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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Nothing I like more in my gum than sharp shards of lollipop
  2. I have not been following this at all because it’s stupid so this is the first I’m hearing this . So Bronty is evil now? Huh.
  3. Lol why the elderly? You mean the Worst Generation? Our parents? Because most of them are kind of douchebags.
  4. Should I create an alt account so I can play the game?
  5. Bad Religion I thought it would just be an unfortunate Danzig based issue but security at this Masonic Temple is very much overly aggressive. Watched them throw a dude to the ground during this one.
  6. Never heard of it. Would probably buy it on sale though.
  7. Holy shit man. This is like the power metal holy grail.
  8. Sometimes when I think about the game collecting hobby, it makes me think about a great-aunt I had when I was little who was really into Elvis.
  9. I got my copy from Columbia House for a penny.
  10. Oh no. Wherever will people go to purchase their Alanis Morissette Compact discs at their local shopping mall?
  11. \m/ Vortex is a beast. Love it. Though every time his name comes up I think of the futurama joke about IC Wiener. Was supposed to see them with Bodom back in the day but they didn’t make the gig for whatever reason. I don’t remember. Disappointing.
  12. I would think as a general rule that babies are the most sought after of whatever species you are eating. I guess if you are too squeamish to eat people you could always try a nice chimp filet.
  13. Oh come now, you mean to tell me if @Kguillemettegrilled you up a nice rack of man you wouldn’t try that? Preposterous.
  14. I could see it being a bit of a daunting thing if you’ve never done it. I’ve found that I encounter a lot of people for whom it’s a special event that they’ve only done a few times. It’s something I’ve been doing regularly since I was 16 so it’s a nice familiar feeling. Now that we’re older and aren’t broke college kids anymore we’ve more expendable cash to pump into going to shows and she even has gotten me into going to musicals these days. Oh yeah. Forgot about this cool little gem from a few weekends ago — Went to see the Cleveland Orchestra play the score along with the film Amadeus.
  15. Yeah they probably can be. But do you know what would make those super tasty veggie tacos better? Some fuckin carnitas. I would try people meat if they would let me.
  16. Bill Burr at the football hall of fame stadium last night. Friggin cold but it didn’t rain so that was a win. Excellent set. Unfortunately they lock phones in those bags so no pics
  17. Anyone in here that would actually try to argue that the N64 library is even close to PSX is a nutter or a liar. While I was playing the legendarily epic genre defining Final Fantasy VII you were playing…the Legend of Zelda Fairy Flute Adventure. I’ll just try to console myself over here with this Metal Gear Solid. Alas! I’ll never know the joys of Cruising USA! Oh cruel fate!
  18. Now this is a better poll. I really need Fine Young Cannibals to beat Nirvana. 1221
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