up too much with sequels etc. and there's so many more games worth a look on the system! Just 50 for N64 is also too few, I'm serious, lol! N64 Top 50 Nintendo 1. Mario 64 2. Mario Kart 64 3. Paper Mario 4. Mario Party 5. Mario Tennis 6. Mario Golf 7. Ocarina of Time 8. Majora's Mask 9. F- Zero X 10. Yoshi's Story 11. Kirby 64 12. Wave Race 13. Pilot Wings 64 14. Smash Brothers 15. Star Fox 16. Pokemon Stadium 2 17. Pokemon Snap 18. Tetrisphere Rare 19. Banjo Kazooie 20. Banjo Tooie 21. Diddy Kong Racing 22. Blast Corps 23. DK64 24. Jet Force Gemini 25. Conker 26. Goldeneye 27. Perfect Dark FPS/shooter 28. Turok 29. Turok 2 30. Doom 64 31. Quake 32. Duke Nukem 64 33. Duke Nukem Zero Hour 34. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire 35. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 36. Operation Winback Platformer/adventure 37. Rocket Robot on Wheels 38. Gex 3: Deep Cover Gekko 39. Tonic Trouble 40. Rayman 2 41. Space Station Silicon Valley 42. Toy Story 2 43. Disney's Tarzan 44. Hexen 45. Indiana Jones and the infernal Machine Others 46. Star Wars: Episode 1 racer 47. Worms Armageddon 48. Vigilante 8 49. Lode Runner 3D 50. Harvest Moon 64
  2. I don't know for sure about the question, but I definitely see a cooling on general cart prices. Whether this lasts and actually continues on a downward trajectory is hard to predict, but I would imagine in time it may well rise again. There is still a lot of desirability in NES, SNES etc. and there seems like it will never fade away quite as much as Atari did. Also, please do something about the title of this thread! The "B" on basic should not be capitalised and I have no idea what you were going for with that other bit there... Did your cat jump on your keyboard or somethin, lol! **Edit** Ha ha ha, looks like I'm slow on the uptake, lol! Basic Bitch never heard that one before! Okay, carry on, nothing to see here, lol.
  3. **SPLAIN ALERT** Toy Story 2 complete! Great game, genuinely a really fun, varied and interesting experience. Loads of levels, each of which are quite different from the other in terms of design, great control and imaginative set pieces. The game looks pretty good too, lots of detail to the graphics, although frame rate and camera control can let the experience down at times. It is an easy game, I have to say, and the mission objectives in each stage are a little formulaic, but it's a fun time through and through, and there's enough content to give you the feeling of a worthwhile experience. Highly recommended for 3D platformer fans, and Disney/Toy Story fans! Also, check out A Bug's Life by the same developers, it's not AS good or as polished as this, but there's still a game worth playing in that too IMO.
  4. The NESmaker distinction? Who's using NESmaker? Tiny baby children? I code all my NES games in a cave by rubbing sticks together and sparking flint shards. Fuck gate keeping bullshit, geez get a life.
  5. I always thought VGS stood for "Video Games Suck"! I hate video games, isn't that what we're all here for? Baiting in the dweebs who actually like games so we can make fun of them, while pretending to like them ourselves? Just me? Well then... Err... How bout them, er, Mario 2, I hear it's great weather for it... **Pssh, bunch a dweebs! **
  6. Wow, really got some great advice going on in this thread, thanks guys! Truth be told, my wife wasn't actually mad. It was more like the usual kinda "you didn't get it?" type of thing. She honestly can't believe that I had no idea what she was talking about, lol. Every birthday, Christmas, Valentines day, Mother's day, you name it, I don't have any idea what she wants. She's gotten used to the fact that she literally has to explicitly tell me exactly what she wants, and either buy it online with me or coming shopping with me to make sure she gets it. I'm just bad at that sort of thing, I guess! But we've been together 10 years, married 8, and we actually have an amazingly strong relationship and overall great communication. Anyone who hangs out on the Discord chat can attest to how... devoted I am to my wife, lol! But, I guess this is just a blind spot here, I don't seem to get it when she doesn't actually SAY what she wants... As an aside I am always ruining surprises she tries to do for me, like whenever she buys me something as a surprise I always find it or mess it up by saying I don't want it anymore after she's already secretly bought it... Just surprises suck you know, I don't see the point and they don't work on me, but she likes them, eh? Try harder, ok, but I got plenty other shit to keep me busy working hard to provide for her in a million other areas of our lives. This is just another thing and in the grand scheme of things very petty. I'd rather spend my efforts working my two jobs, helping her to start our business together, looking after our kids, fixing up the house, doing laundry, cooking, keeping her satisfied in other ways... You name it, I do it! I think we'll go shopping soon anyway, as soon as we're not busy doing a million billion other things! Also, although I REALLY appreciate the advice, you guys have totally let me down here!!! I told my wife I was gonna make this poll on VGS and show her that MOST men would agree with me, that I ought to be totally innocent of any wrongdoing by not knowing what she was trying to say. And look at the poll!!! What am I gonna do now, lol, she's expecting to see the results! It was supposed to be landslide NO, lol! Come on fellas, throw me a freaking bone here! You've given me just enough rope to hang myself with, ha ha ha!
