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Everything posted by fox

  1. @Gentlegamer Just replace “360” with “the backlog thread” for 2023 vibes
  2. Nothing beats a good ghetto blaster
  3. Redfall? Old news, there is a new King Kong everybody is dogpiling on get on it
  4. But I thought AAA games were irrelevant…
  5. fox


    Unless you had Christmas or a birthday coming up. Trading/selling games was the only way you got new games. Hoarding old games was a luxury. Cowboy Kid is awesome. Goemon goes Wild West hell yeah.
  6. For as much as people claim 1980s to be peak horror, 1990 really was a banger year Hardware seems really underrated as a hard rock post apoc sci fi horror. Small scale but big ideas. Gotta love Lemmy and Iggy Pop cameos too. I also prefer the 90s Dead to the 60s one. The acting is leagues better, it feels kinda like a stage play. I think making Barbara a Ripley style hero is has mixed results, but so cool to see Tony Todd in a rare good guy role. Misery is solid as well. King/Bates/Cann, you can't go wrong.
  7. For as much as people claim 1980s to be peak horror, 1990 really was a banger year Hardware seems really underrated as a hard rock post apoc sci fi horror. Small scale but big ideas. Gotta love Lemmy and Iggy Pop cameos too. I also prefer the 90s Dead to the 60s one. The acting is leagues better, it feels kinda like a stage play. I think making Barbara a Ripley style hero is has mixed results, but so cool to see Tony Todd in a rare good guy role. Misery is solid as well. King/Bates/Cann, you can't go wrong.
  8. And you can’t even stock a Taylor cd or dvd
  9. My mum told me I was giving her directions from my car seat...so I have always had a natural sense of direction and spatial awareness. If I have been to a place at least one time, I should be able to find my way there again. If I'm going someplace new, GPS sure beats printing out like 5 pages of instructions. Strongly disagree with the OP's implication that GPS makes drivers worse. Telling you the name of your exit which you prob don't know the exact name of, the lane you need to be in, traffic patterns, and alternate routes you never considered, and more are huge helps to your driving ability. This is a gaming site, let's make it simple...GPS is pretty much a mini map for IRL
  10. Well Xbox has no games anyways. Should have dropped them after the 360.
  11. Nothing like a bit of FOMO to boost Black Friday sales
  12. Haven't updated in a bit but have been putting in the work. Beat Zelda TotK and Final Fantasy 16. Two epics no doubt.
  13. Who is this sinister Sage turning willies into frogies? It cannot be our loving and honorable Video Game Sage. No. Sounds like the handiwork of Egaz, the Sage’s evil brother!
  14. Pro controller’s d pad is kinda ballz
  15. I mean Switch Labo is still a thing right?
  16. You might need more buttons depending on the in game controls, but I don’t see why you couldn’t use the switch online NES controllers or 8BitDo ones
  17. The sun is setting on the Switch, might as well save it for when the NG comes out next year
  18. A rare misfire from Sunsoft. Kind of like Blaster Master's weird cousin, at least the soundtrack is bumpin'
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