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Everything posted by drxandy

  1. Yes! That's totally why I region switch modded mine in '04. I saw all the doshin talk in Nintendo power/ online and the game looked so interesting. What 2 are you getting ready to sell? The Hudson selects pop up on eBay infrequently, guess I haven't paid close attention to condition. In my first post I didn't mean to be disingenuous hiding the fact that you can use a freeloader to also save on the same card, I just didn't want someone inexperienced to not have an easy time or incompatibility/text issues.
  2. Daaaanng, I would hope people would keep them.. so friggin cool. I once entered a contest for the original Xbox magazine and won a copy of test drive and my name printed and I treasure both. Thank you for posting them!!
  3. I think the avatars are fine, the size makes for fast loading. If they were bigger would it make an impact on server costs?
  4. Saw this posted by RTBC5555 on Reddit https://zenmarket.jp/en/auction.aspx?itemCode=d396149890 Dreamcast Dev unit right now is up until the 7th? Super cool to see, looks like it's around $488 us right now. Original thread for posterity:
  5. Interesting! The titles you listed I haven't tried to save but i have a region switch on my cube and in the Japanese menu it will not recognize us formatted cards and will ask to format the card. After the format Japan games have no issue saving but once you go flip back to us and try to view the card it will not read it and ask to format. I had heard you could save both regions on the same card with certain games and freeloader/action replay but I don't like the risk of losing saves. Memory cards are cheap (especially if you get a Japanese lot) so I just use seperately formatted cards.
  6. Welcome to the boards, your work looks amazing!!
  7. You got it! Pretty sure I have that one in red, really nice bag - but if I ever see the blue one I will definitely snag it with you in mind.
  8. Only played for a couple hours but really liking it, lots of funny gags, smooth interfaces, and fairly intuitive control system. Instead of the Gameboy horror homage like past luigi's mansions, the menu system is virtual boy themed. Haven't tried multiplayer but I only saw 3 options and a tile that isn't active yet for the eShop in gadds lab so dlc will definitely be a thing. Not sure how long the game will be but it is fun so far.
  9. Ok I was on the fence until I checked the switch news this morning and saw a Japanese video of it being played. Got it after work, played for an hour and it's friggin adorable so far. Just story mode, haven't touched multi. I feel like it's really intuitive from the past games and really like the way the tutorial parts are not forced text blocks but seamless gentle hints from Polterpup.
  10. Ooooof what a nice score!! Just beautiful!
  11. Nice score, and in great shape!! I love picking up handheld bags and cases, and must admit have a box with far too many of them.
  12. Niiiiceeee, craigly would you like to jump in on this too? I only have like 30-40 jpn cube games not all are exclusive but have been working slowly on it. Would it be a good idea to make this like a mega thread @NintendoTwizer or would seperate be better? Just tryin to think of organization and not have the forums blown up with gamecube posts haha. I don't have anything put together as of now but have tomorrow free to get a little work on it. As for test discs and pre orders I am absolutely all for having them be part of the list, if it was released on a disc, I wanna collect it haha. I think of it as a sub list. This includes stuff like Homeland test, celebi disc for colleseum, the Nintendo ecatalogs and even demo discs So like retail releases > demos/promos
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