  7. Simple question for all the married/long-term committed men out there. Am I to blame if my wife is not directly explicit with me about the things she wants or expects me to do? I often "get in trouble" for not realising my wife wants me to do things for her or buy her things after she gives me cryptic, sometimes even subliminal hints as to what she actually desires. Case in point, she recently told me a cheap necklace she bought no longer shines and is tarnished, and so she plans to discard it. This was APPARENTLY a super obvious message that she wanted me to buy her a new one, even though I work five days a week, have zero time to shop, and even if I did buy her a necklace on my own she would undoubtedly hate it because I have no idea what a necklace is for or why she would want one. So, am I the bad guy here? Or should I have already bought her the world's most appropriate necklace, suited to her specific tastes, at a price that is high enough to make her feel happy I spent it on her, without spending so much that I'd get in trouble for making her feel guilty I bought it?
  8. Oooooooooooh! Not heard that one before! That's a real good one! I guess they would like finally realise their loved one was just an asshole who deserves to be damned? Or maybe God's loving embrace would blot out all those nasty thoughts and selfish impulses such as "caring about loved ones"... Good question!
  9. Any additional information on exactly what these are? Are these official Gameboy releases? Sorry, never heard of ASI before, a bit lost!
  10. This is amazing, thank you so much for the thorough write-up! I love really specific and detailed walkthroughs with old technology like this, it's amazing the things that are possible you never even thought of! Great stuff, look forward to your next article!
  11. Half a buck! **Edit**: And that's if you clean it up a little first!
  12. Oh NOES! They're talking about us in some sort of code, probably laughing at us! Not cool guys, not cool!
  13. Detective Pikachu was a kids movie, but it had great trailers with actually funny jokes, and it turned out well. There are loads of kids movies that are well written and great fun. This doesn't look like one of them. I will not be subjecting myself, nor my kids, to this one.
  14. Sonic looks better, though still not even close to spot-on, but the film itself looks absolutely terrible. I didn't laugh at even one of those "jokes" in the trailer, so lame! Aren't they supposed to be putting their BEST stuff in the trailer? This film retroactively makes Detective Pikachu an even MORE awesome movie than it already was! Calling it, this one's gonna be a stinker. At least they gave the Coolio a break, tho, thank god, lol!
  15. Thanks yourself! If you're interested, the SNES article is also now live in my blog section:
  16. You need the batteries in order to play the games! How could you possibly enjoy your Robotic Operating Buddy (also known as ROB) without a couple AA's? Having said that, if you include batteries on the list, you also gotta include a CRT... ROB won't work without that either... Is the Sharp TV on the list? Edit: NOT on the list! Get the Sharp NES TV on the list dude, you gonna need something to actually play the games on, not just the system but a good CRT TV too!
  17. Hey there, welcome! Get stuck in below, brother! https://www.videogamesage.com/forum/21-homebrews/
  18. Good God! Please no, NO! All of the lives? EVERY life? Please, I would do anything necessary, anything in my power, anything BEYOND my power to get out of that! Too much work, too much pain, argh! Great, thanks Gloves, now I've got a whole other nightmare scenario in my head to worry about when I die!
  19. How so? Is it really possible to judge a price on this kind of item, when there are no directly comparable sales we can relate it to? Genuinely curious how such an item can be priced, when no other know examples exist. Is a million really out of the question? I have no idea, I just wanna hear your logic, seeing as you actually have experience with one of a kind items!
  20. Lol at people getting mad in these threads! This is clearly a unique forum member, posting his own lists in his own threads, I for one welcome contributions from his unusual perspective (admittedly with a little tongue-in-cheek)! The logic to what is included is clear, if you look at it with a particular frame of mind... Reminds me of the kinds of things I would think about when I was a kid listing all the Nintendo things I could think of in my head! The lists are not complete, however, and OP is obviously open to suggestion and debate as to what should and shouldn't be included, so why not help him out rather than deride his effort! Maybe you can be a Video Game Master too!
  21. What you talking about, PlayStation sucks balls! Would've been better for Sony to release this SNES CD and then watch it fail and go, "Ah well, videogames ain't for us I suppose"... Every day for the past 25 years I have dreamed of a blissful PlayStation-free existence, every morning I wake up with the wretched pang of cold dread when I remember that world will never be. #N64life
  22. 3 million may be a stretch, but of all the videogame related items out there that might possibly pull down anywhere near that figure, this has got to be a contender. I mean historical significance is one thing, but before this unit was discovered it was practically a myth and a legend rather than a tangible object that it was ever thought possible to own. To hold the ACTUAL Nintendo Playstation in your hands still sounds like a fantasy to me, it really is that special. Add in the fact that this is likely one-of-a-kind (or as close to that as you can get), and yeah why not at least a million?!
  23. Lol, tends to happen after a couple bottles of red wine!
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