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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. What up ap! I got some serious game and watch nostalgia myself with Mario's Cement Factory. @Foochie776 hooked me up with one for Secret Santa on tha Age.
  2. As a total n00b, I think it's cool but I have only played around a bit. I still don't have any real time for it though. One day...
  3. Alright here it is. The first of many to come. Lap it up you tubby bitch. I hereby make my sacrificial 100th post at the alter of Munky Not Joel.
  4. What up! I was thinking you were another member there for a minute... Lemme borrow that Foreigner belt some time.
  5. Glad to see everyone here! I was always a Nintendo Entertainment System (we just called it a Nintendo back in tha day) gamer and never really stopped. I came to this community ages ago lead by the siren call of some resident homebrewers. I collect mostly homebrew these days and have swapped over to CIB only for the Nintendo catalogue proper. I can't thank the VGS team enough for keeping it all rollin. Thanks guys. And an big shout out to @Gloves for all his hard work on this. Keep on truckin'!
  6. Colorado crew checking in. I pretty much live at the Coors Brewery in Golden.
  7. We just bought our second Sleep Number bed. Tight!
  8. Cereal apparently. Let me know if you got a box of Nintendo Cereal Sytem or C3POs!
  9. Official Unofficial Post Quota Thread 3: Post Quota With A Vengeance.
  10. I love NA and will stick as long as the history is there. If the old threads disappear, I'm gone. This is my new digs now. You like it?
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