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Everything posted by fox

  1. The same way that people remember POGs or Beanie Babies. Everyone was crazy it for a year or two, and then moved on and it will be endlessly be the butt of jokes. Everyone was acting like motion controls were the next big thing, when they barely worked. Setup the sensor and calibrate the remotes and they still only work like 80% of the time. They were implemented so poorly and for some reason mandatory, they really were just shoehorned into everything no mater if it made sense or not. That shallow gimmick got tired fast. Where are all the motion games now? We got gyro aiming on a handful of titles and that is mostly it. Funny enough modern controllers have motion controls baked in without needed any extra sensor and they are much more accurate, but those features are hardly used. Motion controls hit a dead end. Nobody wants it. Nintendo put out some good software, no doubt, but if it wasn't by them, the quality went off a cliff. It was really lacking in big third party games. Wanna play Red Dead Redemption, Skyrim, Dark Souls, Bio Shock, Mass Effect, or any other games that really defined that generation? Not on Wii. But don't worry there is piles and piles of low quality shovelware sitting in a landfill somewhere. If Wii should be remembered for anything it should be the Virtual Console, which really sparked an interest in a lot of people in getting into or back into old school games. And WiiWare which helped grow the indie scene to what it is today. The Wii also lacked HD and had terrible online, so your experience was always going to be less than ideal. Everyone had a Wii, but after the fad, they just ended up collecting dust under the tv or in the closet.
  2. How about putting The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition on Switch? Fantastic title was made available only twice on a rather limited window on DS/3DS.
  3. Fun because all of the different vehicles you can pilot and destruction you can cause. But it is still just Escort Mission: The Game.
  4. Awesome, the nes game was a sleeper hit. This looks like what a super nes version might have been like. Looks like new weapons like caltropes.
  5. Is it powerful enough to emulate jaguar games?
  6. The Crow, Men in Black, and Ninja Turtles were pretty big comic book movies in the 90s 🫨
  7. A non stop trill ride only held back by the vomit inducing overhead levels
  8. It is a visual treat, and like a precursor to Sin City. Everything in the production design was color matched to the old newsprint colors. You have so many A list actors, in crazy makeup, really having fun and hamming it up. Also peak era Madonna acting and on the soundtrack. Vogue! Really the weakest part Beatty himself, who really seems pretty bland and lifeless as a hero in this over the top colorful world. The kid is pretty bad too. Oh and there isn't really a plot, things happen, but it is all kinda random. It's a mess of a film, but at least an interesting mess.
  9. Alrite but way overplayed. If I went the rest of my life without hearing You Gotta Fight For Your Right to Party, I would die happy
  10. And Sonic is still on tv with Sonic Prime on Netflix which is pretty legit
  11. None of those let you smash another racer in the face with chain tho
  12. Road Rash was really unique and really laid down the foundation for a great car er up "bike-combat" series Road Rash 2 is really where it hit, it's stride. You had the iconic chain whip, a fun two player mode, and nitro bikes were stupid fun to use with the nitro bursts. Road Rash (1994) had a lot more style and graphical upgrades. But I think the main draw was the cd quality soundtrack with Soundgarden's Rusty Cage being the theme song along with a bunch of other great 90s alternative bands like Monster Magnet and PAW. Road Rash 3 expanded the weapons greatly, had extra modes, and a world tour. But it also upgraded the cops, they got the paddywagon which could knock you off and instantly bust you and a helicopter which seemed impossible to outrun, it was kinda BS Really underrated and forgotten series
  13. That’s called cheese You are cheeseing not cheating
  14. Good story. Very cutscene heavy. Bit of a reservoir dogs vibe with a gang of professional tough guys who have secrets. Nice combat with different styles (brawler, sword, gun, sword and gun.) It is a history setting, so I took it kind of like a more realistic mystical ninja, where you run around town and visit shops and play mini games. Some of the side stories get pretty funny. I wasn't into maxing out every social relationship with every side character or fishing or planting a garden at my house or other simulation things, which might be the main appeal to some people. Gambling on cock races was fun.
  15. Beat Like A Dragon: Ishin (my first yakuza game)
  16. classic throwback style co op beat em up with light rpg elements
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