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Everything posted by CMR

  1. Dodonpachhi Lords of Thunder Thunder Force V Gunbird 2
  2. That's the same tactics care dealerships use to devalue vehicles that people might want to trade in. They'll go over every little detail trying to get them to trade it for next to nothing. They won't just outright low ball you because then you might just pick up and leave, so they play that game where they point out every little defect. It's basically emotion manipulation.
  3. DD2 for the Gameboy is pretty fun too, although it was originally a Kunio game.
  4. People should check out the Master System DD1 as well. It really tries to be like the arcade game and is a pretty fun alternative.
  5. There are game genie codes that will let you start with certain weapons, and keep them after losing a life. It would be cool to see a run with fire done like this.
  6. My issue with DD3 is that the enemies just have way too much health. By the time you get to the ninjas, it's like you're doing spin kicks for five minutes strait. It's a little better after that because you can use the ninja guy and he's pretty fun. The early parts of the game are a chore though.
  7. Everybody complains about DD2s button layout if they didn't grow up with it. So I would recommend DD1. It's still a lot of fun till the wall beats the crap out of you in stage 4.
  8. NA had a database? I've always just used nesguide.com
  9. I just want to point out that any stigma people might have for GameMaker at this point is meaningless. It's a professional development tool, and high quality games are being made with it and getting physical releases on modern consoles. I hope that NESmaker can eventually live up to it's example, and if the games being made and kickstarted with it are any indication, it may just do it. If you've worked hard on your game, and made something exceptional then take pride in it. Have faith in your effort. People using your tools as an excuse to try and devalue it just makes them look jealous. And for the record, I was also worried in the beginning that it would result in a slew crappy games being sold as overpriced collectables. Thankfully that hasn't been the case at all.
  10. I have the Hakko FX888D. It's a good soldering station, but I wish I had the one with the dial. I hate all the button holding crap and keying in stuff that new electronics use. Just give me a switch and a dial.
  11. I'm late to the party, but for Sharpie markers on plastic I've had good luck saturating the marks with alcohol and letting it sit for a few minutes then gently scrubbing at it with a Q-tip and more alcohol. Permanent markers are usually alcohol based, so the pigment should soluble in it. The old stuff just takes a little longer to dissolve.
  12. I got blisters from SFII on the SNES and from trying to pull of Sabin's special moves in FF3/6. I think I wound up putting tape or something on my thumb to help it slide over the D-pad.
  13. Someone posted an Elemental Master clip above. I would recommend that whole soundtrack. Technosoft knew hot to make rocking soundtracks. Tommy T knew how to make GEMS work That first track in this one is just epic.
  14. I just won Final Fantasy Explorers for $4.20. Guy had his shipping jacked up to $8, though. I guess he knew he wouldn't get that many bids. After is was all said and done it was $12.20.
  15. This kind of fits in with my feelings. It's not just smart phones, though, it's everything. Everything has gotten so complex. When I was young I envisioned the future as empowering and making life easier and more fun. Instead it feels like we're held back and more restricted by technology.
  16. I'm waiting on my genesis copy.
  17. Wardner for the Sega Genesis. It's super tough, but with the liberal number of lives, continues, and checkpoints it gives you, it comes off more like an early masocore game than anything else.
  18. Undead Line Two Crude Dudes, Data East always had a real handle on the Genesis's FM chip probably because it was similar to what they used in their arcade games Devil's Crash/Dragons Fury
  19. Light Crusader Castlevania Bloodlines
  20. I regret not paying more attention to those late releases when they were coming out, but I was all in on the SNES. I wound up doing the same thing in the SNES's later years as well. Final Fight 3 and Mega Man X3 were both better than a lot of stuff coming out for the newer consoles. I also hate the fact that at one point I had almost all of these games and let them go, thinking I could just buy them back later. lol.
  21. I think the problem might be his knees more than anything else. He's mentioned before that he's been having multiple surgeries and sometimes can't climb the stairs to his office. He probably wants to do more, but just can't.
  22. OK I thought it was for all homebrew.
  23. Action 53 vol 2 is still available. I can't find it in the list. http://www.infiniteneslives.com/action53vol2.php Also, Deadeus for GB. https://izma.itch.io/deadeus Crypto https://kabraxis.itch.io/crypto
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