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Everything posted by fox

  1. @DefaultGen beat Wirehead, def one of the better FMV games despite some frustrating design choices
  2. Konami just make slot machines while Capcom continues to make top shelf titles I do still love old school Konami tho
  3. Rando pick from your laserdisc collection like Mr Mom or something
  4. Gunstar Heroes on genesis. Levels like the Dice Place Maze make it more than just a Contra clone.
  5. I mean a lot of those are jokes or are largely hated anyways. What not listed 2010s artists would you personally rate higher than a 5?
  6. I tried to “play” Dune had no idea what to do. Just flipped thru menus and never found the “game” part. Shame I liked the book and movies.
  7. Got to love that Butt Rock soundtrack
  8. Snatcher and Popful Mail are two I really want to get into. Seems like the anime games are where it is at on the Sega CD. lots of good memories with sonic cd Didn’t Realize Robo Aleste was a followup to Musha, pretty nifty. Shining Force Cd seems on par with the other entries but a better quality audio soundtrack. Good stuff. I can’t decide if Wirehead is good or bad or so bad it’s good. It is def the most FMV game out there. XD And Monster Magnet and PAW. That is one fierce soundtrack. Wish it listed the bike stats tho.
  9. Heads up. It is on sale on the eshop for $15 and there is a demo out there for those on the fence.
  10. But is it compatible with Bubble Bath Babes?
  11. This. Played the anniversary version, cool trap concept and it even manages to subvert expectations on you, having the dude you are helping turn villain and him being able to control traps to mess with you. Quite the “double switch” But even with the improved interface and a list of time codes to get access to all the traps and avoid the insta-lose scenes, I wasn’t able to capture enough normal baddies to meet the quota. You need the entire game memorized top to bottom and make a near flawless run if you want to finish it.
  12. I hit up 32x, now I am heading back into the Sega CD library. What are the must play games? No trolling please! Thanks
  13. They would defend the n-word too. Anything to be edgy to get to get people triggered is a victory remember. Just like their hero, pewdiepie.
  14. They will just dump their games at half price books or a pawn shop. The kind of people who sell to GS want quick cash and no hassle. They aren’t going to bother with setting up, pricing, and the haggling that hosting a garage sale would entail.
  15. ^Totally agree with this. The original language has its problems too, but would have been more accurate and less biased.
  16. Typed a huge post, then went back to the top to slap a video on the top line and the video deleted like half my post. I had what I was working on open in a word doc so I was able to recover it, but embedding videos can sometimes create some weird formatting errors it seems. Just be warned.
  17. Really enjoy the two man review style they have taking SNES games and putting them up against their Genesis rivals. Good breakdown of games and the differences between systems. Common knowledge seems to be that the Super NES had the better version...but things are a lot more even than you would expect in a lot of videos. They have been around for years but still seem rather unknown. More people should check them out.
  18. What’s with the clickbait title? Is Kotaku hiring?
  19. Nothing wrong with wanting a legal download over a counterfeit bootleg cart. Get off your high horse
  20. But it isn’t totally accurate, they could have kept the original Japanese word instead if they wanted to keep it “accurate” or use a less loaded word instead of making the language more politically charged. The translation community has an awful track record with this, they have been pushing an agenda for awhile to bait a fight. Act smarter than everyone then claim ignorance about their intent while doubling down. Just another dog whistle to rustle the jimmies of trolls who promote hate speech while hiding behind cries of “censorship”
  21. @ZeldaFreak great review Freak. I enjoyed it, pretty simple war story about two soldiers going behind enemy lines and all the crazy action that they run across. The gimmick is that it is pretty much one continuous shot (almost) as if a cameraman was just following behind them. Huge technical and production feat. Pretty much all the set pieces you would want from a WW1 movie and a nice human story under it. @Wandering Tellurian At the end, it says it is based on the war stories of the director’s grandfather. So I guess it was a fictionalized version events. unless you are one of those “why didn’t they ride the eagles to mt doom and drop the ring in from a mile up” boys XD
  22. Dude uses an inaccurate homophobic slur, then claims he is the one being harassed. Oh the irony. The issue isn’t about translators and rom hackers stuffing their radical political views into projects, it is about how they are victims! Classic deflection. What a bunch of cry babies who can’t handle any criticism or take responsibility, best to dip out and let the clown car roll in to defend your honor. Jeez this could have been handled a lot better, but now it is unlikely to change now that culture war gooners are getting involved in order to “pwn the trannies” or something.
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