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Everything posted by fox

  1. Too dramatic. Just disable trophy notification if it bugs you. Ezpz
  2. Looks sick, wish Nintendo sold just the joycons cause I don’t wanna buy a whole new system for just a bling job. Anyone still rolling with the OG switch should consider upgrading though. Bigger screen, deeper colors, more memory, longer battery life, better kickstand, and just a better overall unit.
  3. Naw I just got hosed paying out the nose for the 3ds only for Ninny to roll out a massive price cut just a few months later. They offered some reheated leftovers as a make good but I didn’t spend more than an hour with any of the promotional titles. So to me it wasn’t worth it. Lesson learned don’t ever buy a Nintendo console at launch.
  4. @OptOuttime to rename this the piss on the VC’s grave thread
  5. Kinda boring Feels like a movie more for adults who had a nostalgia boner for Peter Pan
  6. One of those weird situations where the gameplay is really good but everything else feels hallow. The gunplay and powers are a lot of fun and you get thrown into some frantic firefights. But the lack of coherent story, gated gear progression, and mmo-lite elements really drag it down. For as much time as I spent with the first one, I didn’t even bother with the sequel.
  7. I mean video games were for adults in bars playing on cocktail cabs or at least teens in smokey dark arcades. Even Atari sold its systems as home computers and featured adults in the marketing with no children present. It wasn't until Nintendo came around selling their system as a toy that video games were seen as a kiddie thing. Feels like Nintendo came along and took your video games and gave them to your baby brother. Nintendo really disney-fied the whole industry for many years and their censorship policy was really heavy handed and led to the blood-less version of Mortal Kombat, which raised a loud uproar. Meanwhile Sega was catering more and more to teens and young adults and came off looking a lot cooler in the process. Sony followed the same path and were able to showcase a lot more mature groundbreaking titles on their platform. Nintendo just seemed very slow and unwilling to change with the shift in demographics. What does this have to do with the Gamecube? The whole cel-da controversy, zelda fans wanted something more dark and serious like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and you have this weird cartoony thing to showcase the new Nintendo system. You have PS2 out there getting all the games, and even Xbox doing exciting things and making waves, and Nintendo just looked that much more out of touch with what people wanted at the time. Nintendo ironically did cave and put out some more mature stuff for gamecube, but it was too little too late so shake off the kiddie stink the brand had spent decades wallowing in.
  8. Tracy Morgan - walking the line between edgyness and madness like only the best performers can do @G-type
  9. Musical Guest: The Blues Brothers More than just a skit, they were slotted as the main musical guest in 78’. Iconic musical performers. @doner24
  10. Nintendo was the biggest game in town for Nes and Snes generation. If you only had Nintendo, you got the best of the generation. Same could not be said for 64. Sure it had some titles from ninty and a big assist from rare, but all the big third party titles were partying with PlayStation. It is no secret how small the 64 library is and the lack of depth the third party section is.
  11. 3D world is fun esp multiplayer but feels a bit bland. Bowsers Fury is really something special. Feels like a taste of what the next step for a Mario could be.
  12. Hour plus wait queues for D4 closed beta They must have sold a lot of double downs
  13. Host: Oscar Winner Christopher Walken. Known for playing tough guys and dramatic work, he has huge comedy chops. The Continental cracks me up every time. Plus he is part of the most iconic SNL skit @doner24
  14. Mid-March update Beat Abzu, very chill ocean vibes I'm maybe 15 hours into Ishin! but playing it very casually. It feels like a more grounded Legend of the Mystical Ninja
  15. I was going to say Parasite isn’t an art house flick at all. Shape of Water is pretty mainstream as well. It’s like anything that doesn’t have capes or blue people is too indie for normies.
  16. Oh hey I actually watched that film before it won, when was the last time that happened
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