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Everything posted by drxandy

  1. Awesome list! Thank you for posting it!!
  2. Oo so organized and shiny, I need to go through and clean mine they're all oxidized quite a bit. I dig it!!
  3. Ooo nice a book! I need to step up my ziplock baggie hahah
  4. Impressive, impressive work. Thank you for sharing, invaluable stuff.
  5. Welcome to vgs:) Nice avatar! I guess I should say, I've always liked your av
  6. I personally would consider it a subset, not part of the main because they're videos and don't have any interactivity. Same for psp.
  7. Wow, didn't know it went up that much. I've only seen it around here in the last few years once. Nice snag!!
  8. Part is nostalgia, but I just don't see myself outgrowing games ever. I collect stuff I want to play. I collect stuff from systems that I played in my youth that I may not have had the chance to play. I love imports because of this. I have no interest in a full sealed collection of anything unless I become rich and then just for kicks. Games are meant to be played. I try to focus on exclusives for each console, but not always. Some systems mainly cart only, like snes and Gameboy. Not ready to go all in yet, but still wanna play the games.
  9. I've been working on a complete boxed 64 set for a little while and am slowly getting there. So far here's a pics of most of the games.. more soon
  10. Glover: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F153709685630 1,500$ Super Bowling: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F153709694262 1,799$ Interesting to see these up again, swear I saw them a while ago.
  11. Welcome welcome! Glad to see you over here!
  12. When I sold off my original collection, I unfortunately went right for the lil gems. Gamecube hori Gameboy player boxed, sold for 75$ now they are more like $150-200 Halo edition original Xbox sold for less than 50$ it was mint never used and I was the original owner. I am a fool. Mountain dew green original Xbox - saved up dew caps and got one also mint unused in shipping container with letter sold for $200 would rather have it now Xbox Dakota pre release controller (Duke with green jewel) sold for 50$? Another regret. Famicom mini gba sp, loved the packaging. Sold for 175$ minty. Probably could get this one cheaper now but not same condition. All my nes carts from early 2000s collecting, I have no idea how much they would have been worth now but mistakes were made.
  13. I too am an elongated penny collector, hay guys!! Been since childhood, not very serious until I'm in some museum, theme park, etc and then I try to get all the cool ones but never every single design. Theme park merch: if I find any cool merch at the thrifts from cedar point or really any of the theme parks I've been to I try and snag it up. Shoes: mainly vans CDs: collected as a kid, sold off in the 2000s and then started back up. Always looking for music. Vinyl: mainly from shows I've attended, lots of memories in my collection for sure Started getting cassettes recently, probably have about 30/40 of em Those are it, I've dabbled with other things in the past but tried to limit to things I really love.
  14. Very niceeee! Beautiful collection, how many are you up to?
  15. Awesome!! I love seeing people's dedicated collections, so many cool things you don't see often! Great stuff!
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