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Everything posted by fox

  1. It’s out now on the eshop. There are pages for psn and steam but it wasn’t available for download when I checked which was like a week ago
  2. Well, if you didn’t play BotW, it might be a bit overwhelming. It does tell you about cooking and climbing, but it really helps to know a bit of that beforehand. It’s been awhile and I’m really rusty with the controls and I have no muscle memory of what does what and keep almost chucking my weapon. Anyway for those who remember the tutorial zone of that game, you get something similar here but much larger. Took awhile to clear but I imagine you could spend a lot longer looking for chests and secrets. The building and fuse powers look to play a major role and it is going to take some spatial awareness to figure out some of what they want you to do. It also opens up some creative solutions as I was able to launch a glider and skip a good chunk of the map, so everyone’s play thru will be different.
  3. Then we better just skip GOTY and declare TotK the greatest game of the 20s. Go ahead and give elf boy it’s flowers so we can hurry up and start dunking on it. Nap now. Wake up and play all night!
  4. I’m ready to play this irrelevant AAA game so I can feel qualified to complain about it
  5. Nobody talking about Deathwish Enforcers. Where is the thirst for indie games here? Y’all are going to whine and cry about how awful “AAA” games are but you are going to be first in line Friday to pick up the new $70 elf boy adventure.
  6. Nice special effects for the time. But this concept is so overdone and the characters both adult and kids are totally forgettable.
  7. Even before that Diablo 4 is going to make me stand up and scream at my computer screen
  8. Redfall is so last week. Let's get ahead of the negativity train and start dog piling on Zelda already!
  9. Huh, we can’t find someone absurdly overqualified for this entry level position, that we don’t train for or pay properly. Must be cause “nobody wants to work.”
  10. Remember when this was called the “best game of the 00s”
  11. Hey @BlackVega so glad you woke up from that 30 year coma in time to see a new Keaton Batman movie! I guess I better return your cd’s, have bad news about your fav grunge artists and gangsta rappers.
  12. While OoT nailed the classic Zelda formula. Majora's Mask really got creative with it. The ground hog's day time travel and weirdness to the game gives it a unique favor All of the masks, transformations, and side quests, really are a lot of fun to play with. It isn't perfect, having to bank/unbank things when turning back time is annoying. It feels like a lot of unneeded backtracking and busy work.
  13. keanu reeves is the narrator who is reading his princess loving daughter/granddaughter a bedtime story called “the legend of zelda” He keeps changing the details and tone of the story to make it more exciting. It goes back and forth between an edgy grimdark action revenge story like the matrix/John wick to a slacker comedy like Bill and Ted and the 80s animated series. The girl will call out when he starts going too off the rails with overly exaggerated versions of events. Lots of shifting animation styles and references to the various games both dark and cartoony as unique re-tellings of the “Legend.”
  14. This. Zero mission is a remake of the original with a lot of quality of life improvements.
  15. Really cool neo-noir dark sci fi vibe. It shared a similar concept and themes as The Matrix. It feels like a lot of films in the late 90s had a real nihilistic anti-establishment anti-authority streak that really resonated with people at the time. We really haven't seen that much before or since. Jennifer Connelly is a dream
  16. It’s average. Lacking in story and character development, but action and nostalgia is good enough. I took my 4 year old niece and she really enjoyed it and wanted to watch it “forever.” I believe Bowser threatens to “kill” some people which is usually a word they avoid in this type of film. There is also a spooky sequence where Luigi is chased by some skeletons. Overall it is very mild, I’ve seen worse in G rated Disney films. The film is very colorful and short. If they can sit in a theater for 90 mins they should be entertained.
  17. Costco has fresh ones that it loaded with chicken. GTFO with that frozen crud.
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