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Everything posted by OptOut

  1. Gloves is the evil overlord around here, all hail the Glovorious leader! Bad information!! edited by B.A. And as far as I am aware, this site is a totally fresh start, so anyone banned on NA is not banned here. Welcome!
  2. You talking about "The Abductor"?
  3. Yeah, this site is MUCH more modern internet friendly than the old site, what with the likes, the rep scores, picture and photo friendly, the blogs, notifications, and on the whole totally fresh and modern layout and feel! It's little wonder NA was atrophying in front of our eyes when you compare it to what a modern forum should look like in 2019!
  4. I prefer to judge each system's library on its own merits, there's little point comparing two vastly different systems such as the SNES and N64. Everyone knows I'm pretty much the biggest N64 champion on this site, but I'd never claim the N64 is BETTER than the SNES. Sure I PREFER it, of course, but each system has its merits which appeal to different people. Just kidding, N64 rules, the SNES is almost as lame as the GameCube!
  5. That's like a hundred times the active daily user base of a certain other defunct Nintendo forum! Onwards and upwards!
  6. That would be Gloves. Apparently he's already embezzling VGS funds in order to purchase a PVM, he's gone mad with power!
  7. You don't have to just SAY it! Let a guy down easy, won't ya...
  8. Oh dear, not another RPG collector! I'm a huge weirdo, who DOESN'T like RPGs, ha ha ha! Oh well, glad to see you here anyway, lol!
  9. It may surprise a few people, but my opinion on WATA as a service is generally favourable. I'm not a sealed collector kinda guy, of course, and I'm pretty sure I will never own a graded game. But I think it is good that this service exists and is available for those who do care about that kind of thing, and despite a number of mistakes we have seen come out of the WATA grading process I would still probably trust the expertise there more than VGA. So, strictly as a company offering a grading service, I am willing to just live and let live. However, as for the effects on the wider hobby, well I'm not too sure. It didn't seem so to begin with, but over time it became apparent that the people behind WATA were actively engaging in a scheme to turbocharge the videogame market in the image of comics etc. presumably so that they and a small group of fellow interested parties could make a lot of money. Their self-interested motivations have exaggerated and reinforced a wide divide between collectors interested in videogames primarily as investment and the rest of us. There was always this dichotomy in collecting and gaming before, but never this stark of a contrast. The question, tho, is this bad for the hobby? My question is WHICH hobby... We have to face the fact that videogame collecting is no longer just one hobby. You've got the majority of us practicing one hobby, we who game and collect much as we always have, some more interested in carts, some more interested in CIB, some more interested in gaming, some more the collecting. And now we have this other hobby, the speculation fueled investment collecting. I actually say that WATA has been good for BOTH these hobbies, by helping to definitively break the community into two. They get their money and their farts to smell as much as they like. We get rid of them, and can get back to a sense of genuine community built on our common passion. Videogames is big enough for all of us now, we don't need to even worry about that sealed/graded speculative side of the hobby anymore, now that we are no longer hosted by a company directly out to profit from that. WATA, HE, GoCollect, Jeff, they had to BREAK the videogame hobby in order to motivate us to SAVE it. In my opinion, we should be grateful for that.
  10. Oh yeah, it's a good one! My favourite part as a kid was just flying around in the Gyrocopter firing missiles at everything, usually on the little USA stage. It was also very satisfying when you manage to unlock the birdman suit, and you can truly take the game at your own pace, without the worry of fuel or keeping tight control of your flying.
  11. Welcome T3rra! What are you into collecting?
  12. Welcome. We're just hanging out and bring cool dudes. It's great!
  13. Lol, yeah it's less "sensual and alluring erotica" and more "creepy stalker hidden cam"!
  14. Greetings Tyree. Hope everything is cool with you, are you still in Hong Kong? Looks like some pretty nasty stuff going that way recently, hope you've managed to avoid any trouble!
  15. Heck yes! It's like going from driving a 30 year old banger to a brand new, top of the range Mercedes! Vroom Vroom!
  16. It's a very good game, actually. Not as good as the original Doom imo, many of the levels having more of a puzzle focus rather than strictly combat based. But it is a long game with loads of levels, and all the carnage and killing you come to expect from a Doom game. There are two big reasons why this game is overlooked, in my opinion. Firstly, frankly, the name is awful. Nobody realises it is a completely new game, everyone assumes it is just Doom but for the N64. They should have given it some sort of subtitle or SOMETHING to differentiate it as a completely new game. Secondly, Doom was already old news by the time N64 came around with both Quake and Goldeneye 007 ushering the FPS genre into full proper 3D in innovative and exciting ways. Doom just couldn't get a look in on N64, with games like these around. Even Duke Nukem 64 seemed like a more interesting prospect at the time, rather than yet another version of Doom. Like I said at the beginning, however, this game is well worth a look, and absolutely essential for anyone who calls themselves a Doom fan!
  17. Amazing, what are the chances I find one of these over here in Taiwan? I'm thinking probably about 0.01%, ha ha ha!
  18. Nice little set there dude! I also became aware of the Amstrad GX2000 after watching the Nostalgia Nerd's video on it, he makes some really great stuff that dude! How long did it take you to complete the set, and what were the toughest games to track down?
  19. OptOut

    Leg Washing

    I once tried to clean my legs and feet in the shower and I almost died. Never again.
  20. Writhing in agony, won't somebody please put it out of its misery, lol! Such a dignified end to a classic site, RIP NintendoAge...
  21. It's always the shipping cost that stops me in my tracks on a lot of cool aftermarket videogame stuff like this. Another one is the N64 40 winks release from Piko. For some reason the smaller sites that sell these kinds of products either don't offer international shipping, or they jack it up so high that it ends up simply not being worth it in the end.
  22. Are AVS systems still being produced? I have always thought about getting one eventually, but I fear the costs of getting it all the way to Taiwan may be prohibitive.
  23. W00T!!! Let's do this boys! Working on Blast Corps ATM, should hopefully have it done soon!
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